Wow even wowhead has turned on blizz and they usually shill hard for them… dire times indeed.
Ion has to get fired while we can still get another game director in that can make changes before the next round of wowkiller titles come out (it will be a lot harder for a new game director once real competition is back in the market place in 3-5 years).
If a class/spec takes less skill to use, the reward should be moderate performance. If a class/spec takes much skill to use, the reward should be high performance. If demonology warlock is the most complex spec, why would you reward it with awful performance? You want to reward people for playing huntard and pressing aim shot instead?
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Yes because being in the top 3 for 2 expansions straight just wasn’t enough. 
Where did you pull that out of?
And you’re still in the top lines of DPS on the M+ side of things for PvE.
Havoc has been insane since Legion and I’m glad they finally toned it down to regular numbers and survivability.
Do you see DHs here arguing for more AoE dmg? Pretty sure most if not all have agreed we don’t need help there. We need help on ST dmg, and survivability. Arguing that we’re okay for M+ doesn’t detract from what we’re asking for, so not sure why it keeps getting brought up, other than “you do X, you can be bad at Y.”
Even in M+ we are shafted in comparison to most ranged classes. SL is not a good patch for melee. So being third best of a type of class that is barely going to be selected is a moot point.
Play a DH and see what ST damage you have.
Just because you’re not first in every aspect of the game doesn’t mean you’re last and/or need buffs.
Havoc is fine. You’re in the middle of the pack for Single target DPS, there’s very little to nothing to complain about for your spec.
“Third best” where are you getting this information? Currently seeing you out-perform most melee specs besides Unholy DK, WW, and Feral for CN DPS parses soo… you are incorrect unfortunately.
(From Warcraft Logs parses and combat analysis)
And I do play Havoc DH, I tank M+ and CN as well as sub out for Havoc DPS when I need to. DH is my current main, until I quit playing.
Look at the breakdown of the data there.
They are using a single parse for SV hunter.
What an absolute joke.
Compare that to the thousands of parses of records they have for the top ranking ranged classes (Shadow priest being the exception to the rule)…
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24 specs total, so top tier = 1-8, middle tier = 9-16, bottom tier 17-24.
DH is #17 on this list. Middle pack?
And if you wonder why I used CN and not M+, because CN is mostly ST, where M+ is not. And as we’ve said repeatedly, we need ST dmg help.
Havoc is currently within 8% of the top performing Melee spec in Normal CN and within 6% of the top performing Melee spec in Heroic CN, which still places you above average for Melee specs in raiding.
Havoc performs just fine and Warcraft logs proves this.
And yes, obviously melee specs in general are going to perform lower than ranged/casters since CN is heavily anti-melee, which is why we’re all lower on the tier list…
Oh damn mate normal CN! Can’t wait
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Edited, 2nd point was for Heroic.
Anyways, it’s okay to be wrong.
Havoc performs just fine in PvE content. 
You may be satisfied with its performance but it needs help and thankfully the developers are listening.
Just as they’re helping Warriors too 
Ah yes the classic tactic of “Well I’m not first so… buff my class/spec until I am!” as if being in the top 3 for PvE in M+/Raiding for 2 expansions straight wasn’t enough for you.
This is why this game has went so far downhill. People like you are literally why the content related to classes is completely awful, you cry in masses until they cave into what you want and in turn creates massive gaps in performance between specs across all classes.
As if being within 6% of the highest performing melee wasn’t enough as well. 
Imagine saying this again with the sources you’ve posted above
Oh well atleast the developers, most of the people here and the community know better. 
If you look at your own sources you’ll see the specs that need more attention and it’s changes like this that will help them all bring them up to par. This means most melee and some ranged. That includes havoc.
I mean you can use emojis and whatever you want but… you literally provided no sources to prove me wrong. 
Havoc is within 6-8% of the top DPS melee class for raiding and is in the A+ tier for M+.
You have nothing to complain about. Havoc is fine.
Maybe it’s a lack of player skill/gear and not a problem with the spec you’re playing?
Still don’t care about Mistweaver do we? Back to the Mistweaver support group I go… We will be over there not waiting for a blue post like we have been since launch…Case you decide to venture over.
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Didn’t you get the memo? They’re depreciating Mistweaver next patch!
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Being 6-8% behind in DPS is negligible to you? Not sure why you’re saying this like it’s nothing.
How far are we behind the best DPS overall?
I’ve pointed out the flaws in the sources you’ve put out and anyone reading this can see the number of players in other DPS roles that are taken in the place of ours and other low representation classes.
Lack of gear/skill? Have you seen the OPs (of the HDH thread) gear and achievements both in this and last expansion. These complaints ain’t coming from nowhere.
Even using your site;
7x as many fire mages taken to high keys, 6x as many balance druids,
5x as many mm hunters
1.25 as many fury warriors…
1.33x as many UDKs
3x as many rogues
2x as many monks
Who are taken to M+.
As to my own performance I’m sure most of us here are fine but recognising an issue with a class is something you recognise from it’s lackings.
The start of 8.3 was a really nice playstyle for MW. It would be good to have more haste/mana regen baked into the class.