Classes and Item Tuning Incoming - May 3

This is why they should have kept the PvP profiles from Legion. A lot easier to balance when you dont have to balance PvP and PvE at the same time.

The blood nerf is extremely unreasonable this late into the tier. I thought Ion said they were not planning on making any major nerfs/buffs that would shake up the rankings mid-tier. A 30% defensive AND offensive nerf puts blood pretty much at the bottom.

Dumb decisions like this cause people to quit the game.


I get what you’re telling me, I’m just talking about doing stuff like questing in ZM, dungeons (like not M+ but normal and heroics) things like that.

It just feels like we’re gimped. I’m sure its better if we have Tier, but some of us just don’t raid anymore and for me personally, I’d like it if the activities I do, didn’t feel so RNG reliant. It’s like you get big crits on one mob, then hit like a wet noodle on the next 3, and I don’t know about you, but like the Mobs in ZM hit for a ton, and I don’t remember having to pop CD’s like the Bubble and Lay on Hands as much as I do now when questing in other parts of SL.

My TLDR is that Ret still feels very RNG without the tier sets, and it sucks for non raiders who don’t have tier.

Ret buffs when? Literally bottom of the barrel still in AoE and ST outside of it’s burst.

I would argue for scaling more to be honest, at least then you could somewhat affect your stats, similar to challenge mode in MoP.
I personally like the PvP profiles, but I don’t like how it affects classes that have specific breakpoints and reliance on stats when you don’t have the ability to control them.

Any haste reliant spec such as Shadow Priest and Resto Druid or specs like Fire Mage which rely on a certain degree of crit come to mind.

Honestly though whilst we have 4 tiers of difficulty/gearing as well as multiple degrees of excessive borrowed power I don’t think PvP will really ever be in a good place.

Perhaps it is time to pursue legal action.

Sorry, but BM needs more than 3% in PVE! We are a total joke!!

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They missed a 0 behind but heard good news that the final patch is being adjusted

Probably getting 30% instead of 3%

I think that is sadly 90% of specs these days unfortunately. So much of a classes power is front loaded into cooldowns, and outside of those our general rotations are extremely lacklustre.

Even with 4pc Templar’s Verdict does 50%+ of my damage with the next highest ability Wake of Ashes being only ~10%. It makes a lot of what you do feel irrelevant, or at the least underwhelming.

Someone once said Crusader Strike would be better not doing damage with how little it does, it would be more beneficial for it to simply generate Holy Power and not have the melee range requirement lol.

The RNG just gets worse with tier as well unfortunately. Our bonus is off our RNG Art of War proc, and then the 4pc is another RNG proc ontop of that to potentially reset Wake of Ashes instead.

I’m honestly just hoping with the vast changes in Dragonflight that they look at reworking Ret, and I know a lot of other people feel the same way.


Yall a bunch of cry babies.


I believe he spelled “Fury” wrong.


What this theoretical system needs would be a way to even out the gear while still getting to choose stats. GW2 has good system for this. If Bliz is going to borrow dragon flying from them might as well take the only other thing they did that was any good.


This is not the right way to approach a BDK Nerf. The only problem with DK is that our damage is high (and realistically, its within the bounds of what you have been letting prot pally get away with all expansion). Nerf the max strength buff, not the DRW uptime.

You have stated in the past that you dont like to make functional changes to specs in the middle of a tier. This is a HUGE functional change to dk that will massively change our stat weights and gear choices, making past gear upgrades/vault selections less valuable. PLEASE dont change how the spec functions


This nerf the fun out of playing the spec. Every BDK dream is extending the Dancing Rune Weapon way beyond what they possibly could. This is like Frost DK wanting longer Breath of Sindragosa, Fire Mage wanting their combustion more often, and etc for every spec. It is the fun part of feeling overpowered to be able to do this.

If dev want to lower the damage BDK put out, then just nerf the damage part. Don’t change how the spec play and feel. Other have pointed out the part about defensive getting nerfed to the ground already so I just wanted to point out the feel part.


Make it 10% for arms and like 2% for fury then you’re good maybe.

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4% WOW, when 40% would still be half of the damage you gave to 3 ppl to sell their soul using the group finder you don’t patrol very well.

i’m tired of you!

No sub/assassination changes. Thanks blizz! (no sarcasm)


Wheres the resto druid nerfs? Have they seen the logs???

This ain’t it.