when are legacy dungeons/raids gonna be addressed?
Focus the game is 99% PVE!
Not a meme what so ever, your friends playing a class you don’t play doesn’t validate anything yu said lol. It’s a known fact that fury is one of the worse dps specs in the game Rn so you can shut that down now, arms is only good in PVP it’s low tier along with fury in pve hense the multiple buffs, prot is also trash. Elemental is just as busted as the other specs you’ve named, all of them including ELEMENTAL need a nerf. You wanna be toxic because you’re mad and disagree lmfao, how about you actually get past 1400 before speaking on anything kid.enjoy the block
U talking @#!$ bro.
I’m 1900 with my monk,i really dont care about ur opinion if i toxic or not.
I’m here to show just my dissatisfaction with the disregard that blizzard does with pvp.
This is the real point.
But i dont know why,u just came to say some words about me.
I want to be participative and made blizzard watch we have many players who want to play PVP FOR REAL.
I love Fury war,but i cant play pvp with him,cause blizzard doesn’t let me do.
Speak English kid. Go log on another toon freak lol
Seriously. Too much to ask for more than lazy blanket buffs?
“These specs are dying, what do we do?”
Funny u say about english…
U prob understand what i said.
But how many languages can u speak?
Prob just english.
So,shut up man,kid here have more culture em u.
Toxic boy!
He only came here to cause disagreement, instead of helping the cause, making the blizzard have more commitment in pvp.
i love seeing all these classes with top tier dps specs getting buffs to their bottom tier dps specs. Man it must be nice to have insane damage on one of your specs and still get buffs on your lower specs. I laugh, you ask for buffs to arcane, frost, destro, demo, BM Surv whatever, Im asking for buffs to Warrior, every spec…
im the toxic one? i replied to your angry comment with another and here you are talking crap to someone who doesnt speak english well YOURE THE TOXIC ONE. Stay mad that you cant play your precious fury. An keep blocking people cause you arent mature enough to hold a conversation. Also nice private profile LOL
nobody is speaking bs here arms dont need more buffs for pvp at all. Fury will always be bad cause they dont care so dont get salty at me im not blizz making you play arms.
Yeah i know.
That is the problem with the game,blizzard just say what u need to play to get high rating.
This is bull#$%@
Bad balanceament.
17 years and they do not learn what to do!
You good bro? Your therapist needs to check up on you. And you never once stated you werent fluent in English even tho it looks loot you got it down fine . Oh the hypocrisy, you’re clearly not mature wat so ever stop being toxic because your class is broken and you suck at it. And idc if fury stays trash I don’t play it, I don’t even main warrior kek I got other toons i know how blizzard balancing works. And you’re still stuck in 1400 lol what do yu even know?.
Point proven youre the toxic one. An i wasnt talking about me, i see your bs replies to that hunter lol. An didnt you say you blocked me? what happened to that? Stay toxic and sour for absolutely no reason you sperg.
yea its honestly sad but oh well blizz will be blizz
The glaring flaw in most of these specs is that they’re melee, nothing can be done about it; players want to play melee, players deal with the drawbacks of melee.
The one spec listed here that has rotation problems is Destruction Warlock because it’s entirely RNG; the ramp up can take anywhere between 2 to 6 globals.
Am raiding with two hunters at the moment, one BM one MM. They’re doing 4.6k and 4.8k respectively, the MM is also 2 ilvls above the BM.
I’d say the spec is doing just fine.
Well, i am disapointed… 2 things with Warriors.
Undead Protection Warriors should be able to summon Succubus!
This is an important issue and should be addressed ASAP!Undead Protection Warriors should get the title "The Loyalist" because they stayed loyal to the Dark Lady
This is another important issue!Kaivax, i have fate in you: have a nice day!
Prot needs more than buffs. It could use some reworking. Including some added survivability and utility.
^This. Melee hunter was a bad choice. The class has always been about ranged. They were always tankier than the other specs but rewarding to play.
Trash balance still, changes dont fix anything.