Class Tuning Underway -- February 2

With Havoc Demon Hunter having no presence in any competitive field of the game (Castle Nathria race to world first, MDI, or AWC) and being the ONLY class to have no appearance in the Shadowlands AWC at all, along with its general lack of presence on the PVP ladder, it could not be more obvious that the class is under performing and needs a serious buff/rework of its abilities.

A few suggestions that would improve the performance of the class

  1. Mortal Rush becoming a baseline effect triggered by our Blade Dance or Throw Glaive instead of Fel Rush, similar to how Wind Walkers Monks have their healing reduction triggered by Rising Sun Kick as a baseline effect. This could also give Throw Glaive a meaningful place in the rotation, as its only purpose now is killing totems and keeping targets in combat due to the ability’s low damage.
  2. Demon Hunter defense is arguably the greatest weakness of the class. Even with the Darkest Hour legendary, Demon Hunters die too easily. Something Demon Hunters desperately need is the ability to press either Blur, Netherwalk, or Darkness while stunned. Another idea that could work is Netherwalk becoming a baseline ability with a 5 minute cooldown, and the talent reducing the cooldown to 3 minutes and making the ability usable while stunned. This may seem like an overpowered buff, but Demon Hunters NEED a very significant buff in order to be put back on the map.
  3. Replacing the Unbound Chaos effect with the old Legion Artifact Inner Demons trait. It should still keep the proc from lImmolation Aura. (Activating Immolation Aura causes your next Chaos Strike to unleash your inner demon, causing it to crash into your target and deal Chaos Damage to all nearby enemies.) This could keep the same demonic crash idea and damage as the original Unbound Chaos pre change. And it would be easy to add since the ability was already in the game and worked perfectly fine during Legion.
  4. Glaive Tempest cooldown increased to either 30 seconds or 1 minute and damage increased to compensate, to make the ability feel more like a valuable cooldown instead of an addition to our basic rotation with its current 16 second cooldown. This will also allow Glaive Tempest to synergies with Fel Eruption/Chaos Nova better.
  5. First Blood becoming a baseline feature to Blade Dance instead of a talent and being replaced with the old Bloodlet talent from Legion. This is something that the Demon Hunter community has been asking for since Legion, but this change would be tricky and would require additional changes to other talents/abilities in order to not over tune the class (Essence Break would need modifications to start). Havoc DH feels like an incomplete class without First Blood from a PVP prospective, and the specialization could use this kind of bleed uptime to its play style.

These are all simply just ideas. Im not saying that Havoc needs ALL of these ideas added to the class. Any feedback from the community can help and if anyone has any other ideas that can work just add them in the comments. Like and Share to spread awareness.


Lazy tuning underway


[With regional restarts] The damage of all abilities except Cobra Shot and Barbed Shot have been reduced by 5%.

[With regional restarts] All damage abilities increased by 5%.

First you nerf us, then you buff us.
This does not inspire real confidence that you know what you are doing when it comes to class balance.

And as others have said, while appreciated, a 5% buff does not seem to go far enough. Looking at the logs for this tier so far ( ) a 5% buff would get BM hunters out of the absolute bottom of the barrrel and on par with where Frost DK’s are now in the 70th percentile (also not in a good place). But you are also buffing Frost DK’s by 5% as well in this hotfix. So we go up 5%, but the classes we compete against also go up 5%. So effectively, we go nowhere.

And this is for Ion… whatever happened to ‘no king rules forever’ when it comes to affliction warlocks? I guess they can rule forever after all?


This isn’t the ‘start’. The start was live. This is the minor tuning adjustments after. You don’t tune with a sledgehammer. You tune with small incremental changes, unless there’s a single outlier so extreme it needs major work.

Arms Warriors are underperforming and need a 3% damage buff? What a joke. Can definitely tell this is necessary based on their presence in the AWCs…

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Arms are going to need more than a 3% buff.

They are literally sharing a cabin with the other bottom 2 specs on mythic difficulty (Survival and BM)

Well, they are almost middle of the pack on Heroic and Normal raids. :man_shrugging:

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Destro Warlocks go



Affliction still going to be dominant, mate. Shorry…

+1 MW need some lovin’!!!

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My monk is my main (Primarily MW, do BM and WW for WQs) I also have a Resto Druid as an alt… MY RD’s mana is almost ignorable in comparison! :frowning:

Arms needs a whole heck of a lot more than 3%. especially with everything around it receiving a 5% buff. . . (link to logs cant be posted)
Fury just got an 8% buff on the 11th and is clearly ahead of arms.
Please stop putting Band-Aids on these broken classes and take a look at each spec individually, figure out what’s going, how these classes work and how you can improve them. An increase of 3% damage does not fix a Class’ broken rotation and it sure as heck doesn’t make it fun to play. .

So, can we assume these Buffs were already added this AM?

I did some WQ’s on my Destro Warlock, after maintenance completed and felt no change, nor did I see any changed numbers.

No, the buffs aren’t in yet.

Was there maintenance on a Monday? Are you from the future? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes because being in the middle of the pack for DPS is going “too far”.

You don’t have to be #1 in single target and AoE 24/7. Havoc was insane for 2 expansions straight and they’re crying now because they’re not one of the best anymore.

Havoc is fine and Warcraft logs and M+ tier list proves this.

I was a day ahead—thought today was the second. All the time travel can leave me in weird timewarps.

I never said Warriors are fine, we were talking about Demon Hunters Havoc spec.

And you have no reason to insult me simply because you disagree with what I’m saying, will just get you reported for being inflammatory. :slight_smile:

If it bothers you that much, just use ignore, don’t reply or leave the forums.

Sure, flag away. Don’t really care. I guess being a simp is insulting.

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that would be because they haven’t been.

Havoc needs help and Warcraft logs and Raid tier list proves this.

The fact that you keep bringing up M+ as your counterargument, when no DH is complaining about M+ dmg (altho they do complain that there’s little reason to invite a DH when WW does everything we do better), doesn’t really make sense.