Classic Era PVP System Changes

Just objectively wrong. You clearly didn’t rank.

Anyone can get R10 with probably less time invested, and less luck, by solo qing BGs than it would take to get Heroism–especially at launch where less than 3.5% of the entire server have the gear/skill to get it within the first 3-6 months until the raid guilds sell carries.

I got R11 on two level 59 twinks solo qing in Classic and one 60 in SoM. SoM was a joke it was so easy.

but it does, cuz everyone tries to rank up instead of doing dungeons :expressionless:

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Less than 3.5% of players have the skill to clear UBRS? Okay dude :joy:

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They didn’t though. That’s forum talk.

I was literally in a guild with a rank 14 main tank, first U.S. horde clear in SoM. More people in that guild had the dungeon set than rank 10+ PvP gear.

So all you need to do is run UBRS to get the head and shoulder Tier 0.5 set? Okay dude

Ah, a couple observations that expose your BS:

First, you admit some of your raiders had rank 10 gear. So, some of the “top” Horde raiders were getting R10 gear.

Second, you are comparing the ease of normal players getting the Heroism set to the allegedly “top” U.S. Horde guild.


Basically. For warriors specifically, shoulders and chest both come from UBRS and the questline finishes there.

Yes. “Some” is very different from “all” and “everyone”

The way that ranking works is that some people get the gear. Most people don’t. That’s why it’s called ranking.

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I think an easier system, currency or otherwise, would be a good option. They could couple it with the original version of the pvp sets upon fresh launch, then the later sets could be released around aq.

That was my claim before som launch and everyone said I was dumb and delusional and now after that happened and I was right it’s crickets

Just getting rid of ranking decay seems like the easiest solution so if blizzard ever does make changes I feel like that’s what they’ll do since it’ll save the most money


I understand that but before som even launched I said honor gear out at launch was a horrendous choice because of that. But hey everyone flamed me to death and now that som ended and I was 100% accurate about the server maybe this time everyone will listen to me for som 2

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First US horde clear of what?

I agreed with you. I might not have said it on the forums, but I was with you in spirit.

Having the AV epic rep gear available from Day 1 was also dumb since basically everyone sat there 24/7 after hitting 60.

Agreed, but I don’t like everyone being able to get the purple gear, including me. It’s just so special. However, not sure how Blizz can fix that situation.

There is a large group of people who don’t actually want to play wow and just want to parse in raids and not go grind gear. Som apologists are this genre

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OranThul had 1st U.S. horde MC and Ony in SoM. You can see me wearing my Heroism chest in our Rag kill.

Gotcha, I forgot about non Jom servers. nekrage should probably hang wow up tho.

Nekrage is busy streaming Diablo 4 for 100 hours straight :joy:

I agree with Blizzard likely taking the easy option out - I think that easy option might be currency though. I hope they don’t reskin the weapons if they do that though! Haha, horse having those green weapons was pretty unaesthetic IMO.

i played SoM too buddy, and the amount of people doing lvl 60 dungeons was much smaller than it should have been :expressionless:
you usually have good opinions, i dont know why you’re so hard headed on this unnatural thing where pvp ranking starts immediately on fresh realms

Get rid of decay and the faction competition and make ranks earnable through overall honor earned by the player. Make it a long, long grind. Use weekly caps regardless but you can time it so no one can get the purps until an appropriate raid tier is out (if its that’s important).