Classic Era has become Retail

Woah woah, calm down! At least in my DF experience (Azralon) retail doesnt have gdkp spam and barely has any boosting spam since leveling is fast and content has easy systems to navigate. The spam retail has is profession spam which is normal and healthy for an mmo. Retail has run selling but its not that rampant and they anmnonce in groupfinder. Thats a CE and WOTLK C problem, not a retail one.

I also play retail from time to time and yes. Your entire trade chat is littered with boosts (although pvp/M+ runs not leveling), profession, and raid clear sales.

Itā€™s the same but different, but still the same meme lol.

To be honest Iā€™ve only seen one community be more devisive and toxic than wow players and that was people who played Heroes of Newerth, legit the most vile people on the planet played that game including its lead developer who shall we say is infamous for a few posts and in-game communications using specific african slurs.

Were getting there in this community.

Im on a private server now.

My friend there is no pvp way to stop 50 priests from rezzing and mass dispelling your buffs. However there is a pvp fix if your having huge battles like we did on herod (7 alliance guilds 14 horde guilds) fighting near the MC entrance.

If you canā€™t see the difference then im not sure you should be commenting.

Here we go, are folks that exchange their opinions on what constitutes as ā€œPvPā€. When, Blizz makes it clear that behaviors like Debuffing or even Ganking are ā€œacceptableā€ forms of ā€œPvPā€. NOTHING about ā€œPvPā€ is ā€œfairā€.

If Ganking is allowed on ā€œPvPā€ servers, I donā€™t see why WBs being dispelled is that much of an issue. Iā€™d rather be dispelled than ganked.

If you chose to create your character on a PvP realm, Game Masters will not address situations where you are repeatedly killed by the opposite faction. This includes situations that may be considered dishonorable such as corpse camping or killing players well below your level.

But, hey, if me commenting to say ā€œdeal with itā€ is not something you want to be done. Iā€™m fine with Blizz giving up, just like they did with Retail and just eliminating PvP Servers, altogether because some (not all) players canā€™t handle the heat, they signed up for.

Thereā€™s SO much WARNING and protection, that if you STARTED on a PvE server, you canā€™t even TRANSFER to a PvP server because those Rulesets are COMPLETELY different. Same with creating characters of BOTH factions 'CAUSE youā€™re making a SERIOUS choice, here. PvE Servers are WAY more relaxed, and if you want to shut off your PvP experience, thatā€™s easily done, on PvE servers.

I can stop ganking by getting another high level to stop the ganking. Nothing i can do to stop someone rezzing as i get my world buffs and dispelling. Again if you donā€™t know the difference you should really not be commenting.

This isnā€™t always a viable solution, either. Remember Phase 2? Apparently, the Ganking got SO bad, yā€™all couldnā€™t handle it.

See, PvP servers are ā€œfine and dandyā€, when nobody is ACTUALLY being crude about it. When, they are, yā€™all cry up a storm!

The ā€œdifferencesā€ donā€™t matter especially since IK Phase 2 Ganking, was NOT tolerable, during this time. Thereā€™s ALWAYS some excuse as to why itā€™s NEVER the fault of PvP server players. They blame the creator, and itā€™s laughable.

YOU made the choice, Blizz didnā€™t. You can only blame yourself, when people go to the EXTREMES of those rulesets. I donā€™t blame Blizzard for PvP Servers. I blame the PLAYERS for THEIR decisions. And, Iā€™d be happy to see the elimination of PvP servers, AGAIN, in Classic, the more PvP server players whine about it. Just like they did in Retail.

Maybe then, I can move over to Grobb. Until then, Iā€™mma remain on BB.

The game is still a Classic. The players on the other handā€¦


I was happily killing all these people, you not understanding the difference between world buff dispelling and pvp happening is kinda crazy. Also using examples of pvers crying because they are on pvp servers isnt really helping you.

Youā€™re the one calling them PvE players playing on PvP servers, not me. Youā€™re SO invested that youā€™re ā€œrightā€, you CANNOT accept that dispelling IS PvP play. Isnā€™t the point of the opposing faction is to ENSURE you have a hard time? Iā€™d dispell buffs, myself because I donā€™t want my enemies being prepared in battle. It doesnā€™t matter if you donā€™t like it. PvP Servers are supposed to represent WAR not ā€œfairnessā€.

I donā€™t want my enemies doing well in raids, I want them to suffer and die. Isnā€™t that the point? Maybe youā€™re a PvEr playing on a PvP server.

Iā€™m NEVER going to change my mind about PvP server players reaping what they sow. The opposing faction is SUPPOSED to give you hell, in ANY means, necesary!

And, thatā€™s why PvP servers are silly. But, congratulations! The Boon is a lovely solution to your precious WB problems. The Boon just seems really silly, on PvE servers. But, at least PvE servers are using the Boon for its intended purpose.

