Classic Era Patch Updates

bring back cloning & MOS


That you have to rely on insults instead of good arguments says a lot about you. Move along!

Revert the revert!

Return us MoS!

Its not an insult, its the culmination of reading all the “arguments” from the ez mode crowd.
Theres no logical basis for the MoS argument, just salty parsers that are too lazy to play the game the way everyone else had to for 5 years.

What part of the world do you live in where claiming someone is “‘mentally challenged” isn’t an insult?

You can continue to try you claims but the arguments you see are valid and solid arguments. I’ll even go a step further and say some people on the other side of the fence have some decent arguments. You however, seek to throw out cheap insults, so respectfully, move along!

You can get that on the private servers. They actually listen to you. Don’t ask Blizzard for anything, they wont. And I have to wait till my sub runs out to be forever gone from this joke of a company. If they at least let us be able to type in /groster to see the guild as it used to be…

New guild UI is vastly inferior. You cannot organize it near half as well. Anyone who says it is better has never had to deal with organizing raid groups, sorting through the players based upon logins, or having to deal with the fact that now your chats stay on screen forever with the new guild UI. So if anyone choses to rage about anything at all, or wants to troll, it is there for all to see even if you block the person you still see it.

In no way is the new guild UI better. Just ask yourselves…does Blizzard have more or less subs then before? Has nothing to do with the age of the game.



that’s a negative ghost rider

Ah, I see you’re still following the petition’s every move. That’s dedication! Maybe it isn’t a ‘general movement’ yet, but every great change started with a few persistent voices. I’ll keep posting while you keep watching—deal?


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I agree! Revert the revert! Bring MoS to ALL ERA REALMS TODAY!



Is my head we are speaking about. Let the Alliance dogs have it.



Sorry Rend, that’s Thrall’s call.

He said the Alliance dogs can starve.

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MOS was objectively better for one fact. You no longer are practically required to pay for 2 subscriptions.


Why are you required to do this? By whom?


Because its unreasonable to get the buff any other way.
Any other argument “well you don’t need it” is a stupid argument and will just put you on ignore immediately as you aren’t worth anyones time.

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servers going down, surely we get stormrend back

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Your defensiveness and non-answer to me asking the reasoning, is very telling, and I’ll leave it at that.

Ever notice everyone complaining about stormrend has a horde pfp?

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I answered, you are just stupid. And anyone with half a brain can see the line of thinking you were going down. Its literally been spouted a dozen times in this exact forum chain.

And as I guess you aren’t worth anyones time. On ignore list.

confirmed not patched back in yet, #stillwaiting

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Give us MoS


Just fix the UI please.