Well, IDK who you are and mass reporting is against the rules. You can send in report, to have Blizz look at it.
Sorry, you’ve been blacklisted. I’d offer BB, but it’s mostly HC, and there’s nobody really around for non-HC content, that you might as well be solo on the servers that blacklisted you
No need. Every server ive played on had these problems. Even the most wholesome RP/PvP servers had control freak guilds abusing the automated report system.
But anyway, lets not get hung up on the report system alone. This thread is about a much wider spanning problem. Classic is absolutely being turned into retail, step by step. Frog in warm water and all that.
I am the main tank and raid lead in wrath and classic era . i only play prot war and prot paladin. i am extremely good at both, but dps are braindead and dont watch for anything. LOOOOOOOOOOL. 80% of players are complete trash. thats why all of them quit wrath and went to an easier version. but its still to much for them. This game is very very ez but people will still mess up. u know why? b/c there dumb. how many times do people need to play through the same content b4 they understand mechanics and remember stuff.
edit: theres people that pay attention to the game game and care and people that dont pay attention and dont care, and unfortunately the ones that dont care and dont pay attention are majority of players and it makes the experience bad. thats why when u pug for serious content u look at everything u can about a player. if u want to go for a specific achievement or a certain hard more or w/e it is
only the sweats will stick around for that kind of talk people nowadays cus there casual and older will just leave. its happened multiple times in my guilds.
Part of the point of wpvp is to kill ppl with wbuffs cause it’s fun/funny. We raided at weird days so we could wipe esfands noobs and other random guilds during DMF week etc. sure you can still do that with chrono boon but your raid no longer needs to defend itself going to raid and they can all trickle in as they please. I don’t really care either way that it’s in or not but I lean towards not having it in but idc
I wonder if Blizzard could disable chronoboon on PvP servers, but leave it on for PvE. World buffs on PvE servers are just raidlog timers before boon really, you didn’t get summoned more or interact with the world more, you still did it once a week and logged off. But PvP do have some genuine considerations for World interaction when it comes to buffs.
They just need to make world buffs un-dispellable so you actually have to kill people to remove their buffs. A very simple change, people will still raid log to save buffs but a lot of the biggest fights that happened earlier on were 4-5 alliance raids trying to kill 1 horde raid that was camping mc/bwl and it was the most fun ever.
I used to think the chronoboon was a decent idea, but the logistics needed to avoid purgers/gankers and move a guild safely into the instance was actually a really good part of the fun.
But most importantly, the tears of raid-logging-parsers are lost.
Buffs aren’t needed to clear the content, if you get pwned that’s your fault. Blizzard should remove it on pvp servers. Quality of life stuff to protect buffs is weak af.
They can leave them on pve servers since it isn’t warcraft there anyways…
The worldbuff PvP can still happen. The window for it is just smaller. I’ll take that as an exchange for removing wbuff timer raidlogging. Let the folks that want to revolve around wbuff encounters camp songflowers and heart drops for their jollies if that’s truly something they care about.
There are always going to be boost as long as leveling is a thing, and people who didnt clone want to return.
Mass reporting is still an issue in any form of the game this is not a classic thing. I have no idea why you would be singled out repeatedly but that sounds like a you problem.
What would you do?
Write a whiney forum post? You sound dramatic to be honest. Era is in a good state for being an MMO with zero updates for going on 2 years. I’m having fun, maybe try to lighten up.