Classic Beta is up on the Blizzard CDN

Getting your blueberry at level 10 is hardly racing to endgame though :rofl:

Hogger is the first raid boss though. Or at least it took 10 of us to kill him the first time in Classic

 that counts right?

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if you dont want to spoil the actual game by playing the beta, then dont level or do anything serious on the beta. just wander around. check vendors. soak in the enthusiasm. do city quests. refamiliarize yerself with the maps. graveyard hop the flight points.

You could say that. I suppose that would make the Stockade version of him the HC raid! :wink:

I genuinely hope that anyone with Alpha/Beta access is actively attempting to test the product, not wander around soaking in the atmosphere.

lol i will report any bugs i recognize. but i cant remember enough about vanilla to accurately test it. private server people will even be at a slight disadvantage since private servers dont have the same exact set of data. but at least they will be better prepared to judge accuracy then me lol .

What is this “racing to endgame” you speak of? Stop and smell the blueberries, I always say."

Seriously though
 just the idea that you are among the FIRST adventures to accomplish, see, do something is awesome. Participate in a world where you don’t see other beings from alternate universes sometimes called “CRZ servers”

Where a green item is really nice
 and a blue is super exciting.

No one has heard of titanforging, or bad luck prevention for legendaries.

Where death can actually happen while leveling and the corpse walk will remind you of WHY you don’t want to do that very much.

Where it’s not all about pressing all your buttons
 but recognizing situations where you DON’T press certain buttons (like breaking CC).

Of all the people that have played WoW
 only a relatively small number played at launch
 about 300,000 if my memory serves. So very few have experienced the world of Azeroth as it was nearly 15 years ago. I am one of those people who was not there.

I find that so exciting.


Something I wasn’t there for
 could you kill Hogger in a raid and get the quest item? I recall in BC that if in raid group you could not get quest items or credit for quest kills
 was that the same in Vanilla?

Right there with you. I came relatively late into vanilla, and can’t wait to be among the first ones, on the new servers. Not worlds first, but it’ll do!:sunglasses:

Originally in Vanilla you could complete quests in a raid. That’s why we used to always raid Scholomance as a group.

After they made the change fairly early on, we used to have people drop group, grab the item, then rejoin the group.

Checked - Patch 1.3

Play a different class on the opposite faction during beta.

Yes, except if it was a Raid Quest. For example, quests in UBRS were Raid Quests and could therefore be completed while in a Raid group.

If you are in a raid, quest items/quest credit doesn’t happen unless it was flagged for being done in a raid. Remember more than a few occasions where people would get invited to the raid well in advance so they’d be out in the world doing quests and start wondering why they weren’t getting credit for their kills or any quest item drops. Great fun when they were reminded, “That’s because you’re in a raid right now.”

Wrong, what they did was drop from the group just before the quest NPC died(so they had the tag), loot the quest item, and rejoin the group before they were teleported out of the dungeon.

Hmm, I remember doing that on my 2nd toon, but I thought the first one did it in the raid in Scholo. Ah well. #15YearsOfMemory

An August Release would be the worst time for me to play :frowning: I really hope its mid June.

Everyone is hoping for June 25th.Imagine being able to play all summer


Breaking News: Data miner Twitch_Yine has entered the client. Confirmed BFA beta reporting system.

Reddit post: “”

And still no blue post sobs

beta hype!