[CLASSIC ERA] Use the cheap clone fee & Come PVP!

classic era is just toxic on pvp west. the op failed to mention to come join fixed bg’s and a terrible community that condones that behavior. a very small player base in control of toxic gameplay. classic era is dead

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Just because you are terrible dosen’t mean the rest of the community is.
Stop hiding behind the skirts of a gnome and show us who your main really is, coward.

Slow your hypocritical roll, dude.

Definitely interested in Classic Era (I have cloned a few toons) but realistically, I probably won’t play it until after WotLK.

While Vanilla Classic is by far my favorite expansion or even game for that matter out. Naxx gear pvp is just a 1 shot fiesta. Now MC/BWL phase pvp is something id play everyday.


wow let’s join some fantastic pvp with wonderdruid in pvp west. he organises with the horde to farm hk’s and cheat the battle grounds every weekend. the pvp has been broken by the wonder druid and his guold plus many others on horde/alliance pvp west cluster. but hey why not pay money for a complete sham?

If an AV pops, I’ll be on my warlock gathering supply boxes in an attempt to finally see the reinforcements they summon. . . leave me alone! I have a 2/2 Improved Firebolt Imp and am not afraid to use it!!

You can check out Classic WoW Twinking discord. Active community there. Us 39’s are out here, just a little dusty maybe.

39 twink bgs in classic era??? ive got an enhance shammy id love to do this some time

if blizz could fix wonderdruids battle grounds cheating hustle perhaps a game could be organized. what do you like about the 39 bracket?

what is the invite link?

Pvp in classic era? Never again …