Classic Beta is up on the Blizzard CDN

Well, it would be a curious set of timing, putting up big news like this the day prior to Easter!

It may be they might say something after Easter, but a lot of folks (yes, even us fanatical Classic types) do have a few other things on our minds around this time of year :wink:

All of that said, I will PROMISE not to complain if someone who posts in blue text wanders past and drops some news about a Beta.

(Actually, I might send them cookies!)

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If I pretend to have news, can I have some cookies? I haven’t eaten in a whole hour!

I wouldn’t expect them to put up the servers for us to play on this weekend, though a post from a blue would be nice.

At this point, they’re fully aware we know about the beta build being put on the CDN and that datamining will be following later today anyway.

this is what ive read but its not “official”.

“we made it boys” post


That login screen. The road winding up off into the distance just beckons doesn’t it?


Where art thou my Clashick WoW?
searching around the corners
listening through the crevices
I wonder where you went
I ponder over the loss day and night
Reminiscing about the old times
when you lived in my heart
bathed in my heart
and slept in my heart
forever I shall not forget
the wonderful moments consumed
cherished forever
arousing an oasis of serenity within my heart
the memory so elusive
staying only for a moment
as I embraced you my Clashick WoW
you vanished in my hands

Where art thou my Clashick WoW?
everlasting in my heart
embroidered in my soul
forever engraved in my mind
sealed with gold
the memory so elusive
staying only for a moment
as I embraced you my love
you vanished in my hands

Where art thou my Clashick WoW?
why are you hiding from me?
leaving me here to wander
searching in vain
yearning for your smell
the taste of your flavor
ever present in my mouth
causing my heart to hunger
the memory so elusive
staying only for a moment
as I embraced you my love
you vanished in my hands


Exciting times.:grin:

This has actually made my day.


No worries my Dwarven friend, glad I could be of assistance! :sunglasses:

Honestly, all they really should need, particularly if they make use of premade characters, is a one to two month long beta. Players will take care of the rest.

Yes, they need to beta-test the Classic Client + Server. No, they don’t need to test as much of it, most of the client/hardware stuff has already been tested/is being tested as part of the 8.2 PTR or previously.

I think July remains very possible.


by now, a blue obviously saw this post on their forum. I wonder why they aren’t saying anything about it. Perhaps only a ‘‘Beta coming soon!’’ with no date.

The builds keep on coming. Builds in this kind of quick succession are generally hotfix builds without any notable changes. Think crash fixes, minor data fixed and stuff like that.

^ This tells me they are trying to get it going soon.

Oh no, not Blizzard soon.

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WoW Classic Beta

when this started it was at something like

Because doing so would create another flurry, coupled with the complaint “AND YOU TOLD US NOTHING”


We’re getting closer!

On the website.
You could be a winner!

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It’s really easy to have 35 builds go by with a decent team, while you’re working on a product. I would not read much into that counter.


stop trying to steal our hope Eloraell :teddy_bear:

Or … perhaps … just maybe…

They’re testing and fixing the deployment elements in a way that allows them to deploy when they’re ready, instead of having to fix all this stuff right before they deploy.