Classic Era Patch Updates

No offense, but stormrend is a crutch.

No offense, your input is invalid.

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dude, change it back already… it wasnt new content, it wasnt qol, it was just implenting what was already in the game in a fresh way. I thought it was great, and will keep coming back here to voice that opinion, these servers could be something even greater with such nuanced and community centered additions to them…


BRING BACK STORMREND :earth_americas:



Bring back the tremendous Might of Stormwind pls!
Make classic era great again!


Bring back might of stormwind!


Furina, I love you. BotS 4 life but…

Please bring back Might of Stormwind Blizzard. At this stage in the game’s life making a buff more accessible doesn’t change anything, top players are going to get WCB anyway. If you’re a melee and want to parse, it’s mandatory. Adding the buff to Alliance just saved time and allowed people to focus on other factors of the game or RL. Rend is also becoming harder and harder to come by on Mankrik.

I don’t like the idea of class changes to Era but system changes are different, especially when it comes to population IMO. The PVP overhaul has been great. As someone who ranked in the old system and participated in pool parties, the change is very welcome, especially since I don’t have to compete against my own faction or deal with bracket breakers.



When you said that we have listened to the community response to changes in classic era and concerns what updates could mean for the future.

Now I am asking YOU. Did you see what our feedback? Did you know what we want? Did you listen to the community? Did you really know the game or you never play this game?

For some of us, StormRend isn’t hard to get, we just have to sit and wait at Xroad for 30 mins and hope for no ninja drop. But most of us haven’t tried it before StormRend comes.

Like a 20 years old game, we don’t expect anything to change but this would be the one we like more than anything else.


pls bring back stormrend my gf hates that i have to sit in xroads. she will leave me if it doesn’t get reverted


Please bring Stormrend back! We love that buff!


Bigtrucks always like trucks. Dream to be mechanic on goblin racers in Shimmering Flats. Bigtrucks get big and adventure to Orgrimmar. See sign for engineering school at ITT Tech. Cheap class and can get job with goblin racing when school done. Bigtrucks become good engineer, but Bigtrucks lied to. No job in shimmering flats. They put Bigtrucks at Crossroads. Have to wear stupid gnome hat and work for alliance scum. One day alliance scum tell me they don’t need me anymore. I can go to shimmering flats for my dream again. Bigtrucks so excited. Dream finally come true. Starts packing bags for adventure to shimmering flats. Before Bigtruck leaves, alliance scum come back and force me to wear gnome hat again. Bigtrucks begs alliance scum not to make him wear cap. Alliance say to Bigtrucks they need Stormrend. Tell Blizzard to give Alliance Stormrend again and Bigtrucks can go to shimmering flats.
Please Blizzard. Give Alliance Stormrend. Bigtrucks want to go be mechanic for goblin racing team in Shimmering Flats.


I’m a priest aka tailoring enchanting.

Even on my herb character endless bots farming all the herbs.

You’ll spend 2 hours to find a single stack and you can buy 1/4th of your mats.

Sounds like you’re a deranged era player and 100% hopping on alts to like your own posts lol…

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I don’t know what to tell you, but it’s common knowledge that you can make more gold off stuff now. It’s easier now than it was in original classic for sure. The other that replied to you I’ve played with before, but it’s not me on a second account. Still you are not an era player in a topic about era discussion trying to influence it?


@BlizzardCS is it possible to push this Forum post into a Jira story so yall can review it at your next standup meeting?

Please bring back STORMREND!


Good morning everyone,
It is a true pleasure to be back here again posting with you. Truthfully, I have not been sleeping so great after MOS was removed. I am angry Blizzard. Angry at you. Honestly I’d even say I am quite pissed off about it. Your wishy-washy-ness on this issue is unbecoming of the great company that you are (or once were). No one in classic era cares what people on YT or even on these forums (because most don’t actually play wow) think about MOS. We - the players - all loved it. Please bring it back.
The more I think about it, the more I know you will bring it back. Because you said you are listening, and we are speaking loudly.


Dear Blizzard Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I’m writing to highlight a feature that brought considerable convenience to players’ lives during its brief appearance in World of Warcraft: the Might of Stormwind buff. This temporary addition not only enriched gameplay but also streamlined certain aspects of daily gameplay routines for many of us.

As a dedicated player and longtime fan of World of Warcraft, I can attest to the positive impact the buff had on our gaming experiences. It not only added a unique flavor to our adventures but also simplified travel and interaction within the game world, allowing us to focus more on enjoying the game itself. It also made us, the players, feel cared for and respected, which we haven’t felt in a considerable amount of time.

Understanding the complexities of game development, I respectfully request that you consider reintroducing the Might of Stormwind buff. Its return would enhance the convenience and enjoyment of current gameplay for many players who valued its previous implementation.

Thank you for considering this request. Your commitment to enhancing player experience is greatly appreciated by the World of Warcraft community.

Warm regards,

Estel (And Estel’s girlfriend because the forums won’t let her make a post for some reason. Consider us a +2 for MOS on your spreadsheet, since I am confident you are keeping track now)


Ladies, gentlemen… and esteemed colleagues of the Alliance. We are the target of an egregious act from those who want us to believe that they are acting in good faith and I say NAAAAAY!! We must rally our heads and hearts around our MIGHT OF STORMWIND. Do not rest comrades for we shall be victorious. Kings Honor Friend please bring back Stormrend


every name from the mankrik cluster in here that I’ve seen is on a consistent naxx team. Go look them up on WCL and verify recent raids if you have doubts.

I trust the names I see in Era versus a forum native I’m not familiar with all day long when it comes to what is best for the Era version of the game. and tbh I find it very sus that people I can’t find on WCL with recent raid clears are the majority of the voice against keeping the buff.

Bring back Stormrend.


Please Blizzard, Continue making small changes to Classic Era to support longevity and stability in our favorite version of the game.



Angry humie in pink armor wake me from my tent in middle of night. He say “You get to Razor Hill and talk at Mukdrak. He set you up.” He took measures of noggin and pulled a doohicky from under his cloak. “Your name Stormrend now. Meet me in Crossroads.” He then pushed a button on the thing and disappeared in a cloud of smoke and flame.

Storm get to Razor Hill and talk to Mukdrak. With tired look in his eyes he say “Not another one. I am so sorry child.”

Please help Storm. I am scared. What is happening?

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