Class Tuning?

Maybe time to update us now that the race ended?

The new rankings are out, with fury dropping a massive 20 spots and being dead last, below aug by a large margin, on damage to bosses.

Thank god you guys designed heroic bosses to die to burst AOE, then designed fury around burst AOE, then overreacted with a double nerf when we told you it was due to heroic design and no tier sets yet.

Frost DK being better at both areas now makes complete sense.

Are there updates here? Are we going to fix the massive discrepancies not only impacting fury, but also impacting rogues, druid DPS (and their healing, jesus), spriest, WW etc?

The tuning done last was so tone deaf it is insane; you NUKED a spec that was clearly going to be middle of the pack once mythic came and adds/bosses didn’t die quickly, you nerfed but subsequently buffed enhance, DK and arcane (lol), made sure to catch all the other mage specs with buffs so they’re upper tier again as well, nuked outlaw out of orbit for being…viable?

2 hunter specs , both shaman specs, both DK specs, and 2/3 mage specs take up 8 of the top 10 spots across overall performance (add+boss dam added in mythic), while all THREE hunter specs, 2 mage specs, the very same shaman spec and 1 of the DK specs also take up 7 of the top 10 boss damage metrics.

If the numbers on both statistics were within realistic margins, say 3-5%, it would be acceptable…but there are upwards to 15-20% swings between the top performers and the rest.

There was a big spiel about how you were going to listen and communicate better and more clearly, yet all of this seems to be extremely baseless tuning that isn’t grounded on actual statistics or reality, and there has been zero clarification as to any reasoning.

And for the record, I think the bladestorm+OF nerfs pre-mythic were COMPLETELY justified; the additional 3% was literally a shotgun shell to a spec that already has pretty middling ST due to it’s very design, and the fact that FDK/Enh/Arcane went untouched while that happened is just wild to me.

Please do a huge tuning pass that pulls from the data that’s very readily available, and understand we would all like to be relevant in various areas of the game, not just assigned to holding all damage CDs to explode some adds so everyone else can enjoy themselves, or falling consistently out of being able to participate in high end M+ because of raid design.


dwarf man angry, answer him blizzard


BM hunters have a 5-6 cast opening rotation before they even start to do real damage. That’s like 10 seconds. All melee and this shaman open with 2mil DPS on the first second even with this crappy gear. If a BM hunter has to switch target, start with the rotation again.


If most of us messed our job us this bad consistently, we’d be fired, so yeah.


Enhance has only received nerfs. Nothing made up for the witch doctor cdr reduction.


If you think Warriors are getting buffed, I got news for you lol.


I haven’t seen you championing for Feral Druids who are usually bottom of the barrel.
Where’s the championing for Outlaw Rogue and SPriests??

All things considered though, this is actually one of the closest tiers they’ve had in terms of overall balance


Can’t reply to everyone, so here’s trying.

BM hunters are #1 on boss dam, #13 overall.

Enhance received a compensatory buff to their tier when nerfed, and are currently #3 overall and #3 boss damage.

If you think fury dropping from 1st to 21st, while being 26 out of 26 on boss damage, doesn’t call for a buff, you are just biased and honestly braindead. I can play arms just fine, and arms being better ST is fine, it doesn’t mean fury should be legitimately dumpstered. No class should be that heavily nuked.

Feral is #16 overall, and #9 for boss damage.

I also did say DPS druids, rogues and spriests should be buffed if you bothered to read my post, which you didn’t clearly.


I’m union so I can mess up and other people argue for me to stay employed. It’s fantastic.

The dream :stuck_out_tongue:

Didn’t Arcane get railed at the exact same time as Fury? They got their Spellfire or w/e it’s called nerfed and then also got base kit nerfs when Fury got the 3%.

I agree that Fury nerfs were heavy handed but you’re definitely speaking a bit out of emotional frustration with some of your statements here.

Rogues need QoL and talent changes and bug fixes, they don’t need number changes yet.

Spriest really needs a big buff to its dots as well as Mind Blast, and seriously needs an AoE rework.


Arcane is #2 overall and #2 boss damage after the nerfs.

I am speaking purely factually, the numbers are out, they are readily available.

Nerfs aren’t supposed to be 1 for 1, “Well they already nerfed us and even though it didn’t work we don’t deserve another because we had 1!”, is not a valid argument.


Source? /10chars

WoWhead, approx an hour ago, first posting there currently in news.


A lot of the so-called “bad” dps specs arent actually bad. Theyre just mid. Theyre still fully capable of putting out enough dps to complete raids and mythics, it just wont be quite as much as the top picks. This doesnt mean they’re bad or incapable.

Nerf Ret Pallies that is all.


This argument always comes up, and it is not a good one.

Comparatively, they are bad, and they are present due to raid buffs; if blizzard made a post today removing raid buffs, what do you think the HOF kill rosters would be within 2 weeks?

It would be the top 5-7 specs stacked, and it would be that way because it’s such a massive gap; again, I touched on this in my post, the gap from top to bottom is upwards to 20% for some entire CLASSES, not specs, and that is unacceptable.

There will always be a #1, if it’s #1 by 3-5% it’s fine, if it’s #1 by 15-20%…it is NOT fine.


nobody cares if you can still complete the content. its about how well you can. being able to complete the content is the bare mininum requirement. tuning properly and nerfing/buffing things with informed decisions would help reduce frustrations.