Except you perform exactly in the middle of all specs for melee… you’re not the worst and you’re not the best. There’s no problem with that.
It is, which is exactly why you used it and exactly why Twitch banned the usage of it, because it insults others.
Yeah I already heard…I was ahead a day. I thought it was Tuesday.
yay! More across the board buffs! 
Revert the BFA Death Strike and Necrotic Strike nerfs. Thanks.
If most classes are getting 3-5% damage, wouldn’t leaving it as is work out the same…except everyone being a bit higher on meters.
Nice changes Blizz - after almost 2 months of this raid tier being out… I can look at Raidlogs for Castle Nathria for 5 minutes too and throw 1 of 2 random numbers at underperforming specs that probably won’t do enough as well!
What a crack team they got over there.
Thanks for making minor adjustments. This is a vast improvement over the old philosophy of destroying a few classes.
Please add a buff to Chaos Strike additionally by 10-15% along with this before this goes live. This should resolve most of the issues with the class.
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Next week:
All damage increased by 5%
All healing increased by 10%
You don’t make changes for the sake of making changes.
Apparently, they are trying to close the gap with top-performing specs.
But tbh, 3% or a 5% is barely a scratch.
Can’t wait for more 2% or 5% incrementals next week. YAY!!!
ur face drains health. barf
You should have seen mine when I was wearing the same kind of eyepatch you have, but over this blindfold! It was a sight to behold!
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Stop punting me without consent.
can’t. otherwise it’d upset all the gnomes that are constantly /punted without consent. if its good for the goose, it’s good for the gander.
You wont say that when I start a metoo movement against you for punting without consent.
oh noooooo. if you include gnomes in it i’ll be the first to sign your petition to require consent for /punting though.
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I will add them, mechagnomes and goblins too.
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