Classes and Item Tuning Incoming - May 3

The blood DK changes make no sense. The damage absolutely does need to be nerfed but defensively it was in a good place.

The way this change is implemented means that someone playing sub-optimally gets hit twice as hard as a player that plays perfectly. Not only will they lose a ton of damage, but also a huge portion of the defensive benefit of the set bonus.

A much more appropriate way to lower Blood DK damage would be to just cap the strength stacks at a lower number but leave the rune weapon extension as is.


I think at this point I would settle on just buffing SW:P and MB. Many of the fights in the raid require a lot of movement which makes it difficult for us SP, especially when we have to chase bosses around. Just a simple buff could help us out a lot.

okay why only WW though

Why though? Is WW really that bad? No. Give the rest of us melee some time to shine; they were very good the rest of Shadowlands.

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Whoops! Posted on wrong toon. Meant to post that from the DK!


You could buff some specs by 25% it still wouldnt help because their set bonus’s compared to top class are raw dog hot trash

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I’m feeling a lot more confident and happy with my decision to drop out this tier and not bother at all seeing how Shadow is not aloud to excel in anything these days without getting gutted and neglected the way it has been after Castle Nathria.

Please dont bring this “new” overwhelmingly bad rework into Dragonflight if you cant let it have at least one good niche without it getting obliterated the way it has.

I feel like I have wasted my valor and vault choices for the last couple of weeks. Stat weights are going to change for blood now that our survivability is nerfed into the ground. I agree that the damage needed to be nerfed, but nerfing the survivability is going to feel terrible.


This nerf is not on point at all.
It’s nerfing the survivability together with dps. This makes the DRW 4 piece useless basically. (used to be 1.5 sec now 1 sec, same as only 1 rune weapon).
To limit the tank dps, why not just cap the strength to, e.g., 50 stack


Dear Blizzard,

if you’re going to fix Gladiator’s Echoing Resolve, please do it in the following way:

" * Gladiator’s Echoing Resolve now increases the duration of crowd control by 70% (was 20%), now lasts 5 seconds (was 15 seconds), no longer increases the duration of root effects, and no longer causes the target to become immune to root effects."

or just delete the trinket from the game, if anyone wants to play such a toxic trinket, there need to be consequences to just being able to free-cast and 1 shot people.

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This won’t help BM at all.

4%? What a joke.

No worries, looks like I’ll still keep melting meters on my scrubby Destro lock.


Are you kidding me ? I’m a key pusher with several friends, doing 24+ keys
The previous nerf ruined bear entirely. I had to reroll a blood DK.
Now this nerf entirely eliminated DK from high keys. thanks blizzard. BDK is already having thread issue and mobility issue. I’m fine with nerf max strength stack from 70 → 45 for example but this change almost make blood dk 4 set useless…
I guess I’m tired of rerolling a monk or a dh this time…maybe will just play casual


Because Blook DKs are doing DPS single target damage :face_with_raised_eyebrow:?

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Disagree with that. We’ve got way more options for movement than ever before…and even more with 2pc. The big thing that I dislike is juggling so many procs. The gcd feels like it takes forever when MB, VB, DP are all up and you’re maxed on insanity. There’s just too many things to cast all at once. And I don’t really know how to fix that.

The ballad of the fotm player.


I think we all saw a Blood DK nerf incoming, but is this really the way to go about it? This punishes worse players more than it does good players and isn’t just a deserved damage nerf but a very significant defensive nerf as well that changes quite a bit of the playstyle for BDK mid-season making my valor upgrades and vault choices just… wrong now. It doesn’t feel good to have a significant portion of the work I’ve put into the character made irrelevant nearly with this change.

If the issue is BDK damage, Why does their defensive uptime have to be cut so hard? Why not reduce the cap on stacks from 75 to 50 instead of a 30% uptime nerf, which will by extension prevent BDK from reaching 75 stacks on a single target encounter anyways. We spend the entire expansion being absolutely terrible, and the moment we shine for a moment(flying a bit too close to the sun with the DPS but…) And now the entirety of our set bonus is just gutted? This change will essentially make our 2piece next to nonexistent, the extended uptime from it is 3 GCD’s, and our 4piece uptime comparable to our current 2piece uptime.

It’s not fun, hardly noticeable with no real affect on our play whatsoever with this nerf. Completely removing the fun aspect of it is definitely not the way to go about this, please Blizzard I hope you revert this change and find a different solution that doesn’t gut our tier set entirely. This is going to 100% prevent BDK from being present on Mythic Jailer. We NEED the uptime to survive that encounter.


Whats wrong with shadow priest ? I play priest I’m just curious what I’m missing.

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It does make me chuckle to see you do a wave of 4% buffs but then get to Outlaw, the least played DPS spec in 15’s and above, and think… nah. Not 4%. They’ll get 3%.

Happy to see Aff buffs but it doesn’t make the tier set any less dull.


I don’t really mind the casting part of SP, I mind having to chase bosses down because of all the movement required in the raid. It makes the spec interesting. You asked for a quick fix, I gave a simple one. They nerfed SW:P multiple times, and it is time to put it back to where it should be.

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How long was MM and BM the King? OH since Forever? yeah shut up and let Survivalists have their time in the sun.