[Classic] Druid Cat form changes tracking to Track Humanoids

I concur and have the same issue. It started today.

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Are you seriously downplaying a bug like this?

What if you’re out skinning and herbing?

What if you’re out questing and just want to grab whatever herbs you come across?

Don’t effing let them off the hook for stupid crap like this.


The same is happening to me!!

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Happening here as well.

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A temporary solution is this macro:

/castsequence Cat Form, Find Herbs

Use this to change into and out of cat form. When you change into cat form, press it again after the GCD ends. Still requires an extra press, but a tad bit easier than having 2 separate buttons or toggling via the minimap.


Just wanted to add my voice as well to say that I don’t even have track humanoids as a spell yet and it happens to me when I change into cat form.


I have two druids who are both herbalists. On the resto/boomkin, it’s not as bad because I don’t use cat form much (still HATE it), but on the feral… this is complete nonsense. Every time you pop form for a predator’s swiftness heal you lose herb tracking again.


Yeah, cause nobody plays this old game on an old pc or anything… How the hell do you know? It was pressing a button every gcd making my system glitch and miss attacks/spells when I would press them. But yeah, there’s NO WAY unless I’m a bot right… GTFO with your L take here…

Yes, I am downplaying it. It’s a bug that will be fixed. It’s not game-breaking in any way. Like I said in my post, I have been leveling my druid as feral for several hours, who also is an herbalist. Whenever I change into cat form, it’s literally two mouse clicks to fix. Or write a macro to turn on track herbs. I am commenting on the people who think this minor bug is making the entire game unplayable. It is in no way shape or form unplayable, it’s just annoying. They are being drama queens for the sake of being drama queens.

How is an ability being auto used over and over not literally game breaking?

Because it doesn’t break the actual ability to play the game. If this bug locked my character, and I couldn’t cast any other spell or move my character, then it would be game-breaking. But all I have to do is click my tracking icon on my minimap and change it to Find Herbs whenever I switch to cat form and it’s fine. Or you can make a macro to just cast Find Herbs and it’s fine. I also haven’t read about bears, boomkins, or resto druids overly complaining about this or any other class for that matter complaining about this. It is limited to a very specific player, myself included, that is easily remedied by a click of the mouse.

I don’t know what an L take is. And you’re the first person complaining it’s pressing a button every single GCD, which it isn’t. People have been sharing macros for a temporary fix in this very thread. Heck, I just made a simple /cast Find Herbs macro and put it on my toolbar. Then I shift into cat form and press it. Bam, works fine. Also, if you’re using a 10±year-old computer to play WoW, maybe consider an upgrade.

Same problem here
Skyfury server if that makes any difference
Haven’t trained track humanoids yet either

Also happening here. Pretty annoying.

Adding my annoyance. Please fix thanks.

Install the Tracking Switcher addon. Set both drop-downs to Find Herbs. Works for me!

It means you have no idea wtf you’re talking about. If you were actually playing my character maybe, but you’re not… and it is using the ability every gcd, again… you’re not on my system, you don’t see what I do, don’t just tell me that what I’m seeing doesn’t exist. Also, if you want to pay for me to upgrade my system, be my guest, but I’m running at least the recommended specs and still having major issues… So there’s that. I find the game to be unplayable when I’m glitching around every second and that’s not something you can just say I’m wrong. So grow the F up and stop trying to defend a position akin to the alamo…

There are only 2 people in the entire thread who mentions the button being pressed over and over. You and Jeynar. Everyone else is saying it switches when they go to cat form and they can switch it to Find Herbs either by clicking on their minimap, using a macro, or using an addon. So it sounds like you got something else on your system pressing buttons…which sounds like a bot not working how you want it to.

Also, the recommended specs for wrath classic per Blizzard is a i7-4770 which released over 9 years ago. It would be understandable you have major issues running Windows let alone anything else on a computer running the recommended specs.

It’s pointless arguing with someone like you. You just instantly go on the offensive with bot bot bot… Grow tf up, this is a forum for relaying information, not to try and filter it through you. All I did was report MY situation, I don’t need your feedback, it’s redundant and brings no value. If you maybe asked questions you would know that it only happens if you purchase the ability, which most people don’t do while leveling. But yeah… bot it up my man.

Oh and just an FYI… your info on recommended specs is way off… here’s the actual blizz website World of Warcraft System Requirements - Blizzard Support (battle.net)

I wouldn’t downplay the bug being an issue, personally as I am affected, and I have a few major issues with it.

That said, is it literally unplayable? No, absolutely not. It’s a large inconvenience, but I could still level and whatnot if I choose to just ignore herbs entirely.

I can also herb if I remember to reactivate it every time I go back into cat form, which is fairly regularly, so fairly annoying.

My biggest issue with the bug is the fact that I don’t have the ability to track humanoids? I’m more concerned with the issue that the game is using an ability I haven’t trained, and am not even eligible to train yet.

As linked above by my other druid of the same name because I am bad at forums, I haven’t trained Track Humanoids, and I can’t even if I wanted to. It’s a level 32 skill, and my druid was only 24 when this started happening.

I’m more concerned with that, than needing to remember to track herbs each time. At least floating combat text, as seen in my second link, yells at me when I go catman, and I see that I am no longer herb tracking.

I guess I’m just wondering what backend change happened while I was actively logged in and playing, that made my character gain access to, and automatically use, a skill I do not, and cannot yet learn.