The % increases do NOT fix the glaring issue with these classes.
You can’t just do a flat % increase while ignoring the ability problems of these classes. It’s a bandaid on an arm that has been cut off.
The % increases do NOT fix the glaring issue with these classes.
You can’t just do a flat % increase while ignoring the ability problems of these classes. It’s a bandaid on an arm that has been cut off.
You forgot how we have the only cooldown in the entire game that has a casttime. Demonic Tyrant needs to be instant cast like yesterday. Thats not even dealing with the fact our imps and dogs are just dots that can be CC’d, killed, and LoS’d.
18%+ total to Assassination since launch (and it probably still will suck in m+, and just okay in Raids…after the buff).
lol beta testing
Demonology is the only “fun” spec I like with my Lock. But Ion doesn’t think it should even exist.
This team is so out of touch, it’s amazing that the game is holding up so well. I guess thanks to COVID and people stuck at home, that their sales are so good. What will happen when this is all over. Interesting thought. Can only soak it for so long.
MW and prot warriors are in such a bad spot that it’s crazy that there’s been nothing to address them in any of the balance passes.
Thx for leaving us boomkins alone. We are still the kings baby! Bow to the chickens!
Still no buff to ele Shaman?
Shaman needs a lot of gear and correct stats in comparison with other clases to sustain their dps in PvE.
Totally agree, as I said, to sustain elemental dps on pve needs more gear and correct stats than other classes.
No need to say is always rejected to do pve content.
Better buff hunter and mages…
About time.
Nothing but lazy and uninspired.
+3% damage increase won’t get me out of the “B tier” gutter.
Hello, I have a question for the blue, is it possible to get a little bit more details about the beast mastery buff. I’m asking because I’m wondering if this will affect the pet abilities as well since its a main part the spec part? For example, claw/smack/bite since I’m already fairly sure that change will already affect kill command.
Even though your response is clearly trolling… Even in ridiculous situations, that’s way over the top – especially for a class that has one viable spec.
Wouldn’t it be much more intelligent to direct your anger t’wards wanting other classes to be equally powerful, instead of one being obliterated ?
This class is way too powerful tank and needs to be brought in line with others. These are reasonable changes.
And nothing for Pallies?
Especially Ret pallies? Something for defence because I feel like a glass cannon at times.
40s cd demon spikes “reasonable”.
1min jump cd “reasonable”
Elysian Decree cooldown doubled “reasonable”
Brewmasters are performing near equally to Vengeance. Prot paladins are performing worse, but still functional. The only two non-viable 15+ tanks atm are guardian, and warrior.
Vengeance is in first place, but is far from an “outlier”. Very simple changes would make both Guardian, and Warrior viable – while not completely removing a class from the entire game.
this is typical they have no clue how to fix broken classes so just aura buff the hell out of them this is not going to fix things
I already pointed out earlier with this 3% buff Fury Warrior would have a total of 16% buff overall so far since launch.
If these constant small percentage buffs are not an indication that moving class power into borrowed power systems is a bad design I don’t know what is.
You know, you could have just saved yourself all this trouble is bad will with the people playing these classes if you just paid attention to them during the beta. I know Havoc was posting daily that our DPS was too low. Yet instead you wasted your development time on a new playstyle that you then removed a week before SL went live.
Hopefully some PvP changes are in the pipe and eventually you will get around to actually fixing the issues with these builds instead of slapping on the “+% damage” band aid.
My vulpera rogue needed that.
Why are we buffing enhancement and not elemental … Like …yes let’s make enhancement even further up the charts and leave ele in the dust
Still no buff to ele Shaman?
Today we will take a look at the DPS balance in Castle Nathria during the Week of January 19th. For this analysis we will use data provided by Warcraft Logs Mythic Castle Nathria statistics.
Elemental is top tier (8 of 24), not sure it’s in a bad position.
eventually you will get around to actually fixing the issues with these builds instead of slapping on the “+% damage” band aid.
You know the Blizzard stance – major reworks only happen between expansions. We just have to hope next time they don’t waste 4 months tweaking a single talent only to fail at it.