Classic Cataclysm without RDF?

The Classic player base is not exclusive. There are quite a number of us who liked Cata the first time around and that still jump into retail every now and then. You speak for yourself not the entire classic player base.

That said, I’m looking forward to Cata Classic. In my opinion, the most likely outcome is Blizz creates a server for Wrath Classic as they did for Classic Era so those players that do not want to continue on to Cata can stay in Wrath Classic. The rest of us will continue on.


it’s such a dumb argument anyways.

“guys we can’t have rdf so soon it would ruin the game, wait until the phase it originally came out in”

“oh but give us dual spec, faster flying mounts, experience from BGs, remote queue BGs, equipment manager, shorter mount time, mounts at earlier levels, random BGs, loot trading within the group, and vendor refunds all at the prepatch”


Wish I could like this more than once, well said.

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It wasn’t ready and they had to prioritize. They wanted it in, at launch.


Don’t forget the the things that were never in wrath … starting with the token (they ninja-ed in)…lol.

Or they could just add rewards to the lfg. Instead of continuing to take things away that were in the og version.

They add so much that was never in anyway. It gets old…real quick.


Ok guys. I’ve been playing this game since the launch of the original Wrath and this is the first time I’m getting on here to say something.
I believe that if they did a Cata Classic and kept all the previous changes the same it would be a waste and would upset a lot of players. This obviously being due to all the terrible changes they made to the game play at that time. But……
What if they did a Cata Classic where they used the opportunity to make it the great expansion it should have been. Keep the talent trees, don’t nuke all the characters that they did, etc… The story line, being able to fly in Azeroth, and yes even RDF, we’re all good parts of the expansion that could still be good now. Blizzard should listen to the majority of the complaints that were made from the previous release and correct them. Show that they care about what the players have to say like they did with Dragon Isles.
Those of you that say you are going to rage quite if Cata comes out have every right to do so, but not all of us feel the same way. Ultimately this, I believe, is a great chance for Blizzard to go back and make things RIGHT!!! Who’s with me? Thoughts??!!

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Unfortunately the changes you want might be the opposite of the changes I want. With each change some will lose and some will win. That’s the reason I’m no changes. It’s not that there aren’t a dozen changes I’d like to see in the game right from vanilla to make it better for me. I wanted rdf and dual spec right from the beginning of classic but I never asked for it. Because if I start getting changes I want most likely blizzard will make some changes I hate.


Yes but I believe the majority of ppl that play wow would agree that Cata was the expansion that changed everything for the worse. This is an opportunity to get it right for those of us that didn’t get to see the expansion we deserve.

/10 characters

Lol. Exclusive classic playerbase. This has got to be sarcasm. I know they exist, but they are very few and easy to spot. Muh fav stremer says that not good so me repeat. Dohno why.


There are multiple opinions on what is “right” and should be changed.

The best thing they could have done, was release “no changes” at least through wrath (or mists).

Leave era servers, see which ones retained population and discontinued the ones that don’t. Then done classic+

Win for everyone.

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Good luck with that. We’ve seen a lot of changes and I have no doubt we’ll see a lot more. Rarely was there a change I liked. Many I didn’t care about and a few ruined the game for me. Maybe you’ll have better luck with the Cata changes that will be coming.

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why, because they said so? hate to break it to ya, but they’ve said they’d never use level scaling in WoW, nor would they ever implement Classic servers, let alone boosts or WoW tokens in Classic.

guess how many of those things they stood by their statement of?

what Actiblizz says and does, are two completely different things. not saying they’ll implement RDF at any point, just saying “don’t be shocked or surprised if they DO implement it.”


Yes, you are correct. This is exactly what it is.

I played Wrath extensively, and while those dungeons were challenging and there were wipes, Pit of Saron Timewalking definitely hits harder than the original dungeon.

(Save for those two clusters of mobs after the second boss… Those would always kill you. XD)

Anyway, I really want RDF to release in Wrath, and I will absolutely not play Cata classic without it.


I take it you mean the mob on the hill after Ick and Krick? I never died on those.

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This, I do not understand why people claim that Cataclysm is more like retail, I would argue that the game is closer to Vanilla than Retail up to MoP, to me Retail start from WoD when they did the stats squish and completely changed the game.


You are right but saying

to me Retail start from WoD when they did the stats squish and completely changed the game.

is the wrong approach. There is nothing that marks an expansion as retail. Retail is the current iteration and even WoD is so far from what the current World of Warcraft is. The template blizzard has been using for the current iteration of WoW is taken from Legion if at all.

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To me the stats squish is part of retail style extreme bad decisions that lead to WoD, BFA and Shadowland type dumpster fire.

Until WoD there is not a single major bad thing I can remember that was added to WoW that truly changed/ruined the game for me personally.


That’s fine I’m also not a fan of the stats squish but you are doing the same thing as all those classic andys. <A feature from an expansion I don’t like > = RETAIL.
The stat squish itself has nothing to do with how the current iteration of WoW is, neither dungeon finder, nor any other strange classic andy reason.

The biggest features that made retail how it currently is are from Legion. Mythic+, World Quests, Daily activities, no specific levelling zone, etc.