TLDR: “I’m not first anymore… so buff me until I am!”
Havoc is fine, stop complaining.
At least you’re not a Survival Hunter.
TLDR: “I’m not first anymore… so buff me until I am!”
Havoc is fine, stop complaining.
At least you’re not a Survival Hunter.
I pointed well more than one class above HDH . But you must have read that right?
If it’s a class that’s meant to be A tier why are so few being taken?
“Why are so few being taken”
Implying you have access to those numbers for the amount of players accepted/declined for M+/raiding groups.
You’re in the middle of the pack for PvE content, it’s not the end of the world.
Just as I wouldn’t say ‘Fury’ Warriors are fine I wouldn’t say the same for havoc. They also need ST love.
Look at your own sources. Look at the number of parses for high content. For something that we should be one of the best classes for, we’re not very popular ay?
My own sources have nothing about accepted/declines for M+/raiding content…
Those numbers are from the amount of players playing that spec/class and doing that specific content.
They are similar, not the same, thus why you cannot use that as an example for data to help prove your point.
You using Warcraft logs is not an indication of the performance overall of all raid performance as it only counts logged raids.
Two can play at that game and you’re using the exact same tactic as me.
At best what we have both said is at best a general indication of class performance.
And? You’re trying to prove that Havoc need single target damage buffs and I gave a source proving that it does not, since it performs in the middle of the pack for melee specs.
That has nothing to do with who is accepting/declining that spec in the first place.
That is not how data works but it’s obvious that you don’t understand it in the first place so there’s no point in replying further.
You have a source that didn’t prove anything regarding HDH’s ST performance. Being 6-8% behind a well performing melee spec is negligible if melee is far behind the numbers in which ranged classes in general are being used for CN comps.
Implying you do?
I think this is pretty funny as I’ve pointed out in numbers how much the representation is for HDH within the parses you’ve mentioned.
Anyhow have a nice day
During beta monks were so incredibly bugged. Legendaries being broken, etc. Even then people testing mw complained about the lack of mana and low hps. Blizzard didn’t listen then and I’m not really holding my breath for a rework. It is a really sad feeling to be OOM 1/2 into a fight and throttling your heals simply to regen mana. We are in a really bad spot.
EDIT: I play disc as my raid main and this is my second toon and the reason its so disappointing is because of the chasm in throughput and utility that you see between the two healers. Like I don’t even think mw mains really realize how bad the spec is.
Sad thing is that it was pointed out fairly early too.
What changes would work best in your view? Would you prefer more haste to your best legendary (to help mana regen) or skill changes (like a buff to tea).
5% is not enough for SV Hunter Blizzard.
It is currently the worst spec of all
TBH I think not seeing dumb aura buffs to your spec might be a blessing in disguise. Maybe those specs might actually see real change in 9.1 versus these tuning knob turns the rest of us get.
Definitely. There needs to be some changes to our lvl 30 row which is basically mana management. Most MW feel they are obligated to take mana tea and in a sense we are. Spirit of the Crane just gives back less mana and in tough situations we will almost certainly go oom and fast. Lifeecyles has situational uses.
When you also think of the squishyness of MW, if there could be some basline mana return bc of FW that would be amazing. Like a certain amount of stacks of teachings of the monastery automatically return mana. I think that SoTC should be baseline, or mana tea should be baseline. The issue with SoTC being baseline is that it would force mw to always fistweave and with the sort of diversity of playstyle (healing turret, fistweave, mix of the two) that could be complicated.
I think besides that some mana reductions are needed. Like if every 2nd env mist has its mana cost reduced or something like that. Its an issue with Yu’Lon, for example. The CD on its own doesn’t heal a ton UNLESS you have Env Mist up. So you pop a mana intensive CD and then have to pop Env mist (1 per 6 ppl for the proper heal buff) which leaves you gasping back for mana. Imagine popping 3 or 4 env mist after Yu’Lon for a 20 person raid. That is a LOT of mana cost. Either that CD needs to have a rework so that the interaction is baked in differently.
Also, it sucks but MW is compared to Holy pally so much bc we are both melee healers. Holy pally has so much more dps compared to us and we do not have the protection of being plate wearers to protect us from melee mechanics. MW is a pretty complicated spec and it doesn’t need to dominate. It should just have a decent return for the effort it takes to really play the spec well.
3% barely cover spells variance.
what a joke
I think this is very wrong. People will always want improvement and provider of any goods and service should always be trying to improve.
The provider in this case is blizzard and they are always known to go to extremes then dialing back. The issue is not people complaining. The issue is the extreme changes they make to realize they went too far and dial back.
a lazy something get pissed n rise up and make some noise
Actually a lot of class issues were well pointed out early in beta. Blizzard ignored all of them. This is why I always find it hard to understand why people simp for blizzard and claim not to be trolls.
@Kaivax as for all FDKs revert the oct nerfs stop just giving joke buffs… please pass that on thank you
Unfortunately, these buffs don’t seem like enough. a broad 5% or whatever buff seems a little too generic.
Buff specific abilities of these specs, like Kill Command for BM, etc. rather than just pulling levers and applying generic hotfixes. Have you guys become a small indie dev?