Classic Beta is up on the Blizzard CDN

Its 100% legit guys.

Yes you wont keep your beta progress.


So youā€™re saying that the dream of the 90ā€™s is alive in Portland?

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Yes, characters are ALWAYS wiped when a beta ends.

You will never be able to take your beta character and transfer it to live. Once the beta ends, your beta characters and their gameworld will cease to exist. You will then have to start fresh at level 1 in the live Classic game.


Also to everyone that said i was trolling it is now up on wowhead too. <3 u all though.


Then it wouldnā€™t hit on summer.
Expect the ptr to last around a month and half or 2 months, like recent ptrs.

And it would set it for release right around mid july, as expected.
Things are falling into place.

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Iā€™m just saying but likeā€¦

Alliance vs Horde lowbie beta pvp lets do it.


Note the beta is NOT live, and likely wont be for atleast a few weeks.

Thatā€™s why Iā€™ll play the beta a bit if selected, but not go crazy into it.
I donā€™t want to burn myself out before classic is dropped.


Yes, they do.

Of course not, it would be hitting around may 1st, ending at most first days of july.

:hugs::hugs::hugs: how long before we get a blue post on it?

How long before invites?

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Hmm, itā€™s on WoWhead nowā€¦

And its disappointing that blizzard cannot be more transparent about these things.

IMO a blue post should have come out about this long before adding an entry to the CDN

It is Tuesday. Perfect time for someone to make a blue post and bring up the PTR.

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Everyoneā€™s just trying to keep their hype in check. :slight_smile:

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ā€œPTRā€ and ā€œBetaā€ are similar, but not quite the same.

  • PTR is used for patch updates. Blizzard PTRs last typically 1 to 3 months.
  • Beta is used for new games and expansions. Blizzard betas typically last 4-6 months.

Classic is a new game, not a patch. It is having a beta, not a PTR. Iā€™d expect at least 4 months for the Classic beta.

Iā€™ll be damned. I recant, sir.

Good find!


Hyped for it

Just here to remind you July 16th is the CONCRETE date they gave to us. 3 month beta inc