[CLASSIC ERA] Use the cheap clone fee & Come PVP!

Every darkmoon fair in elwynn we knew you were there waiting.

The zg island hut blow ups. You were almost as much of a menace as romanreigns.

Romanreigns, are you kidding me?

Have you seen the Japanese in 1940-1945?



Additional pop up BG night happening in 30 minutes!

I’d say cast Arcane Intellect on yourself… but it won’t help.

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Never have enough of those Arcane intellect, i sure need those! in pvp :slight_smile:

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These Classic Era realms will definitely continue in this fashion and not be closed anytime soon. Blizz will do this to protect their IP, and to limit the population of any private servers as much as possible. As for the Wrath characters, at what point will they be at an end? Which expansion? Then at that point, its the same as playing on a Classic Era realm.

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Money > Their IP; long-term

Plus, they’d rather shut down the entire Classic Project and move us back over into Retail. Retail makes them the money.

Folks need to realize subscriptions are just the ‘cherry on top’ these days.

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If money is their main goal, it is all the more reason to focus on their IP and long-term longevity of the game.

What do they prefer? Temporary disappearing players on retail and TBC or Classic Forever players who LITERAELLY will pay $15 a month to play Classic + Forever

I’ll give you a hint - The forever players are harder to kill off and won’t die as quick as the fad disappearing players you see in other expansions.

I sometimes feel like going back to my 57ish hunter that’s still there and relax by grinding some beasts and level his Hyena (takes forever) but idk it feels like I’m always finding stuff to do in TBC still even if it’s just farming badges.

Well, hunters get geared pretty quickly here in Era. If you love vanilla hunter/pvp, consider joining us if you find TBC or wotlk bores you :slight_smile:

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So sorry bud, it aint happening. Get used to the Classic Era realms being around. Plus once Wrath is out, Classic Era will be the only place to raid the original Naxx. And the IP is more important hence why they made Classic in the first place, as retail pulls way bigger numbers for subs.

Hey, I had the same problem. Transferred 4 characters, and 2 of them got stuck. Over a day later I put in a GM ticket. He undid the transfer and told me to check my bank and auctions. I didn’t have any of those, but when I tried again the transfers went through in a couple hours. It seems like a very wonky process, so put in a ticket if they seem stuck.

About 3 hours til we queue up some BGs. Come join us!

Yea I got my shaman cloned, may mess around era during wotlk prepatch.

Sweet. Clone your hpally/hpriest/disc priest if you got one we need more healers and PI

They’re interested in immense short-term profits. As are all corporations these days. Shareholders don’t want to know how much you’ll make them over their lifetime. They want to know how much you can make them ‘This Month’ or ‘This Quarter’.

…and those ‘temporary players’ are still spending, in one month, as much as a Classic-only player will spend in a year; gear isn’t bought with gold, it’s bought with [WoW] Tokens.
((On account of gold being so cheap. It’s better to value something based on how many tokens it would cost to get the gold.))

Actually. They made Classic as a last-ditch effort to save the MAUs. Also, Activision-corporate doesn’t care about IPs as a ‘product’, they see them more as a platform for Micro-transactions.

FYI: I don’t want Classic to die, but I see what they’re doing. They’re trying to nudge the community back into the Amusement Park. Because like the real-world version, an Amusement Park is designed solely with the intent of “upselling” you on your stay.

Classic doesn’t offer much upsell…a few game services; hence why they don’t offer free transfers on ‘in need’ Realms. Which is why I see the retirement of Cloning (literally free money just waiting there to be made), as a sign that ‘Forever Realms’ aren’t going to stick around.

See you soon on a Classic Era server!

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You will never become a successful business owner. Stick to a 9-5 job.

Already there! :smiley:

Right about that. I have no interest in “running things”. I’d much rather sit back and let my money work for me.