A metoo mooooovement?
PVE Ret Paladins need some love plz.
pound me too movement?
I’m in.
thank you so much for the buff to Desto maybe now i can keep up with an afflic lock but again afflic will always outscale both desto and demo sadly, cant wait to see what Enchantment shamans do since i have one in my raid gonna be sick XD
You’re increasing the damage that people do? Where are the healer buffs? It’s so hard to keep up in arenas as an RDruid.
I’m in the same boat… the Venn diagram of ‘Underperforming Specs’ and ‘The Specs I Love to Play’ is one circle
stop giving warrior buffs
Fury is one of the worst dps specs in the game In pvp and PVE they deserve every buff they’ve gotten. Arms is also mediocre in pve, it only does good in pvp it’s close to bottom tier in any other form of content. Arms mortal strike was nerfed in pvp and buffed in PVE. They deserve the buffs they’re getting, obviously arms could use a little of a defensive nerf in pvp but other than that warrior is legit trash. This buff is appreciated but it’s not gonna change anything fury will still suck in all forms of content and arms will still be almost bottom tier in pve but a little higher than fury. If anything, your class needs some nerfs, elemental and resto are busted.
I am sorry to say but these aren’t considerate buffs. This is just looking at statistics of underperforming classes and slapping 5%/3% band-aids on to keep the community somewhat complacent so they can go on with their day probably playing their MM or FM. I main DK and at least have unholy to work with but seeing classes like warrior/e.shaman even A.rogue (which is still nonexistent) legit struggling hurts me.
I want the balance team to actually look at the ‘underperforming classes’ and test why each one is doing so much worse rather than slapping random numbers down till something works.
I want to play fury,dont like to play arms.
Just want blizzard balance it.
This is pathetic how they do.
They buff 3% of the damage and nerf a defensive pvp talent.
“Warrios dont need DEFENSIVES”
Pathetic blizzard!
LOL demo worse spec in game yet still doesn’t get a buff.
Thank you. All my favorite classes & spec’s are getting a boost - yippee! No wonder this expansion has felt sooooo terrible.
nice meme! Every pvp arena has a warrior so dont talk to me about them not being good in pvp. An i have a friend who plays fury and does great dps so you arent playing it right but yea fury could use more defensives to help it in pvp. Also resto and ele being busted? You serious? You seen rets,boomkin,fire mage,hpal,afflic lock,WWmonk,unholyDK? You must log in and do nothing but the command table with all that talk.
Dont be tard man,no one is talking warrior is bad on PVP…
But tell me the truth,did u see any FURY AT PVP?
Dont say bull@#$…
They made u JUST PLAY AS WARRIOR ARMS,and u guys keep saying @#%$ about warrior.
I agree they need to NERF ARMS and BUFF FURY.
Or this !#$ system will always made u stop with what u want to play!
They dont know balance it,they nerfed the DEFENSIVE from a damn warrior…
Warriors have no mobility,and now less 1 minute from their better defensive!
And fury will be Penalized for that!
Poor,fail and outdated system to pvp!
Fury Warriors still suck, bad. DPS is low and armor is worthless. I’ve said it before, but my unshielded Shaman withstands more punishment. (With low iLvls, they could be a struggle in BfA, but it was never this bad.)
I strongly suspect that warriors had a complicated non-linear fighting table that completely broke with the squish.
Edit: iLvls make a bigger difference in SL for Fury Warrior than my other classes, so maybe at 200+, they get much better.
I completely agree.
The funny thing is to see all the buffs and nerfs going to both arms and fury.
When the buffs are in need of fury.
They do not know how to balance and when they nerf, they take the fury with them.
They think 3% + damage will make Fury survive in pvp.
I don’t understand this kind of thinking, NOBODY, I say NOBODY, play fury in pvp, but blizzard continues with the same delayed thought.
A problem in my opinion is blizzard’s lack of interest in PVP.
Everything is wrapped up in the PVE.
17 years of the game outside the beta, I believe that nothing decent and innovative will come out now!
I’m not convinced this update even went live - my warrior’s ability is unchanged and my numbers indicate zero (literally) change in damage on my BM/Warrior. What’s up?
This is not a real change.
They just did it to say"we are doing something"
But,nothing will change with 3%.
Skill with 500 damage =3%+ = 15+ damage man.
O really mad with the nerf on pvp talent from wars.
And they buff 3%+…Jesus.
Dont know what they have against Fury war…
Healers have totally been ignored for months now, and it’s not because they’re all doing just as well in M+ and raid…
More tuning please