Classic communities opinion on retails Portal situation?

I’m a mage. This is good.

That’s literally being lazy. Not wanting to do something to is extremely easy/complaining about it. That’s literally what lazy is.

“Hey man can you port me to theramore”

“Sure dude!”

You just interacted. Sorry the game is a little tougher for you now =(

I say you remove them all! You aren’t seriously arguing that more ports = bigger world are you? Please sit down child.

No not really lol.

Why would I interact with anyone though? Mages still won’t be comparatively convenient enough to get to where you’re going lol. Like I said, it all just takes time while doing nothing to increase the MMO feel of the game.

I’m not arguing that more ports makes the world bigger, I’m saying that removing them doesn’t make the world bigger.

The only way to make the world feel bigger in this stage of the game is to make old zones more relevant to end game. Darkshore and Arathi Highlands are great because now as a 120, I have a reason to those ancient zones. Only problem I have is that we’re phased away from lowbies so we don’t get to see them do their own thing while we do ours.

Just put them ALL in the same room…and fix the panda portal. That being said i dont play. Also the world feels small cuz nothing matters in it, not cuz of portals.


Let’s see how many times someone can be wrong in one post



A big three


The only way to make the game feel bigger is to remove all means of instant/quick travel. You can have every zone in Azeroth be relevant but it won’t feel big sitting on your 400% mount speed mount or porting all over the place when you use ONE of your 15 minute hearthstones to port to a location near where you want to be.

But of course you can’t see that because it’s such a foreign concept to you, you actually think ‘there’s no way to get to CoT now’.

When creating a fantasy world, you come up with ways that world works, and the way people play in that world move and the tools they have available. And you try and make all of that make as much sense as possible without too many people asking “why don’t they just fly the eagles to mordor?”

In World of Warcraft, you traversed the world thru running, mounting (basically faster running), flight points managed by flight masters, boats, zeppelins, mage portals, and a warlock summon if you were lucky. Now, why you would want to introduce a system that feels significantly more contrived that directly competes with an established class roll in mage portals? I have no idea. The “jump on the back of this cart” method of travel introduced to the game and now in silverpine forest and the wandering isle feels significantly more organic to the game, while at the same time also not invalidating previous methods of travel that was part of a class. The establishment of all those portals didn’t just diminishing the class, and every player that plays it, you’re taking away from the world and its integrity.

Overall the fact that all those portals ever got added in the first place speaks to a design philosophy that does not emphasis world and class integrity. It’s the exact same thing that happened with world markers. With additionally complex raid mechanics in tbc, raiders needed a mechanism to communicate and mark areas. So what happened? The engineering profession was chosen to provide that role with the creation of flares. Flares allowed players to mark areas and communicate in ways not previously possible, and it was added to the game in a completely organic way that built up player characters and the professions. The purple flare schematic only came from black temple, allowing T6 raiders access to an additional color flare, which could come in handy for more complex flare usage. Then what did they do? Continue to develop flares to encourage their use and improve usability? No, they left them, and then eventually just implemented a system of world markers. A nice system. A usable system. Works well. But an artificial system that takes over for something that was already established in an organic and player-controlled way and was an added part of engineering.

Sometimes I like to pick pocket mobs on my rogue for a junk box for poisons that I can’t use anymore, just to try and make it feel like I could still be a rogue again. Or i’ll toss a smoke flare on something in a raid as an indicator, as if the actual in-game tools our characters used is what mattered instead of interfacing with systems layered on top of a game that feels gutted.

But, lets get back to portals. Will removing these specific portals make the world “feel bigger,” if that is their actual goal? Probably pretty minor at best. Blizzard has, in my estimation, very little idea on how to make a world feel “big.” They seemed to do a decent job of it almost by accident in vanilla, and to a lesser extent in TBC. If they understood how to make a world feel big, BFA would probably feel much bigger, without actually being substantially different. Blizzard devs seem not to even approach this game from the perspective of developing a living rpg, it’s actually quite weird.


this times infinity.


Honestly for me it doesn’t make much sense, the old world has little vaule or meaning to go back to it besides prof’s for mog mounts farming a old dungi etc. but since everyone afk auto fly there myself it does’t help.

IF they wanted to make the world feel more alive get rid of flying in all old world area’s and remove Flight masters, or only have one or two per zone.

calling my points wrong and not even arguing them lol goes to show you don’t know what you’re talking about

The worlds still feel plenty big while leveling since the content is relevant somewhat, but why’s it matter to a max level or over leveled alts when there’s nothing to do in those places except go to an instance for tmog?

Removing ways of getting to those places and not even giving a good reason to go there is just going to make people less likely to venture into those zones thus making it more dead.

I go to Moonglade all the time on my Druid just to chill because it’s convenient, but I can’t remember ever going there on any other character. Why would I? It offers nothing, but aesthetics anyways.

They need SOMETHING in current WoW to blame for what they don’t like about current WoW. Just like how adding flight is what caused people to not attack another player that’s in the middle of a quest.

Okay fine you really need me to spoon feed you common knowledge all of us but you apparently? I will sweetheart.

This one is straight forward. I called you lazy for complaining about having to do something that literally takes 1 minute. You said “no lol”. This one doesn’t need argued. You are being lazy, that is the literal definition of the word.

They port you to locations that are close to where you need to be, that’s why you would talk to them. Just because a mage only ports you to theramore when you need to go to tanaris doesn’t mean it isn’t convenient, you just EXPECT to be placed instantly at the location you want…because you know, you’re lazy.

