Classic Content Plan

Sounds good y’all.

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All aboard the hype train!

Thanks for the update!

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1.12 talents from the start? :hear_no_evil:

Will the items what where added to MC in the 1.4 patch be added in after launch? Maybe in a phase 2.5 with the Pvp system?

Will content phases include item changes and additions to the game? Will items be added or changed outside of a content release? Are there currently any planes for progressive itemization beyond what was listed? From patch 1.1 to 1.4 there where significant buffs to gear that was available in patch 1.1 that significantly increased spell power, attack power, as well as crit and spell crit. It also seems like early on items where being added every patch to preexisting content making it easier to obtain gear with better stats.

Thank you for the update!


Bravo, bravo, bravo!

This is amazing news and thank you so much for listening.

The Classic team is restoring my faith in Blizzard little by little.

Thanks for the update, and for the concise and clear communication Kaivax.


Yessss, perfect now let me kill stuff!

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Oh wow thanks for the posted i’m honestly surprised Diremaul is getting pushed back, I’m doubtful you’ll ever see this post but do you happen to have any rough idea on how long content patch’s will be 4 months? Half a year etc.

Thank you anyway for any info you can give, i figure you’re not a Dev so it’s hard to get answers, but the majority of us are grateful anytime a blue post here with anything.

Edit: Also, will you be rolling back gear stats? For example will Tier one have it’s old value stats or 1.12? Version. ( Sorry if this was already asked in the thread, i’ve yet to read it all.)


Thank you for listening to the players!


I swear every time my sub runs out, within a few days they put out a Classic update that lures me back in. So…you’re welcome everybody.

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That was going to happen regardless.

Great news thanks a lot for the update, fully support this content phases.
Based on this content plan I actually have faith in the classic team and their intentions.

I would like to remind again we still have two major issues that the community raised up as problematic: A. loot transfer for party/raid members B. right click report.

In my opinion the loot transfer have much larger significance and the potential to effect the community in a very negative way, as I wrote already I have faith in Blizzard classic WoW team and so I really hope they will fall back on this decision.

You do know that you don’t need to be subscribed to post on the Classic forums or the Support forums. If you are not gonna play retail, why waste the money, (unless you want to post on the other forums). :slight_smile:

It’s possible they won’t,

“One example of the many items we’re planning for is: Titanic Leggings, which is a world drop that first appeared in 1.10. We can confirm that it will be controlled by the same content unlock that restricts the other 1.10 loot changes.”

But itemiaztion scares me as well.

HYPED! Thanks for the update Ladies and Gentlemen of Blizz!

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100% behind this.

Yes. July 16.

Thank you for the update.