Class Tuning Underway -- February 2

I’m pretty sure we’re not playing the same game.

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Literally no mistweaver monk fixes. N O N E.
What is going on?


If your class isn’t on here -

It’s because they’re probably going to do some major buffs to them after mdi and awc.

No point in doing a little 5% buff to a super bad class like mw monks because they just need overall fixing


It took 2 months for braindead buffs to go live. You had the data a long time ago on what classes were underperforming. Good thing I already quit.


Buff demonology what the hell are you guys doing?


Buff ferals pls.
Even a 3% increased damage for all abilities is great. Anything helps

Blizzard dev’s are actual monkey’s with wrenches.


Perfect! I love waiting 3 month’s to get a buff for my class since they don’t want to screw up the dumpster fire of the current mdi meta. They’re the 1% and should be treated like the 1%. General player’s should not have to wait for high end player’s to finish their tournaments.


yea realistically it needs a 50% buff in dmg imo

If your spec is in the top 8, it’s unlikely you’ll be seeing any damage increases.

Saying for a DPS to just switch to their viable spec is just dumb. Most dps are drastically different from one another. That’s like me telling you to stop playing havoc and to go fury war (if it was viable). They’re nothing a like, and neither are 3 spec DPS classes.

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In early BoD Demonology was very, very, VERY much the best spec in the game and was like 15% ahead of other top-tier specs like Ele Shaman and Shadow Priest.

Explosive Potential got absolutely gutted and Demo was still decent thereafter, but during the first couple weeks of BoD that spec was bonkers.

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Parses are not the gospel that should be followed. Only reason Demonology is so high is because they’re being fed buffs, stacking health trinkets, so they can have the biggest tyrant. In any normal situation Demonology is at the bottom.


I didn’t say anything about Demonology. I was responding to the player asking for Feral buffs.

The weird thing about Arcane mage is that it’s performing very low in normal. As in… your battle pet can out DPS you, but in mythic it’s high-mid tier.

It seems to ramp up a LOT with better gear.

That would imply it needs a buff… but it needs a more careful buff than just a flat number. It’s needs adjustments that will boost it at lower gear but not too severely impact it at higher. While most players are in normal right now - the results in mythic raid imply that once the bulk of the community is around iLevel 210-230 or so, Arcane will be very strong. Basically by early 9.1…

So if they buff it wrongly now, they will have a problem then…

Gonna need to put the brains on that one, and not just dial the volume knob.

Seems more likely that those fixes won’t come until the next expansion if ever…


I agree! I really do think they’re giving elite players too much reign over the current game situation

Maybe it’s a good thing :slight_smile:

This is far more conservative than the community needs right now.

I don’t need more dps for the content I’m doing, but a lot of people do. You owe it to them, Blizzard.

I find myself at a loss, honestly. They weren’t kidding when they said they weren’t going to make any drastic class changes during the course of Shadowlands, were they? So if I might ask, what in the bloody hell is all your manpower going to? Is your class team being shuffled off to other projects within the World of Warcraft development team? Because this is what seems to be happening. You have a class team for a reason. Use them. This is what they are being paid for. Flat aura buffs don’t actually solve anything. More damage doesn’t just make a spec suddenly good, no matter how many of them you slap onto under-performing specs. It actually feels like you’re paying your class team for doing absolutely nothing. And that’s a problem. Quite a few specs would perform better if they only had more worthwhile Legendaries, so it feels like whoever’s in charge of Legendaries is also being paid for doing nothing.