Classic communities opinion on retails Portal situation?

The sooner Blizzard realizes that their retail audience doesn’t care about the rpg…the better off they will be.

I preffered the older expansion method, having the portals in the newer cities that only go back to older cities, there should never be portals to skip ahead, you should first get there on foot!

But we don’t need them in Classic WoW, its only 2 continents and we want mages to be useful again :slight_smile:

Can I get TLDR?

OP wanted to know what we thought of blizz adding the portal room and removing g some old portals. GD was ablaze over it and they actually got some half hearted attempts by blues at communication. I don’t blame the blues either. When your job is to carry the message for someone else. You’re the one who gets egg on your face or worse. Lol

Ohhhh so they’re removing the Dalaran type portal rooms…

This I dont have a feeling about either way. I like it because it encourages people to move around the world and not just pop around from place to place. On the other hand, once you add something like portal rooms its tough to take it away. They probably should just keep them in since the player base seems to want that type of stuff.

I hated these portals since Burning crusade, also the summoning stones were total crap.

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They’re removing portal rooms that have been in place for literally years (I’m thinking specifically of the Shrine(s) rooms and the Dalaran portal to CoT here), and which arguably facilitated more player engagement around the older zones rather than less. I see it as a move that may wind up shooting themselves in the foot.

Well. Yea. They are removing portals that have been there for years. I like the idea of cleaning up the portals in Org. I’m sorry/not sorry. The game has bigger issues than “making old content feel bigger”. Communication is a bigger issue than this. Classic communication is a bigger issue than this.
Yet we sit here and have a 3k+ post about how the right click report function works currently and a blue can not say hey guys this is how it works. Instead we argued, assumed, and argued about misinformation. For what? So blizz can collect data that says yea the player base is confused? Lol.
This idea that they interrupt discussions by posting? Well no kidding when you barely do something it becomes a big deal. When you have outstanding issues and you ignore them you damb right your concerned community is going to ask when they get the chance!
Oh look a blue posting about food! “Jey bro will there be a classic beta”?

Blue: Puppies are cool. We have no info but soon!

That was enough for me. I don’t care they are removing portals. I do care that real communication is not high on the priority list but making old content “feel bigger” is. I’ll resub come classic. I’m done with their tauren droppings.
Want me to play? Gimme something I want to play. I’m just here to meme and build some community with the real folks here. They know who they are. They don’t have blue text either…


eek i loved the shrine room lol so convenient. ah well, i play old school everquest emulator and the only portals they have are ones provided by their fellow players (druids and wizards can port other people) and it does add a nice layer of community. it’s just too late for that in retail.

Same here, i,m kinda taken by surprise.
Must say i think it,s kinda ballsy, not sure iff it will pay off in the way there hoping.
( not that i know what there aiming for, all we can do is gues)

Yes, now this, I agree with as well. The portals in the Cleft of Shadow are a confusing mess and cleanup is long overdue.

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theres an entire guild in project 1999 (old school everquest with 2 xpacs), dedicated to porting people. if you need a port you do a /who all dial
and it pulls up a list of players in the dial-a-port guild, who’s only reason for being in that guild is to port other players for game currency tips. they make really good game money tips doing that which has never been the case for mage portals in wow.

I made my peace with Retail being…Retail back in WoD. Meaning, all quality life improvements. Wasn’t for me, but I understood they weren’t making the game for me.

Old era WoW and retail are separate. They shouldn’t be reverting back QOL additions to Retail to make it longer and more inconvenient; they already went with the easier path long ago. It’s too jarring for the Retail pop and they frankly don’t deserve the treatment seeing as how they stayed subscribed during WoD and BFA ( the player base ought to win awards for that ).

Classic is returning and that’s where our non-QOL gameplay should be, not Retail. Leave their game be. The portal subtraction was petty and condescending.

Im way too uneducated on what is happening with the situation after reading there are portals in org now. haha

there’s cataclysm portals. there’s tbc portal. there’s portal to pandaria. there’s legion portal. there’s portal to the new city in bfa. and these are scattered all over the place.

That’s not the point. Portals were in MoP and they aren’t there anymore. MoP is old content, why make a change to it for a reason the player base doesn’t agree on ?

It was very convenient and curious that this “change” affected player’s … Convenience.


i know. i’m gonna miss the mop portals. i think its too late for retail. its not an rpg and its barely a mmo.

I don’t really care since I don’t play retail

Pretty much this.

The majority of the people crying don’t even use those portals. When was the last time anyone went to the caverns of time? That’s one of those ‘3 times a year portals’ for the average player. Just take the Uldum portal and you can fly to the caverns of time in a minute. Big whoop.

We have 3 hearthstones to zip around the world every 15 minutes. Dalaran hearthstone, garrison hearthstone, regular hearthstone. If one is on cooldown then use the next one.

You also have the engineering wormholes or the class teleports. Mages, shamans, druids, and death knights etc.

They’ve done all this work every expansion to make world traveling easier from faster walk speed (can’t remember which patch), to flying, lowered level requirements for mounts, to better zeppelin placement, to class abilities, to items like nitro boost to increase your traveling speed.

I honestly don’t think they are doing enough to make use of their vast world size. Their end game designs makes all older content useless so why care if there is a portal to take you back to useless content?

Imagine classic wow making the power creep 25% between tiers. It would destroy the size of the world by making all the other content useless.

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