bring back stormrend and make it repeatable!
Would be a huge QoL improvement.
I agree get rid of world buffs, you don’t need them
“Please make changes in my #NoChanges game.”
A weekly repeatable quest given by the original world buff dispenser.
The quest asks you to kill one random boss related to the buff itself. So ZG buff would be a ZG boss, Head buff would be Ony/BWL boss of some variety, etc etc
They already have made changes so that ship has sailed. Anyway it’s not changes, it’s just reintroducing content that already exists.
Like scourge invasions.
Either remove them or have them all be permanent starting at level 1
What hardship are you trying to overcome that requires WBs ? Aren’t you era guys full naxx gear yet ?
Delete and relevel for the buff you want
Im on westfall and it is exactly what i want out of setver population! And a little more wouldn’t hurt!
Just got back onto Era a week ago and my God it is so much better than anniversary.
Maybe give the buffs 3 or 5 charges so a character is not perma buffed but can boon the charges and not waste them. If you die with the buff unbooned a charge is lost. If the timer on the buff runs out, you lose a charge.
It’s hard to get off these addictions.
My initial take is no changes… I play on a realm with less than 100 people raiding. We’ve been doing it here for almost 4 years now. We sure could use this change as we’re running out of people available for world buffs… but at the same time we never run out either. We’re just judicious as to when we drop them and not.
I sort of hate the world buff obsession and reliance, so something like a weekly repeatable seems like too much a nerf to me. You really need world buffs this bad to play the game? I get it, you want max dps and orange parses and you need world buffs to get that. But that’s sort of the behavior I wish we’d see go away. The meta obsession with parses, logs, and buffing could go away and I’d be happy. That’s just me.
I feel like if they did implement a change here, a yearly repeatable would be okay. But again, it just opens the door to more tweaks and more changes and I’m really not looking to see that happen to Era.
I agree. Blizzard has shown that they intend for World Buffs to be a part of the game both by supporting it with the Chronoboon and by integrating it fully into their vision of a reimagined Vanilla in the form of SoD. Era has been running for 5 years now and so some way for characters to repeat the quests that give the buffs is appropriate.
Personally, I think three to six month (12 to 24 reset) CD is appropriate. It is a good balance between being making the buffs continue to be obtainable long term, but also still requiring some forethought in their use.
Honestly, the time for #nochanges is long past. It was appropriate for the original release in 2019, continuing through it’s phased run, but after TBC launched it stopped being relevant as a strict mantra.
This doesn’t mean bring in all the changes, it just means we can all relax a little and advocate for changes that will ensure the continued health of the game we’ve played for the last five years. Let’s make sure we can continue to play it for another five years, and then some.
I would say lets delete world buffs so people actually have to play the game and know mechanics again.
the atrophy of game knowledge in the playerbase is astounding.
really is, I am leveling fresh on WMC again lol and following my Solo Self Found rules.
- Cannot get any items or gold from my other characters.
- Cannot cheat in any way even if players offer to boost me for free I cannot accept.
- Use of the AH is acceptable in respect to selling items I gain in the world, but cannot “play the auction house” until level 60.
Effectively Just playing the game in the traditional way, and its so fun and feels rewarding when you get to level cap all on your own. Additionally the community is really helpful and lots of people to quest with. I love it!
Nobody “needs” world buffs to clear content, but they make the game significantly more fun and they are a major part of Vanilla.
They’re not required for anything, it’s just a lot of fun blasting in a raid where everyone is fully consumed and world buffed.
I am actually shocked. I didn’t copy my 60 t2 geared shaman to Era, nor my 45 paladin; which i do regret. But I keep seeing groups in chat looking for DPS for dungeons. And i do see the opposite LF H and Tank for so and so, but to see tank and healer duos forming groups from levels 15 and beyond every now and then tells me that Era is in a very healthy state.
I saw people raiding AQ and others raiding ZG on the same night last week. And sure, the weeknights are not so heavy, but the weekends are absolutely perfect.
Era is more friendly to the casual player and hardcore players than the Anniversary realms.
The “truest to Vanilla” experience is in Era; not Anniversary.
And it is so much fun!!!
Sucks that i go on call for my work tomorrow lol
It’s funny to hear that world buffs are a major part of vanilla. Like in true 2004-2006 vanilla… they basically aren’t a thing.
In the pserver era, it was a little, but really not even then do I remember guilds being so obsessed about them.
It was in the 2019 run that I first remember this obsession / mandate / requirement that you HAD to have world buff to play the game or to have fun even.
I mean I get it… we’re a 20+ year old game now and we’ve min/maxed the heck out of it. Just interesting to hear people say you have to have world buffs to have fun in vanilla or a major part of the game.