Classic Beta is up on the Blizzard CDN

OH god I need it



If by concrete you mean “Nerf Strength” foundation.


Man, I lose track of days when working from home.

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August 13th Classic will release, on my birthday, on a Tuesday.

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TinFoil Hat out in the rain foundation

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How long does it take for them to normally act on this?

When it’s ready.

So now that there is beta hype… I’m assuming we will all be playing?!? And naming our characters our forum names!!!

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But its still unfortunate we have been driven to the point of looking into when some random rogue killed patchwork to just try to speculate on a release when we are officially in spring of a game that has a ‘summer’ release.

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“Summer” could be September

It’s not a new game tho.
It’s nothing blizz has done before, hence, we can’t really use previously used stuff to determine how long it will last.

However, the classic summer, july 16th thing and releasing on Q3, conveniently about a month after 8.2, makes mid july the most likely release date.

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I keep changing my first response to this. First it was confusion, then suspicion, now dancing.

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It’s a re-master of a 15 year old game made in an existing client that’s already had quite a bit of testing though, so there really isn’t an equivalent release you can compare it to to really know how long a beta might be.

It might only have a short test that’s mostly just an attempt to see how many servers they’re going to need or to see if players spot some glaring inconsistency from vanilla that they missed.


We all know we dont count september as summer


But we do count the entirety of June! Earlier please!


We don’t… but I wouldn’t consider the statement “get ready for a classic summer!” Anything more than a tease that the game will come out at some point in the summer… not that “you will be able to play this game for the entirety of the summer”

This ^ is what we need more of.

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It won’t be September. That’s why the guy from the job said “Classic Summer” implying that summer will have the quality of classic not the tail end of it

This came out via datamining. Blizzard almost never comments on datamining.