(Classic Era) Proposal for Repeatable World Buffs

We are approaching four years of Era, and with the release of Fresh and smaller population, world buffs are becoming harder to find. I am proposing repeatable world buffs. The timeframe, I don’t really know. 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months? For the people who have chosen to remain on Era, it will ensure the longevity of the server. Options would be that you keep the head and it goes on a cooldown (not my preferred), or you can obtain a new head/heart every month/3 months and hand in again (preferred). No second/third item necessary, but I guess that’d also be a nice bonus? But the buff is the important thing.


“Level another character”. Yes, I agree, I have 8 60s, and working on more all the time. However leveling characters solely for buff drops isn’t really fun gameplay.

“Give back Might of Stormwind”. This would help with that particular buff, but Hearts and Heads are also becoming scarcer and scarcer.

“No changes”. Technically, we’re not changing anything - just giving the ability to repeat a quest.

Thanks for reading. Also, yearly scourge invasions in Era, while we’re at it, would be much appreciated.


true and based, if you get two hearts etc, you should be able to drop 2 buffs.


No, I don’t think so.

Did you just use an alt to agree with yourself?

Lol no. All my characters are Frosti(class). Sponges is a guildie

This would incentivize people to enter old instances they would otherwise not typically run by geared players and encourage more raids to occur, instead of afking in stormwind staring at your Barbie dolls.

I know a big reason people don’t play on Era is because of the difficulty in buffing. This helps with that problem, without just giving away free buffs that haven’t been earned.

As a no changes Andy, this is totally acceptable for the longevity of Era realms.



Completely agree - this is needed for Era longevity. +1


I agree Frosti


please blizzard! +1


and bring back stormrend too!


This is a great point too. In implementing this, players would need to run ZG/Ony/BWL to re-collect the head. As Fora points out this could help newer players, with full-bis characters going into these older raids which would support clearing.

There should also be a way for alliance to get rend buff on Era servers which incentivizes players to play their own faction instead of making new horde characters and abandoning them after.

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Wholeheartedly agree. Repeatable Heart, Ony, Nef and Rend. Even if it was on a monthly or weekly reset like raids are, players could enjoy more of the game rather than waiting in cities.
Also a yearly Scourge Invasion event for the precious stones would be killer I only have one stack left from my rerelease days, I only use them when I’m going for gold. I would like to use them more liberally!



also I’d love this for Anniversary too.

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Lots of new players in the starting zones again appropriate to level of the content. 28 players in Elwin yesterday, I am already in Westfall (Classic Era Whitemane), there were 15 in Westfall earlier when I was on.

This is up from “ZERO” that it was last month.


Yes 100%. Please either bring back MoS or make world buff repeatable turn ins. Or both.

It is getting incredibly difficult to get world buffs to raid naxx each week. Especially WCB which drops maybe once a day now. Waited for over 2 hours last night in the barrens and it didn’t drop. Such a waste of time and energy for a buff that is essentially required to raid at a high level.

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Agree 100%

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The model of one buff per account works in a server with a determined life, once you’ve removed the element of time from the game it’s no longer feasible to continue this indefinitely. The addition and subsequent removal of Might of Stormwind was a step in the wrong direction on this topic.
If the model of repeatable and requirement less (SoD boons) drops for buffs can not be executed or feasible I propose the following:
Repeated turn ins of buff items for just the buff drop alone. This would allow end game guilds to continue to farm themselves buffs without having to level another 40 accounts to facilitate this. Removing a massive block in the chain that is 1-60 just for a world buff that lasts 2 hours and is lost upon death.

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No changes world buffs are supposed to be rare and fun little things, if you want the buff that bad level another character or quit playing on the old dead server where literally no one cares about your dumb parse


based suggestion. pls give us this blizzard, rend costs 2-3k on horde and buffs are so dry atm

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