Maybe time to update us now that the race ended?
The new rankings are out, with fury dropping a massive 20 spots and being dead last, below aug by a large margin, on damage to bosses.
Thank god you guys designed heroic bosses to die to burst AOE, then designed fury around burst AOE, then overreacted with a double nerf when we told you it was due to heroic design and no tier sets yet.
Frost DK being better at both areas now makes complete sense.
Are there updates here? Are we going to fix the massive discrepancies not only impacting fury, but also impacting rogues, druid DPS (and their healing, jesus), spriest, WW etc?
The tuning done last was so tone deaf it is insane; you NUKED a spec that was clearly going to be middle of the pack once mythic came and adds/bosses didn’t die quickly, you nerfed but subsequently buffed enhance, DK and arcane (lol), made sure to catch all the other mage specs with buffs so they’re upper tier again as well, nuked outlaw out of orbit for being…viable?
2 hunter specs , both shaman specs, both DK specs, and 2/3 mage specs take up 8 of the top 10 spots across overall performance (add+boss dam added in mythic), while all THREE hunter specs, 2 mage specs, the very same shaman spec and 1 of the DK specs also take up 7 of the top 10 boss damage metrics.
If the numbers on both statistics were within realistic margins, say 3-5%, it would be acceptable…but there are upwards to 15-20% swings between the top performers and the rest.
There was a big spiel about how you were going to listen and communicate better and more clearly, yet all of this seems to be extremely baseless tuning that isn’t grounded on actual statistics or reality, and there has been zero clarification as to any reasoning.
And for the record, I think the bladestorm+OF nerfs pre-mythic were COMPLETELY justified; the additional 3% was literally a shotgun shell to a spec that already has pretty middling ST due to it’s very design, and the fact that FDK/Enh/Arcane went untouched while that happened is just wild to me.
Please do a huge tuning pass that pulls from the data that’s very readily available, and understand we would all like to be relevant in various areas of the game, not just assigned to holding all damage CDs to explode some adds so everyone else can enjoy themselves, or falling consistently out of being able to participate in high end M+ because of raid design.