I don’t think it matters what metrics they’re using, they’re balancing a bugged and broken system. It’s just a waste of time to balance things now, then fix the bugs, then have to balance it all over again. But I you’re probably right, there’s no reason to fix bugged talents before balancing things, I’m sure this’ll all work out for them in the end.
Am i the only one who knows ret pally is still really bad?
Yo- there’s about 30 open job listings for WoW on their website. If you all think they care about any of the facts we’re shoving down their throat, they don’t. They aren’t filling their job positions…let alone updating their own game.
Who’d work for them now?
Prestige means nothing if you can’t get paid enough to make ends meat.
Buff everyone so everyone is broken! Great job! also WHAT ABOUT TANKS?! Are you saying they are balanced?!?!
Fair enough. I was hoping for it to be more competitive in m+ though. I’m mainly a m+ player
I mean, even a bandaid fix might help MW out while they’re bleeding.
BM 5%?. It’s a joke right? that does not solve its low damage! It’s like covering a missile wound with a band-aid!
It’s really not though. SFE is fine. You just need to get used to it. Also, if they make it “easier” to use, you can bet the will significantly lower the damage. Leave SFE alone.
Ret has some awful single target damage they are not fixing this.
I’ll take a 5% buff for BM Hunters. However, compared to how completely overtuned MM Hunters are, we could use between a 10-15% buff to bring us into line. Same with Survival. Survival is insanely fun to play, but it’s just not viable to play.
Anyway, thanks for the 5%. I hope there’s another 5-10% in the near future.
they don’t really know or have no real intention to improve classes that work poorly. they are lazy improvements that are not going to solve how bad the BM is. thanks blizzard for improving it in nothing.
It’s a start. I’ll take what I can get for now.
Now my enhancement shaman can do 700 less dps than my balance druid instead of 1000 less dps.
Please do something about mend pet, it needs to be much stronger than it is for Beast Mastery Hunters–AND it needs to work, along with pet feign death, when out of line of sight from the pet.
Yes. My hordie is a MW monk.
Demonology pls
Demonology Warlocks and Arcane mages could use a buff as well. Other than that I like the changes.
Yet it is a frost mage who best has a chance to beat Elder Longbranch over the other 2 classes.
Really?! It took you how long to now just give us Survival players a 5% buff… You couldn’t have done that from the very start? Its not like we didn’t get any attention coming into SL. Its not like no body knew or hadn’t been talking about it through the beta. This almost just feels like a slap in the face. Its not like loads of other people haven’t done the heavy lifting of ways to fix the spec.
I dont really come on here to complain but FFS. It really sucks being a meme spec. To get turned down for pretty much all content in the game. Like it kinda sucks to log in and know ill spend hours just trying to get into one m+ or one rbg. I never wanted to play wow so bad and not been able to. Thanks…