Honestly classic is worse in every way except the community.
Worse gearing system (hard to believe I know)
Worse class balance
Worse quality of life changes
Worse graphics.
Just bad.
Still though that community piece is pretty huge. I do miss that. People lived and died by their reputation. Definitely helped make the game a funner place to be.
I am super pumped to play vanilla. I have always been a shaman main but hunter/lock look super appealing. The only real gripe i have with vanilla is the cap on debuffs for raids and some classes mana efficiency making them less viable. Other than that i cannot wait. Retail feels so slow and boring. Gearing just feels like an RNG hassle, the community feel is non existent, and class design leaves much to be desired. I for one will be taking a break from retail. I just hope vanilla lives up to the expectations.
Yea it will take me a few months for sure. I can’t devote all that time to the game. Honestly I feel a bit bitter about people who do get to spend a massive amount of time on it and get so far ahead of everyone else. Makes me have a bad attitude honestly.
i mean similarly in wrath->mop which were just better in every way
i get the excitement but it holds almost no value for most people that arnt in it for specifically nostalgia
i do get what you’re saying though
i desperately miss cata server communities
this is def a casual approach esp the second or 50th time around like for most people
i mean people were 30 like day 2 of beta
i have literally no doubt a handful will be 60 in 2 weeks
If you actually watched the whole video he literally says he is going to start practicing aoe killing as frost at lvl 21… keep up man!
Ppl who want classic are annoying.
They just keep trying to shove it in everyones faces and down peoples throats.
We shall see how it is when the rose tinted goggles come off for many.
You mention people getting angry in your op. Well its posts like these that have nothing to do with arenas, in the arena forums. This should honestly be moved to the classic forums tbh, as classic does not even have arenas.
classic server success will bring changes that pvp/arena needs so for me and many others its very much related.
blizz has already stated future xpac legacy servers are coming. all of which have our beloved arenas.
TBC, Wrath, Cata, MoP are coming.
And when they do i’ll be done with “live” along with most of the arena community.
Anyways its just discussion.
All good.
you’ll also be 12 years older than you are right now probably
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It’s not rose colored glasses when you’ve been able to literally boot it up for years and play it, you goober
Those quality of life changes? Theyre not quality.
Being able to teleport all over without talking to a mage or being a mage is not a better game, its an antisocial game.
Having infinity gold just invalidates gold as part of the game.
Buying enchants off the AH just removes tradesmen and crafters from the game who actually ply their wares and compete for your attention and gold. Haggling is social, its part of the MMO.
Flying is garbage. Unless you design the world to fill up the Y axis, there is no point getting off the X axis. And that is just EXTREMELY expensive and requires an amazing idea to make it worth implementing. Time consuming to fill up the vertical.
LFD kills the social element more than anything else in the universe ever could. The simple statement “LF 2 more UBRS need healer” is founding cornerstone of making friends and building a guild where you start asking that in green chat instead, becoming used to dealing with the same people, making real connections that enhance the experience instead of just ‘getting the dungeon done for loot’. ITS A GOD DAMN MMO.
Tbh I cant think of anything except aoe looting that Ill miss. Ill even enjoy not seeing enemy buffs unless a mage casts detect magic. Let them have that class fantasy.
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yessir ill still be a gamer dad then too
hope to see you around then
AOE loot, not being able to mount until 40 (60% xd), buying 13 ranks of your spells which always leaves you dead broke, even if I’m not a fan of LFG, you can search for someone instead of spending an hour to run to Zul’farrak, just for someone to leave, limited bag space, professions are gonna be great again, but doing stuff like mining a node SIX times for a good minute isn’t that great, some specs are literally useless, mob tagging, etc.
I’m still gonna casually play it, but you would be lying if there aren’t some elements of the game rn that you will miss on live, and I’m sure there will be much more that was pruned/changed that you miss. To each their own.
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my man
i have a brutosaur, both full leather t3 sets, nearly 400 mounts, full bis gear, and gold capped.
and ive never had less fun in this game than right now.
u can keep every single convenience in this hollowed out, soul-less game we call retail.
ill just be plugging away on my 60% ground mount doing lvl 60 things.
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My excitement dawned on me when i realized that ive actually been giving myself anxiety not being able to decide what i want to play come release. The choice is that captivating and difficult for me personally.
I was young and incompetent back in vanilla And I’m excited to see the game with different perspective. I Really can’t pick what healer I’m going to play though. It’s driving me insane.
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Hpal master healer in vanilla. Can’t really go wrong with that pick.
Later in vanilla you’ll enjoy wrecking kids with spell power + holy shock / judgement
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you and me both!
i finally decided to play my original main
I’ve been playing the Beta all day, and I gotta say, it’s very refreshing. The chat is filled with people looking for help on random quests. I’ve been helping people clear mines and murloc camps all day. Everyone is also so friendly. Mages handing out waters and food to people passing through goldshire. Tailors giving out bags, and people donating more cloth so they can continue to do so.
Just a couple of hours ago I helped 2 guys beat hogger. Afterwards intead of just quitting the group and leaving someone asked “What other quests are you guys on?” We continued to do the first few westfall quests together. I’m looking forward to getting to know my fellow gamers again.
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I only played priest to around 20ish in vanilla, but burning crusade is when i became an ele shaman/shadow priest main and have rotated those two classes for the entirety of WoW. Didn’t actually really start healing until legion, but I’m loving that part of the game so i definitely want it to be an option for me in classic. I think i might step away from my comfort zone and go Druid this time, but i always find myself going back to play shadow priest or ele shaman in retail so i might pick one of those.
Wish i had beta. Would start getting a feel for the classes again.
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Dungeons were just epic back in the day man. It was in wrath where dungeons really started getting ran through in 10 minutes. I actually liked that cus I could get gear super fast but we already had an established community then. Then cata came and everyone started server swapping and faction swapping it got so out of control everyone was confused. Everyone thought it would be sooo much better on that huge pvp server and it wasn’t. You still sucked. In turn, communities start failing. I think paid services blizz shot themselves in the foot honestly.
I was opposed to it until I saw more and more game play I feel like it’ll be a fun thing to do.
Retail will always be interesting to me, but right now there’s no character progression that can be had that feels meaningful and worth my time outside of grinding rating which starts to get harsh when you begin running into PvEtrinketville.
Something about running around looking like a hobo picking up everything I can as a random adventurer is so appealing. As much as being the hero of Azeroth, it doesn’t feel as adventurous because you’re expected to do certain things to maintain relativity, meanwhile in Vanilla there is absolutely no right or wrong way to play or do things. Getting lost IS the game.
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