I canā€™t wait to find PvP servers eliminated in Classic due to the constant whining of the nature of PvP servers, again. I mean, itā€™s not like Blizz eliminated them for NO reason, in Retail. Iā€™ll NEVER feel ANY sympathy for players that purposefully choose PvP servers. You reap what you sow.

These are not issues i experience in retail

You can now go play a dungeon, or farm, or whatever. Your World Buffs are not being wasted. Your aura cannot be dispelled, and will persist through death.

The intention of the chronoboon displacer was to stop people dispelling buffs because there was no way to fix that problem. The side effect is what pvers use it for, if they just made world buffs un-dispellable it fixes every problem.

If a problem exists where PvP cant solve it then it is no longer a pvp problem and it now becomes a game problem, which would be solved from just making world buffs un-dispellable.

I just going to give you an example on Herod were my guild dominated the entire server and wiping out entire raid groups continously. These weaks guilds all made priests so they could just dispel us during our world buff circuit because we couldnā€™t actually fight back, what they were doing has no counter. Even though we could just run to the raid for free because we owned the server we still lost our world buffs a lot.

that wasnā€™t the purpose, the purpose was to stop all the raid logging
dispelling buffs is fine and a nonissue
the really good ones are already undispellable :expressionless:

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Yet, you lose buffs, when you die. Itā€™s the same thing, to me via dispelling and PvP battling. Both lead to the same end of a loss of buffs.

If weā€™re in a BG, and I dispell you, would you still be upset? Probably not, since youā€™re willing to engage in a BG battle, and thatā€™s your ā€œPvP turn onā€ button. Though, PvP servers IS the ā€œonā€ button, but weā€™ll NEVER agree on this.

You reap what you sow, on PvP servers. Doesnā€™t matter if thereā€™s ā€œno PvP solutionā€. I mean, it doesnā€™t take much to kill the dispellers. IK itā€™s not on ā€œthe same levelā€ but neither is ganking. Just because you hop on a high level and grab a high level, I still got ganked and didnā€™t stand a chance.

Anybody that still trys to claim that sitting in ghost form purely to dispell buffs is the same as killing another player is either genuinely stupid or arguing in bad faith.

Any form of griefing can be considered ā€œpvpā€ under that same logic.

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Stealth, Invisibility potion, Gnomish Cloaking Device, having ur HS primed as you are receiving the heart drop, Zanza reflect, Cover buffs, and last but not least: SITUATIONAL AWARENESS.


Because it is. You canā€™t tell me that a Ganker is NOT a Griefer :roll_eyes:

Oh, yes, and um, remember Spy? That addon got altered due to PvP Server players, as well.

I have NO sympathy for ANYONE who ACTIVELY chooses a PvP Server and then gets mad, when PvP happens, on a PvP Server.

But, thank you for dodging this question:

If itā€™s acceptable in a BG, itā€™s acceptable on a PvP Server.

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there is no such thing as ā€œgriefingā€ on a pvp server, sweetie. at least not cross-faction there isnā€™t.
if you canā€™t handle dispels, play on PvE :expressionless:

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Its total cheeseā€¦and that irks people. Its not ā€œillegalā€. Its a trash move for sure - but its still counts as pvp - in which case trash moves are 100% permitted and the proof is that one player is loling IRL and the other is salty as hell IRL and calling foul.

Its the same thing as people who get bent about emotes in pvp. You know they exist and are available to all but youā€™ll still get your jimmies rustled when you get dropped in a 6v1 as they spam the heck out of you.

My advice would be to play a stealth class if losing buffs to dispels annoys you.

Blizzardā€™s definition of griefing is quite vague and while there are textbook examples of griefing one can definitively point too, others are not so obvious which is why anything ā€œoff the booksā€ (like griefing an in game funeral for a deceased player, which happened) was handled on a case by case basis as opposed to any preemptively fixed standard which, may I remind you, always reaches its inevitable end conclusion wherein most everything becomes griefing and is griefing - as all fun and originality is sucked out of the game.

Cheesing people out of their buffs isnt breaking any written or unwritten rules. Its a cheap move but there is a potential pvp solution to your problem which kinda puts a damper on the original complaint not too mention youā€™re electing to be here, not the other way around.

Please understand, its not that I wholeheartedly disagree with you here. These are just the simple facts of the matter which hold no opinion whatsoever. I agree with you in the sense that, if we were having a discussion about an actual faction war between two hated parties sharing a server, I doubt alt troll pvp would make it into the convo as even an untouched, quirky side note.

Speaking of quirky side notes, when we had actual faction wars break out on servers with the honor patch a lot of people folded (if not quit lol) and transferred their way to 99% faction pop pvp megaservers over time hahaha. Not everyone, but still.

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