Classes Aren't Fun

Most of the DPS classes I played in legion felt really unfun to me coming into BfA - and I was about to leave the game when I decided to try healing.

Maybe its the new role (and all that comes with it) and the fact i had no reference for how they played in the past, but I’m really enjoying it.

WW has gotten a bit better as the expansion has moved on, at least from where it was, but I’m having fun healing at the moment, so haven’t checked out the other classes.

I imagine in 9.0 - when they nerf and change the way my healers play I’ll be complaining about that though. Sad my faith in class design changes is so low…

Sorry your not having fun.

No, like Ret Paladin’s “Wake of Ashes” was the legion artifact weapon power but now it is a tier 4 talent.

So an active talent if you take it.

oh it is, I did look over my ret pally yesterday. I mained arcane mage last expansion and did the same this one. Class seems like a mediocre version of last.

I just came back after a year or so haven’t touched this expansion until a week ago.

I feel like a lot of the specs would be 100% more fun if they just increased haste across the board. Shorter GCDs, faster casts, faster autos. I’d rather unleash a flurry of weaker attacks than fewer, harder hitting attacks. At least then I’m always doing something.

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Classes feel awful because they decided to jam any potential new spells abilities what have you into the azerite armor. That artificial bloat made them have to trim the existing classes down even further which is what we’ve got today that and the dumb gcd changes. All for the concept of giving you something “new” that only lasts during expansion and then disappears forever.


Since cata I have not enjoyed classes. They simplified abilities removed abilities added the gcd. They need to make the game faster and add more cool situational or utility abilities back. Passives are lame

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I knew exactly how good legion was while i was playing it, because we had just come out of WoD.

The earlier part of the expansion was my favorite. During the Nighthold era.

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I’d play more classes if the Leveling wasn’t soo god awful


It’s because they lack the nuance and minor details that’s required from an RPG.

So many things were gutted because they were deemed “useless” or “bloated/confusing.” Biggest mistake ever. They were only made useless because the content wasn’t designed with such abilities in mind. Having a lot abilities, however niche they are, is a good thing for newer and older players alike because it gives them a lot to experiment and learn with.

The content in WoW is still solid, but the means of doing so(the classes) make it feel dull. It’s so bad that there are add-ons that will actively tell you the quickest way to do a dungeon, which speaks a great deal about how simplified the game is. All those small and minor variables that added up in the long run are gone.

Aside from the teething issues in its first 2/3’s of it(mostly failing to meet ideal class fantasies that just didn’t work in the content provided), and the netherlight crucible BS(which was just beta-testing Azerite more than anything.)

Hey, gdruids have 2 buttons… /unfair

I miss legion so much…but yeah the writing was on the wall with the netherlight crucible BS which was just beta-testimg for azerite.


That BFAGCD slowdown when you try and use SEF/Serenity + ToD (plus maybe Xuen) though… THAT feels ultra almighty super duper bad. Plus early on the heavy reliance on Good Karma for about 40% of your total damage in a fight was the biggest blunder I’ve ever seen Blizz put WW monks through. It was awful and turned a lot of people (rightly so) against playing a WW monk. Amazing the folks currently handling class development still have jobs. Mind blowing.

I saw someone trying to defend BFA Vengeance DH (because aside from demon spikes their core rotation literally is 2 buttons) by saying “WHAT ARE you talking about!!! I have so many abilities!!! Like Double Jump, Glide, Demon Vision…”

:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

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For sure im finally haveing a blast lavabursts hits like a truck for me now with the right set up don’t even feel the ilvl mob scaleing anymore with this now.

Can we bring Legion back? :unamused:

Legion pre-Netherlight Crucible or MoP endgame would be peak class gameplay for me. Only nice thing about BfA was the return of shadowbolt affliction.

Legion classes were designed with Artifact traits and legendaries in mind.

Now that those interesting traits are gone and replaced with lackluster Azerite armors, all the classes feel like a downgrade from the Legion ones.

Seriously, not even new talents and skills for most classes after taking away all those cool traits? What the hell were you thinking, whoever was in charge of the classes?


But the complaints in Legion were just as deafening back then… We are never really satisfied with what we have, thinking it isn’t good enough. Only to realize, there is worse.

My dh doesnt even have his cool artifact ability anymore, all I do is spam 1 ability, they literally just took abilities away and gave us nothing wtf? They think passive trait are more fun than active skills??

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Hell no!!!

Math class is pretty terrible, and English…oh yeah…but I like art class is good…gym class…I can take or leave it…But really no one really likes to go to class …