I really hope the buff to arms warrior is only for pve. I see nothing that says that though which is concerning
Have you seen Hunter Specs besides MM?
Every week bottom tier in actually wow logs
Not nearly enough, Blizzard.
They need some of the Borrowed Power systems that they left behind in BFA… It made playing the class feel GREAT, kind of like a raw berserker–How the specialization is freaking meant to feel, and to be played. Now, it’s a slow slogfest and feels unrewarding as all get-out.
Glad to see blizzard is just tossing out random number buffs to see what sticks rather than putting in any real effort.
Well, at least the stump is leaking 3-8% less, then.
DH already is middle of the pact dude.
Can you just add a few zeros to that already… cmon frostbolt is a wet noodle and the RNG on flurry procs are silly.
Lower end, not quite bottom tier.
There are 24 dps specs 24/3=8 DH is in the middle 8 ergo middle tier.
Buff Destruction a little more.
Chas bolt needs a 20% buff and while we are at it, please reduce the CD for infernal
Normalized score is more accurate, and DH is in the bottom tier.
Does this mean my alt will be allowed to play Beast Mastery again in Mythic+? :D!!!
Nah, prolly not.
More than survival?
change specs. arms is like literally the best melee in pvp the vast majority of the time. since rogues often get nerf batted when they scale too well, and arms almost never does.
By far the laziest, worst balanced expansion ever.
Glad I went back to classic.
Retail is literally going backwards.
some rando was crying earlier about not being able to go past B tier. as if that isn’t an excellent place to be. being mid pack is good. if all classes were buffed just because someone wants to be top dps on their alt spec… lol.
buff crimson vial. 30% heal may have been too strong, but only a 20% heal is too weak.
21% heal.
it should be a dot they put on themselves that drains 20% of their health tbh.
They were doing small adjustments like this before and during the AWC and MDI. None of these adjustments would have impacted those events. And if they did it would have likely helped the diversity that was hugely lacking and caused it to be pretty boring…