Classic Era should be 1 server for all

Maybe that’s why you have to transfer to a Classic Era server, instead of staying on your server.

I’m interested in how they are planning on managing this, too.

What if I have more than ten characters that I want to keep in classic era?

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Your not transferring to a classic era server. Your transferring to a classic era version of your current server.


You can only be logged in to one at a time so I don’t understand your point.

I laughed at the few million statement. My question is what happens to Arcanite Reaper that has less than 100 players right now. You think they are going to clone that server? They will have to take players and move them to more populated servers. They will have to open their eyes and see its not worth keeping these super low pop servers running. A merge will happen for some. It has to.

You gonna pay $25 per character to stay in Classic? Price could be different. Just using normal transfer price.

I think the only thing you’ll have to pay for is if you wanna copy your character to both classic era and TBC. If you wanna choose only one or the other its free.

They will “connect” some Classic Era realms together to keep a viable population.

The problem is, you think Blizzard cares. A company that has made a decision to no longer create content cares about one thing. Subscription numbers.

If they cared about pop size, faction distribution or anything like that, they would have dealt with it.

They will consolidate in about 18ish months, when everyone is done playing TBC and their subs have dropped to pre-classic levels. If they consolidate now, it creates an impression that the game no longer has a population.

If ironforge is right, classic today could easily shed like 10ish servers. If not more.

You would need 4


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That isn’t the actual wording.

“Before Burning Crusade Classic launches, you’ll have the opportunity to move your existing characters to an Era realm for free.”

It should be 4 realms but I agree. Why four? You have to count the RP versions of realms as well.

Click the link inside of your link that says “read the blog for more explanation " , go to the section titled " what happens to the realms”. There you will see that the realms will still be separated per existing servers.

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I agree, that sounds reasonable.

Ah, yeah it does seem to appear that way, huh?

Realm names will remain the same for both Burning Crusade Classic and Classic Era realms and player characters will exist as they are before the pre-expansion patch on both era types.

Thanks :+1:

Well, presumably, you’ll still be able to transfer servers, and those who want the highest possible populations can migrate to somewhere like Whitemane, I suppose.

Yea, that’s the best bet so far I’m thinking too.

As far as I’m aware, you are limited to ten characters per server.

If I have six characters on one server and six characters on another, I can’t transfer them all to a single classic era server, because twelve is too many…

The idea that high pop will stay high pop doesn’t account for the reason people on high pop servers play on high pop servers. You might very well see 90% of high pop server players choose TBC. And 90% of low pop servers choose vanilla. Or whatever, I just think there are a lot more variables, like faction balance. And assuming some general X percent of players are going isnt going to work.

I like it and agree. Even newer games these days seem to just utilize a “mega server” per region. ESO has a US megaserver for PC (and for each console). So, for a low population that Classic era will naturally have it just makes the most sense to have one server that is decently populated. (can have one for PvE/PvP)

I think that’s the eventual must happen. I think Blizz is doing it this way first to see how many people will be on these realms and then they are gonna merge them all together (or have a mega server) once they see every realm has like no playerbase at all. I think it’s an inevitable thing they are going to need to do.

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