"Classic" excitement explained from an older gamer's perspective

It’s like 200 k right … that’s nothing .

Anyone hoping for the sense of community will be kinda disappointed as there are simply not that many players left to make a great community .

i think u might be surprised by how many people will be coming back for the August release.

We shall see.

I agree

I mean Asmongold at one point had around 100k viewers almost streaming Classic content and that was probably with Sodapoppin streaming as well concurrently. And on top of that, there were multiple other streamer/content creators on twitch having over 1k+ viewers on average while on the low end of the spectrum it was 50-500 viewers for the non-prominent streamers. And just imagine how many players were awaiting Classic that probably don’t tune in to twitch or watch any streams at all. So by a pure speculative generalization, I can confidently say there are more than enough players left to make a great community (atleast for the first few weeks or month of Classic release).

forum drone 101341 says, as tons of people boot up private servers and play them daily, completely invalidating his point


i agree 100% with the ambient music thing, the music now a days while good, its too repetitive and “in your face”

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Meh, classic will busy for a few months, then die down. This dream of great “community” in the 2019 toxic internet culture is pretty silly imo. I’d imagine it will be just like WOLK, wading thru a sea of dbags to find a few fun ppl to play with.

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That’s not specific to Wrath. That still literally exists.

If u think people are gonna respect u cuz u play classic this might be a git gud situation

Different generation its gonna b just as toxic as retail

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Cynicism is a natural reaction to the “classic dream” there are a lot of people that see it the way you do.

What you are missing is that, generally speaking, the type of players who are excited to play classic and REMAIN there are older gamers like myself who have a totally different mentality than younger people have.

The difference between my take on this subject and yours is an example of what i’m talking about.

Not saying anyone is wrong or right necessarily.

Just different groups of folks thinking differently.

The TldR version of what i’m saying is the people who want classic want to feel like they are a part of something and want to have that social circle that only exists under certain mmo conditions which classic created due to its nature.

The difference is in Vanilla you can’t just fade away after being a dbag too much, you’ll get blacklisted and known on your server. Plenty of people had to reroll to different servers after stealing things in Vanilla.

TL:DR is no.

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Venruki/Snutz/Sterge/Bajheera/SonyD and the boys have a full raid and are hunting down Asmon’s raid in Arathi highlands right now :slight_smile:


I got beta access on Friday. Over the weekend, I’ve devolved into the same grimy neckbeard I was back in 2005…the Vanilla magic is definitely still there.


I am excited for those of you who want Classic although I most likely will not be going back myself. When I played it at Blizzcon it felt like dating an old highschool girlfriend some 15 years later. Sometimes you just shouldnt go back. The latest cinematic had a great line in it that apptly captures how I view it " This world looks good but it feels wrong …its broken".

I do think its a great thing for the loyal WOW fans that have been playing since launch and applaud Blizzard for doing it. I am looking forward for the newer Wow players to have a chance to experience Azeroth how it was when I first entered the magical world in 2004.

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Well, I hope get what you want out of it. I’ll likely try leveling a shaman.

Alot of different ways to be a douche besides stealing loot.

I use to make fun of my real life friends taking off work and using up vacation for a release date. Wow has burned them on the last 3 expansions and I said there’s no way I will ever take a single day off for what wow has become.

Here we are today and I have the week for the 26th scheduled off for classic release!!

At first I didn’t think I would get to play due to the horrible release date they chose but some things fell into line and it’s a go!


My old highschool girlfriend turned out to be a smoking hottie with a naughty adventures mind!!

Of course she’s my wife now but I would go back and do it all again!

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I for one am extremly excited to re live classic, it was more then just the game it was the commubity, and vanilla was that. You meet so many great people and less dbags since you will be black listed and kkown in the community which helps evovle into something emersive for everyone to get along. CLASSIC here i come :slight_smile:

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I find it interesting how people are saying oh it’ll be a few weeks before u hit 60, u kiddin>? Sometimes it takes 2 hours to do one quest. Try a few months.

with a more casual approach it can def take months.

if you go pretty hard u can get there in about 3 weeks.

ill probably be 60 quicker than most but i know i will enjoy the grind.

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