Classic Era should be 1 server for all

Going to “classic era” on just your server is a bad idea. There will already be a limited number of players wanting to stay in classic Era. To leave all the servers separated in their own “classic era” phases will almost kill classic era before it begins. Classic era should be only one server, maybe two (one for pve and one for pvp) and all characters should be copied/moved to that realm or else your gonna have the classic only community rise up again wanting a classic server instead of being split into shards on every server.


Ye I honestly don’t know why they went this route for the classic servers, this option for the eternal vanilla ones lead to mostly dead servers for the majority of players, maybe not one or two but certainly needs to bring together the remaining people.

The ONLY way this would make sense for blizzard is if they for some reason think that there will be SO MUCH support for the classic era that they match the amount of TBC players but I feel like that wont be the case, There are classic die hards but at least from the experience i’ve had with classic and community, dang near everyone has been looking forward to TBC as the “golden era” of wow, some for wrath ofc but for why they played classic was often more of “I never got to back in the day” not “I heard this is the absolute best time to play” as many were wishing they had TBC or wrath age changes.


I think the best course of action for everyone is let all servers that are currently live progress to tbc. And just start 2 new classic era servers.


I dont think its a bad idea. Rather have classic era then only tbc. At least we get to keep the game classic . I can see in the future Classic era , classic tbc era , wotlk classic era . After those 3 classic i dont think it should continue .

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So you think it’s a good idea to have the classic era population spread thin across many servers rather than focused population onto one server? I don’t see how thats a good idea.


Far more people will be cloning their characters than you seem to realize.

Not everyone wants to play on a 10k+ player megaserver, that experience just isn’t authentic or true to Vanilla either. They might have to merge the smaller servers like Anathema, Skeram, Incendius etc…


That’s alot of assuming.

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No you’re just willfully ignoring all the posts and requests from people asking Blizzard for a clone option or a character copy option rather than a full transfer to TBC.


Im not ignoring that at all. I’m all on board for copies/clones. I’m just saying that those copies/clones should all be moved to one server instead of sharding every current server. That way there will be more people to actually enjoy classic era with


I get what you’re trying to say but to many people including myself, more doesn’t necessarily mean better.

Even if there’s only like 900-1000 active players in Classic Era for my server, I’d still rather play with the 1000 people I most likely already know than 5000-6000 people I don’t know at all. The megaserver experience just isn’t something everyone wants or looks forward to.


I understand your point. I dont agree with it, but I understand what your trying to say.

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This is what he can’t seem to get his head around. Which incidentally seems like a pretty retail-esque mindset

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Well here is the deal. There is alot of assuming and made up math going on in that. So I’m gonna begin with some assumptions of my own. Classic servers are around 3k players total. If blizzards TBC polls are any indication of where the player base will go then a majority of people will go TBC. Some of those may also copy characters to classic. So a generous assumption would be 1000-1500 people on a maxed out server population may have characters on a classic era shard of the server. Out of those im guessing 75% may play classic era regularly, so your probably looking at 750 to 1k players on a maxed out server. Even less on most servers in reality. Im guessing more like a few hundred players per server… Now if all copied/cloned characters where transferred to a classic only server then he would still have the same 1k people that he so loves to play with there, plus others from other servers. So his point is null to me. He can argue that he just likes smaller servers and that’s fine and dandy but it’s just an opinion. Not everyone agrees with that just like he doesn’t agree with my opinion.

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1 server is good . or a few . Not that much. Classic needs to feel alive even if there is not millions playing it .

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I agree totally

You’d be merging multiple very different server economies for one. You’ve also got what, a few million people playing classic right now? So if even 10% cross over you’ve still got hundreds of thousands of players. So you’d still need dozens of servers either way… and without knowing what the demand will look like there’s still a high chance you over or undershoot the mark, but noone will know or have any choice as to whether they’re on a classic era “megaserver” or an underpopulated one until well after launch.

At least now people have some agency. If they were on a large server before, it’ll remain relatively large. If they were on a tiny server, its going to remain relatively tiny. If it looks like some servers are too tiny to sustain, they can merge, give free xfers etc on a case by case basis at that point but that has a much higher probability of creating viable servers long-term than arbitrarily creating x number of new servers now.

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If 3 million people where playing we would have like 1000 servers right now, it’s no where near that… also I’m not advocating for merging classic era sharded version servers. Im advocating for moving all characters interested in classic Era onto a small amount of new fresh classic only servers.

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And I’m saying that’s probably not possible for all the reasons already explained.

I’m happy that they gave us the option at all so I don’t want to complain too much about it… but I was concerned about the same thing.

My immediate concern when I found out about the server mirroring was that I was going to need to find a new server to play “Classic Era” on because there would not be enough people. My server is populated enough, and I don’t mind less populated servers because it was that way in Vanilla, but I don’t know about how many stay behind. Yes, 1000 is fine with me.

Thinking about it Blizzard has never used the term merge for their servers. When Blizzard announced “Connected realms” for Retail they stated several times these were not merges (even though they were). So this seems to be how they do it. They did say they would connect the Era realms if it was a problem. That doesn’t feel very Vanilla either but it would be nice to see my character stay on the actual same realm. I’m just really glad that I have the option to continue to play this version when I want to since it’s my favorite. We will see how it goes.


Yea I’m glad we have the option. It’s nice because now my naxx geared character’s dont become obsolete in a classic world so I don’t completely lose the time spent on them, but I can also still move them forward to a Tbc world and use that gear for at least the first phase give or take.

Basically get to have your cake and eat it too. :cake: