Classic Content Plan

They are more than likely looking at the median level of all players across all realms when making their decisions right? It makes sense?
Not catering to those that are rushing content seems logical too.

I hate just guessing but this seems like a good one lol.

You should consider changing this to “you want more raids because you became bored fast due to powering through everything”.

Many servers have a very healthy population that are still leveling, IE: lvl 40-50’s, and aren’t in a rush to get into raiding. This isn’t a competitive e-sport game, yet some players treat it like it is then complain there isn’t any content to do.

Take some time and lvl up an alt, work on profession, or if your not into that, go find something else to play for a while. Lots of folks enjoying the journey and are quite happy that we aren’t getting the new phases 6 weeks later after launch.

Blizz stated they weren’t releasing the unarmored epic mounts because of this very reason, as they do not want to encourage player to rush through everything.


Same complaint from a small amount of folks wanting more content released sooner that it should be.

Blizz stated they wanted a slow release schedule over time to encourage folks to take their time. If some of the player based wants to no life the game and put in 12-18+ hours a day, that is on them.

The vast majority of the population is still in their leveling phase. Perhaps folks who want to “rush rush, give us more content now!” folks should play on their BFA accounts which gives you BG’s and all those things you want. :roll_eyes:


Battle grounds start at level 10. So this is content for every character in the game. Not sure what the leveling phase has to do with battle grounds other than giving them something else to do besides the same instances 1000000 times.


I feel like the the path blizzard is taking for classic is a good approach rather than just giving us everything all at once, the scene of game progression is still there; even though we know everything that’s coming out.

It would be awesome if they decide to go the classic plus route to keep everything interesting instead of just going down the lines of expansions.

Or they could’ve given us pre-nerf MC and Ony. Those wouldn’t be super hard or anything, but it sure wouldn’t be the cakewalk the post-nerf versions we got are.


Cool, I like DM. It’ll be fun. But please leave a blue comment letting us know the massive minority of players, aka the tryhard nolifers, are not driving your content push. It’s not the majority’s fault they rushed, took a month off, don’t work, whatever, and have done everything multiple times and are now bored.


And abusing layering… and spamming cleave dungeons to level fast.

I suspect if Blizz releases Dire Maul early, its because it’s a little step toward matching vanilla release. Then again maybe not. It might simply be to garner another month’s subs from borderline quitters… until 8.3 can release for hem.

I dunno… I’m all out of Reynolds Wrap and I’ve got a shaved head anyway so…

EDIT: Nope… Blizz did it to garner another month of subscriptions from BfA players who are loitering in Classic til patch 8.3 comes out.

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if blizzard really cared about things being released at the appropriate time, they wouldn’t have released the 1.10 dungeon itemization changes. This has already destroyed the difficulty for MC/BWL so who really cares if the pvp system or bgs are released at this point?

Yeah but then a large part of the user base would quit. No one has time for 3 hr raids multiple times a week anymore.

They do in retail for heroic and mythic raiding, so why wouldn’t they have the time here? Even if they don’t have time, they can still do easy mode MC and Ony.

Too much work to retune i think. Thus we have classic as it is.

For a while, huh? So… 1.5 months? Ya, that’s a while…


Yeah I don’t think it’s fair for PVP the nolifers will be maxed out on everything just when the rest of the server is hitting 60. Would be better to release the content on a per server basis depending on the # of players at 60 and depending on what gear they have.
I suppose there will always be people who play 18 hours a day but those are a small portion of the population and we don’t want to ruin it for the majority of players based on the minority. The world has enough of this already.


Maybe should have played on a PVE server then?

If you want to play a game based on things you can control you can always play a single player game

This post is now irrelevant.

Its not boredom, it’s the fact that 15 years ago they said they wanted CG to come earlier than what they brought it in because of the fact that it’s 20 man instead of 40. it enables you two have to raid groups that develop and then go into molten core onyxia and have those two raid groups develop together in there also…right now I’m in a guild I turned 60 last week we didn’t down rag this week but besides that we have everything else and we are forced to have to teach every tank how to generate threat and every DPS on the proper rotations and debuff Slots Etc. now next week teaching healers how to heal as a unit instead of on their own this would have all been alleviated if we would start the way TBC starts with a 10-man instance instead of 25 so using the same reference if it was a 20 man instead of a 40 Man to start the progression in a new Guild would be different either way more content for guilds that came from private servers means more World Buffs more tryharding but I’m looking at it from the perspective of a casual Guild that somebody can work 12 hours a day and still raid . Which is actually where I come from, ill get high warlord most likely cuz i dont work when the world pvp comes out if not i hope close

I’d agree with everything you said. Blizzard seems to be lead by those 10%. My guess is with the new retail expansion and future moves will direct these people to Retail. They are sheep who want what they want and blizzard will give them it as long as the subs are there. Classic is for RPG or casual committed players. Shame I like a lot of what retail has, unfortunate there is zero community and massive push for gear and no substance.


What in the world is the insane rush to get dire maul into the game? Why are we now following the BFA strategy of resetting all the gear and making everything obsolete as fast as Ion wants everything to be irrelevant? Is it because someone killed Rag and they want the players back in BFA? A few weeks seems absolutely ridiculous to make BRD and everything after it irrelevant just so some streamers have more content for a night as fast as possible. If there is some other agenda making this rush so incredibly important I wish they’d share it. The idea was to slow down and recreate classic, not try to convert nostalgic players to Ion’s BFA style of WoW. :frowning:


Tbh in just waiting for p2 pvp and of course eventually phase 3 BG’s. Everything else before is just filler