Classic Era PvP Rank Reset Coming with Patch 1.14.4

…They are going to make PVP epics SUPER EASY TO GET and its going to disvalue every purple in the game… U cant just GIVE people aq40 lvl epics. Its literally going to ruin Classic. Please people stop Blizzard from corrupting Classic …dont let them we still have time

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People buy gold and swipe for t3. Relax bro

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Absolutely, the gear in that raid also is superior to the gear we’re discussing.

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Yep. At this point making r14 gear easier will help reduce the gdkp monopoly on good gear.


Well if the leak is true and the epic gear is based off rating and HWL/GM is the top x% of players per season then it will actually be harder to get the epics.

Then I guess people will continue to swipe for easy t3 instead :woman_shrugging:

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That breaks tos
Ur just giving blizzard excuses to crap on classic era

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It is reality buddy. People run naxx gdkp weekly and it is filled with swipers. Time to accept reality. Blizz does not care.

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I understand people do this but it doesn’t make it right

You are the same kind of people that give blizzard excuses for things like WoW tokens… for the love of Thrall please stop it. Just because some people break the rules of the game doesn’t mean we should allow the integrity of the game to become completely broken by blizzard. If u don’t voice ur opposition to anti classic changes Blizzard will implement toxic retail features into Era with a smile on their face.

Nah it’s already broken. If you can buy tier 3 gear with cash then people getting an easier rank 14 set is irrelevant.

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It’s not irrelevant, ur not understanding. This is classic era. Epics actually mean something. If u make pvp epics (which are almost aq40 lvl) easily accessible without effort it will dis value every purple in the game.

Ok this is funny ngl

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If they’re gonna pointlessly make the r14 gear easier they should make Naxx easier so more pugs can finish it.

Rank 14 gear would only fill half of your gear slots, and a majority of those slots are still outclassed by raid gear for both pve and pvp, and the other half of your gear slots still are going to be garbage if you only get gear from pvp.

Making rank 14 gear not require you to no life for a month straight isnt going to devalue epics, its still going to take months of grinding to get and not even fully gear you in the end.
This is classic era we’re talking about, you could theoretically get full naxx/aq gear in less than half the MINIMUM time it would take to grind rank 14
I dont think making rank 14 gear a slow and steady grind that takes 3-4 months of consistent pvp to be “giving away” free welfare epics. Thats a solid grind and time investment. Its totally reasonable to get rewarded with bwl/aq levels of gear after months of grinding, just because you didn’t play pvp for 18 hours a day in a 3 week period at the end doesn’t mean you didn’t earn it. You still put in the hours, just spread out over time rather than crammed into a small window, and its especially silly when you consider that there are rank 14 players that "earned " it on dead servers and/or from sand running that have less HKs than a pvp ranker on a more populated server would have in a single week of bgs.


If you earnestly hold these convictions then you wouldn’t play with any GDKPers and would be working to change the swipe culture on your own realm.

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I still remember the sulthraze rankers getting hwl on 150k a week, good times kek

So what, do u guys want it to were PvP purples are as easy as pre patch tbc? That’s so gross man… this is classic era… respect the grind. I’m okay with them making it a tad bit less grindy but still……

U guys are going to regret it when everyone has r14 gear making it less special and it’s a fact it will disvalue a lot of gear in the game. Why get T1 when u can farm the easy r14 gear… that’s what the thought process is going to be for a lot of players playing certain classes


nope. the grind was never mathematically reasonable. Then in classic 2019 it proved to be ridiculous because even when the nation was on lock down and gaming 24/7, people were not able to hit Rank 11 let alone Rank 14 because of bracket breakers, and jerks holding Rank 14 hostage.


I just think they should remove the decay mechanic and increase the amount of rank points needed to rank up, so it effectively still takes 2-3 months of pvp at top brackets minimum to get rank 14 gear, but you dont have to do the grind all in one go if you cant play 18 hours a day. So if you just casually pvp a couple hours a day it will likely take you 4-6 months instead. I think thats totally fair.

Rank 14 gear stopped being special halfway through classic. This is era, half the damn server has a character with rank 13+gear at this point.

Why get t1? Because its way easier and can be done in a fraction of the time and would greatly assist you in grinding out pvp gear in the months it will take anyway, and not every player wants to pvp for gear, so they still have other options.
I for one would love if there were more geared players in pvp, we currently have people with full p6 bis characters from 2019 classic and SoM dunking on new lvl 60s in bgs and its making the quality of matches pretty bad overall. And because of the way the ranking grind works by the time most people get rank 14 they are sick of bgs and stop playing them for a long time, sometimes indefinitely because of burnout. But if they didn’t have to grind in such an unhealthy way and could do it at their own pace over a longer period of time i think it would greatly increase bg participation overall.

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That seems like a dramatic exaggeration. If I had to put money down I’d say half the era population doesn’t have a character that’s rank 12 let alone rank 14.