Classic Era Patch Updates


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I hear what you’re saying, but think it through… Within the framework of necessary coding reworks, Classic was supposed to be a “warts and all” game. That is not disputable; that is what was promised. So it cannot be said logically that MoS was the right thing to do for Classic. Was it right for one or more Classic derivatives or spin-offs? Could be; that’s for the players of those games to decide.


The original devs did not know 20 years ago how long this version of the game would last. It is not right 20 years later to require players to wait for hours for a buff (scarcity on era servers) - this can be worse on diff servers i.e. hardcore/pve, allow for RMT trading of a buff (I know of at least one person that makes a lot of money off selling this - there’s definitely more and should be bannable), or requiring TWO accounts to obtain the buff on regular interval (needs 60 priest on opposite faction to be almost 100%, still not guaranteed due to hearbeat resist). Sometimes, games have to evolve slightly (a la chronoboon after years of Classic world buff logging). MoS was WITHOUT DOUBT the right move for CLASSIC ERA. The rend buff has been bugged for a long time so that if you have a world buff already in your boon, you can receive it from anywhere in the barrens, but yet that hasn’t been fixed along with many other bugs on era. Please consider readding this intentional change now that we’ve had proper discussion on it. Don’t let a petition that doesn’t even require full names from 1 or 2 streamers influence the massive percentage of actual era players that are in favor of it. Thanks Blizz

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Why don’t we have community polls on this, obviously more people want it back than don’t but hard to really gauge unless there’s a poll. Why not prompt a player for their opinion upon logging into a WoW Classic Era server? Simple.

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I also want to add that the way the buff currently works also still encourages griefing. These forums are extremely toxic Blizz, most players do not come here, but the week MoS came out, the servers were BUZZING. Please reconsider. I have over 300 days played, but this past week is the first time I’ve been to the forums. Please make a poll or reinstate the buff

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The problem is I’m not sure there’s an easy way for them to do this unless they write code to implement it in game. Otherwise it could be brigaded by players who may or may not be more invested in it. And I doubt they want to invest resources into that

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Bring back Might of Stormwind. Without a doubt the best QoL change since the chronoboon.


Bring back Might of Stormwind please.


Bring back Might of Stormwind.


I agree. what a chad


Bring back stormrend


BRING BACK STORMREND :earth_americas:


Classic team told you why in the OP.
You can tell yourself whatever you like to soothe but this was not meant for Era and it is gone.

Please do not bring it back, Blizzard.
Let Classic remain untouched by changes meant for seasonal.


You and like 6 other players (70% horde) are the only ones in this thread (which is a massive misrepresentation of the actual era pop) against it. Blizz please bring back MoS, look at our tickets in game

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It doesn’t matter what you, your alts and the others mourning here have or will do to manufacture your “data”. The Classic team gave us their explanation. The buff that was meant for seasonal was removed from Classic Era because it was determined by the team to be ill-fitting for this iteration of Classic in Era.

I support the team in that decision.
You can continue to view this as an “us vs them” thing but try to understand the words and vision of the Classic team. This old game that they’ve brought back to life is beloved for its idiosyncrasies. Warchief’s Blessing is one of those and per the team should remain that way. MoS changes that dynamic. If SoD had not been a thing and MoS never appeared you would continue to play as you are now. I hope you continue to enjoy it as it is now without MoS.


The original devs did not know 20 years ago how long this version of the game would last. It is not right 20 years later to require players to wait for hours for a buff (scarcity on era servers) - this can be worse on diff servers i.e. hardcore/pve, allow for RMT trading of a buff (I know of at least more than one person that makes a lot of money off selling this - there’s definitely more and should be bannable), or requiring TWO accounts to obtain the buff on regular interval (needs 60 priest on opposite faction to be almost 100%, still not guaranteed due to hearbeat resist). Sometimes, games have to evolve slightly (a la chronoboon after years of Classic world buff logging). MoS was WITHOUT DOUBT the right move for CLASSIC ERA. The rend buff has been bugged for a long time so that if you have a world buff already in your boon, you can receive it from anywhere in the barrens, but yet that hasn’t been fixed along with many other bugs on era. Please consider readding this intentional change now that we’ve had proper discussion on it. Don’t let a petition that doesn’t even require full names from 1 or 2 streamers influence the massive percentage of actual era players that are in favor of it. I also want to add that the way the buff currently works also still encourages griefing. These forums are extremely toxic Blizz, most players do not come here, but the week MoS came out, the servers were BUZZING. Please reconsider. I have over 300 days played, but this past week is the first time I’ve been to the forums. Please make a poll or reinstate the buff. Thanks Blizz

Acknowledge honestly your part in that.

Hold the line Blizzard.
Keep seasonal things in that game not Era.

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The original devs did not know 20 years ago how long this version of the game would last. It is not right 20 years later to require players to wait for hours for a buff (scarcity on era servers) - this can be worse on diff servers i.e. hardcore/pve, allow for RMT trading of a buff (I know of at least more than one person that makes a lot of money off selling this - there’s definitely more and should be bannable), or requiring TWO accounts to obtain the buff on regular interval (needs 60 priest on opposite faction to be almost 100%, still not guaranteed due to hearbeat resist). Sometimes, games have to evolve slightly (a la chronoboon after years of Classic world buff logging). MoS was WITHOUT DOUBT the right move for CLASSIC ERA. The rend buff has been bugged for a long time so that if you have a world buff already in your boon, you can receive it from anywhere in the barrens, but yet that hasn’t been fixed along with many other bugs on era. Please consider readding this intentional change now that we’ve had proper discussion on it. Don’t let a petition that doesn’t even require full names from 1 or 2 streamers influence the massive percentage of actual era players that are in favor of it. I also want to add that the way the buff currently works also still encourages griefing. These forums are extremely toxic Blizz, most players do not come here, but the week MoS came out, the servers were BUZZING. Please reconsider. I have over 300 days played, but this past week is the first time I’ve been to the forums. Please make a poll or reinstate the buff. Thanks Blizz

So, you’re suggesting we preserve Classic like a fine wine—untouched and untouched by any improvements. But if we truly want an authentic experience, maybe we should bring back the server queues, bugs, and unbalanced classes too? After all, nothing says ‘Classic’ like a good old 12-hour wait to log in. Cheers to nostalgia!

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They are a troll that spams this thread along with only a few others because they are scared of a slight change to the game that doesn’t impact them, nor will it have long term impact on the game overall other than keeping it healthy for years to come.