Classic Era has become Retail

Then leave so tired of hearing people complain but still PLAY .

Im on a private server already. Dont you worry. Enjoy this abomination.

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It sounds messed up but I agree with you. Niche audience had the best feels.

No, the intention was to allow people to play their main instead of raid logging.
Un-dispellable does not fix every problem. The buffs still time time down and the result is raid logging. Again.
Don’t want your buffs removed and don’t want the chronoboon? Play on a PvE server, that’s your solution.


You can’t reverse time and nostalgia is a dangerous drug

Nostalgia can be great, I had 100% more fun in classic than I did in original vanilla wow. Delete the boon

Not sure what you’re saying.

Toxic players are everywhere but classic is infinitely more.

From getting spit emote removed, to not letting players who got a boost into their groups at all (so much for welcoming new people lol), to literally never stop talking about “retail bad”, to being overly elitist about a 15 year old game and being hyper meta in a game that was never played that way.

I played original vanilla, tbc, wotlk.

Classic is nothing like that and it’s entirely from the players.

Open world pvp isn’t a thing. Halaa in Nagrand in tbc classic often had to have people use alts of the opposite faction lol. Boosting people was always a thing sure but not to the extreme that people expected the standard of not leveling normally. In a game where they praise the leveling experience. Remember, paying for a boost through wow shop is bad, but paying for dungeon boosts with gold to skip the leveling experience is fine.

Even when I raided in classic it was nearly impossible to go a week without hearing “retail bad”

Meanwhile on retail people were talking positively about classic, while playing retail, just being overall chill.

Yeah I’ve played since vanilla and I don’t have much respect for the classic community.

Your guy’s toxicity, arrogance, elitism, and rose tinted goggles ruined your own game.

Enjoy what you created.

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*cough Confirmation bias *cough

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Blizz makes it clear players can’t be on roofs. So, if the dispeller is on the floor, capable of being killed (again), they’re not doing anything “wrong/bad”. 'Cause the “PvP solution” is to kill them.

Everyone has their opinions.

I hopped back onto Retail (a day or two ago) wanting to run Strat - Side Entrance. Wait over an hour as a DPS. Finally get in and been kicked, BOTH times.

The first time, they thought I was AFK, when I wasn’t. Second time 'cause I survived with FD, and they all died. I got kicked out, too. Such a helpful environment (to use your words)

But, lemme guess. “Working as intended”.

Classic 2019 had a decent amount of open world pvp. There were enough things to farm in the open world ( fire water, blasted lands buffs etc.) that things popped up. TBC is where it completely died beyond dive bomb griefing low levels and instance entrance camping.

2023 and people still crying about chronoboon. Lmao get over it, it’s in the game.

Delete the boon

delete your account

Yeah classic andys are like that bitter ex that refuses to let go

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Need infinite duration world buffs instead to encourage pvp interaction

Might have a lot to do with people being reward driven and there isn’t anything outside of raiding to do in terms of progressing your character that doesn’t take an obscene amount of time.

when you say classic you mean wrath
so please be specific :expressionless:

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Era toxicity is on pause until I get home and murder every horde leveler in hillsbrad as revenge for my hardcore toon getting ganked by a level 60


Both of these can be considered Griefing. And before you try say that griefing is not reportable, go read the WoW ToS.