One of the aspects of an mmo is travel. That is pretty set in stone right there that you’re wrong so… how can I argue this when it’s literally common knowledge? Sorry you aren’t quite wise enough to pick up on that.

Do you really need this argued? If I have to run to one place on foot compared to being ported there instantly… which scenario would make for a ‘bigger’ world? Honestly does this really need any more explanation for you? If it does I wouldn’t suggest posting any opinions on a forum as you might out yourself as a moron. May be too late though so who cares.

This is because you aren’t porting around most of the time and you’re on the ground walking. In vanilla 70% of the zones are worthless to you once you hit max level too. Does the game feel small when you’re level 60 in classic? Nope still feels big. Why? Because if you’re horde and you need to get to MC, it’s going to be a travel.

So let me get this straight. You think that because you can’t instantly port to a zone you want to go to…where you are put instantly into an INSTANCED zone away from everyone… those zones are going to be any more dead? You realize that when you’re raiding BT for transmogs you aren’t actually making shadowmoon populated right?

And this type of thinking is so hilarious to me. “IF I CAN’T GET THERE INSTANTLY THEN THERES NO POINT IN GOING”. What a terrible game you play that a 2 minute flight will literally deter you away from doing something you want. God you are such an
insatiable twerp.

“I can go to a druid specific zone on my druid because I have a port but I don’t on my characters so I think we need ports everywhere because of this”.

What does this have to do with anything even remotely related to what we are talking about?

You know what I think we are done here, talking to a retailer such as yourself is like talking to a schizo homeless person, nothing makes sense.

You started in 2013 anyway ports literally were in the game way before you started so you are more than irrelevant in this conversation anyway.

No one cares about retail.

I find it very interesting because after reading the outraged comments, it really shows how different the mindsets are both classic fans and BFA fans. One isn’t necessarily better than the other, but we are both very different, expecting different things. Catering to both groups is impossible, so it’d be best to keep both games separate.

They didn’t go far enough - should have removed flying too!

His thinking goes in the right direction, though.

Players have gotten very accustomed to certain portal locations because some of them have been in place for many years. With these portals, these players do engage with the world, even if if isn’t in the traditional vanilla kind of sense. Take these portals away after having been there so long, I’m going to guess that at least some players won’t bother to continue to engage with the old world anymore, at least some of the time. Some may quit engaging altogether.

I understand that this makes you angry, but it’s the reality of the modern playerbase.

Putting it into a perspective, it’s kind of as if Blizzard decided to nerf the speed of ground mounts in Kalimdor/EK across the board by 25% once TBC dropped for the same reason: “to make the world seem bigger.”

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I have played BfA it’s not the mentality of all retail players, it’s the mentality of the players who the game is made for now, which is what killed the game.

And that comparison… doesn’t really fit… azeroth was pretty much untouched with TBC so making mounts slower for it doesn’t make sense. This change literally makes going to a raid a minute or two longer than it was before, changing mount speed by 25% isn’t even in the same boat.

If you can’t be arsed to take a minute travel to do the thing you want to do, then you really don’t want to do it. Which I don’t blame them in that sense because the game is trash as it is anyway. And let’s not act like this change is going to ‘kill off’ these zones from players as if it was lively beforehand. People would port to CoT, and then go into their instance… that didn’t make tanaris populated and it’s silly to act like it did.

That thinking DOESN’T go in the right direction… at all.

All right, griping about the CoT port might be a bit histrionic, but the Shrine portals should not be removed. Sorry. Not moving on that one.

It doesn’t matter if you ‘move’ or not lol it didn’t make the zone any more lively. You literally would just hearth to the shrine, and then portal to where you needed to be. You were there for a total of 5 seconds how does removing these make it any less alive? You can’t honestly think it was.

Except everywhere a mage can port is already covered by the portal room making them worthless except for the niche areas that you can find alternatives to anyways. The only benefit of a mage is if you yourself are playing one.

No not really, an MMORPG is about community and progression really in some big world. Not so much travel, that’s just what often comes with a large world. I play OSRS and it has a lot of teleports (most gotta be unlocked which is good) and it’s a thriving game.

Except I’m not running on foot, I’m flying alt tabbed and not aware of anyone around me lol. You’re not really gonna be immersed in the world when all you gotta do is press numlock and not afk long enough to be halfway into the ocean.

Can’t fly or port to Uldir or Dazar’alor; I have to run to the entrance or get a summon. Same if I want to do a dungeon on M+ difficulty. Doesn’t really make the world any bigger having to travel there… probably because it’s on two small islands.

This really just goes back to my point of the world going to still feel dead due to lack of anything meaningful to do there.

So the zones won’t be more populated with people flying or walking there either it sounds like! Hmm! Maybe they should… idk… add relevant content to those zones?

If the only reason to go to a zone is for measly cosmetics and it’s made harder to go there, people are just not going to bother lol. Simple.

It’s a simple example that flew over your head lol. Having easy access to a zone that offers absolutely no relevant content (even to druids tbh) made it more populated than it would be without it.

Ty for understanding where I’m coming from. In vanilla, you traveled through those zones to do relevant content, but right now we travel through those zones to basically farm cosmetics.

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I’m not even sure what you’re arguing right now. I guess you’re using “you” in the general sense here? And yes, you’ve correctly described what is called a “portal hub”. That is what the Shrine portals functioned as these past years. you didn’t even need to set your hearth there to use them that way. Pandaria remains reasonably popular for farming mounts, pets, mats, transmog, and achievements-- so players come and go through there and then use the portals to move on to where they want to be next.
And if they were me, “where they wanted to be next” might be somewhere else in, say, Northrend or Outland for some mining. Definitely out in the world.