Classic Beta is up on the Blizzard CDN

Its a Druid spell - Steal Hope.

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You know nothing John snow!



Actually… Mr. Snow……. :wink:

Well, if we’re getting technical

Aegon Targeryan.


Spoilers what are you doing!

Edit your post druid!

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Its been two years. Spoiler statute of limitations has ended.

I’d suspect it shares a build counter with retail.

It’s entirely possible since the build number is elevated to not far above the retail value. We won’t really know for sure until another PTR build comes out, to see whether they just picked up the number from where they forked and are really prolific push’ers or whether its combined.

From the BlizzCon presentation about bringing Classic WoW back, it sounded very much like it is a parallel development process, so it would be logical to assume that they’re on the same build system.

Each new dot dot dot dot release is them adding an overpowered 1.12 PvP item.

As much as I really want to play the Beta, I know I shouldn’t. I don’t want to burn all my early level fun and have to do it over again in a week or a month.

Thank you all for doing the testing for me :slight_smile:

I use something similar at work, but the build number is taken from the times the build is run ‘on that branch’. So if Classic really is a separate executable it may not be building on the same branch as Retail.

They could also be using a different system where (like Subversion tagging) the entire product base is built at each build, and the release branch is the only one that matters for all of them.

No sweat I plan to level slowly in beta then just grind mobs mostly to level cap on live. I like classic but the leveling…well I enjoy it but end game is my bread and butter.

I’ve tried desperately to enjoy leveling on Retail, but it just hasn’t worked. It’s what I look forward to more than anything in Classic (which is why I’m trying hard not to ruin it for myself).

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How very exciting! My guesses are coming true. Mid May beta with a late August release. It will be MUCH less testing needed as 1.12 was already a well tweaked incarnation. Mostly the differences between server technologies that will need attention.

Be less right with your guesses.

Late April beta with an early June release.


Certainly possible. Whenever it is, it can not come soon enough.

OMG… a fresh Azeroth. Be the first to kill Hogger, corpse walk, get your hunter pet, stealth, Blizzard, the first to get their blueberry.

The auction house without more epics than anything else. Tons of things priced in silver and nothing in thousands gold, needing a material only to find no one has it yet… and you can’t jump on a max level alt to fast-grind it.

Man, oh man. Kid in a candy store!


So in the details there are 38 more Blizzard errors. Yesterday 300073 was the iteration, now its 300113, So inevitably are we getting close (looks around to see if correct or not)

The difference in iteration is 40. There are 38 additional blizzard errors.
Bitwise &'ing of 38 and 40 is : 100000
Decimal Value of 100000 is: 32
32 in octal is: 26
Wow launched in November of 2004.
November 26th is a tuesday.

I fully expect that I will not be the “first” to any of these. I want to enjoy it, not race to endgame then complain that Blizzard never provides enough content.