Class Tuning Underway -- February 2

So… do blizz have people anymore or those are just bot made patches?


How about adjusting the loot drop % ? As hundreds leave every day because of it . Keep working that time played = fun model . I’m not sticking around months for a weapon . Sorry . Not one weapon drop on 2 toons , other then a generous person giving me one .


If this dosent proove blizz cant afford making actual class changes probly due to a sinking player base and Bobby buying too many yachts that they can only do flat % buffs lol…and they didn’t really mess with any of the specs that ACTUALLY need huge buffs.

XD April 1st came early

Still no arcane love. Past 2 expansions dead last every tier and now it is better but still in a horrible place. Plenty of heavy movement fights which kills arcane with how bad the mobility is for us arcane mages.

How did frost get another buff over Arcane? That is 2 buffs in a row yet, like I mentioned, Arcane the past 2 expansions was always last and never got a buff for quite awhile and when they did it didn’t do much.


Ah yes, flat % across the board. Secret ninja nerfs and buffs behind the curtains. From this point on, I’ll be subbing last content patch of each expac. What a worthless company.


Okay, we’re more than 2 months in and this is the level of attention being given to class balance? THIS is a work in progress? A few percentage points to all skills?

I’m serious, what work? Run the numbers against your existing data to demonstrate the effect. Done. Minor unexpected scaling results a week or two later? Correct it a day later with another small adjustment. I seriously cannot believe that things like this still apparently need to go through such a lengthy pipeline to go live.

Anyway, the main point is that these are not fixes unless the class design is functioning well, which many are not. People have been providing so much great feedback, and we literally haven’t heard a word from Blizz. Why are they being so quiet?


They just arent doing anything to help arcane single target because they cant do a lazy damage buff cause arcanes great in m+… literally just adjust low charge arcane blast damage and arcane will survive. And be unaffected in m+ aoe situations.

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Since Blizzard added Destruction Warlock to the list, why not Demo? Three xpacs in a row and Demo is still not competitive in M+ or Raiding. Are they just a “enjoyment” class in the eyes of the dev team? I do love the pet utility for Demo, it’s fun to play Demo but there’s barely any representation from Demo Locks for competitive content. It’s all Affliction and Destruction Warlock at this point.


they’re still mad at demo locks for UVLS cheese from throne of thunder.

A simple little change that would help a lot, is to get Sweeping Strikes out of GCD, no buff needed and would help DPS

Why are entire Classes being buffed with the same % while clearly one Spec is so far behind the other?


On no plane of existence does Arms need another 3% damage.


I don’t understand why Arms which has everything doesn’t do less damage than Fury which is weaker defensively. Nothing about the game makes sense.

i completely agree, our survivability was based around legion artifacts, and azerite powers, and with those both gone we are glass cannons without the cannons.

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ignore this nobull dude, seems to support multiboxxers, let the filth die.

Oh yay something barely valuable at all

By buffing the top performing specs in PvP, you’re actually nerfing Mistweavers more.

We have to somehow heal through all this extra damage you’re handing out to everyone.

It’s really beginning to feel as though there’s only three people working on these balance changes.


like whys destro getting buffed when demo is borderline unplayable in high end pvp lol


Mistweaver. Fix it, god, please. Do SOMETHING.
They’ve been, bar none, the most ignored spec in the game. Do ANYTHING.


yikes. there is no way a flat % increase to damage done is all you can come up with this late into the expansion.