PROT warriors also nedd assistance greatly plz
Well I just unsubbed. If i continue to play it’ll be through wow tokens. I’m not spending my money on this anymore. Demon hunters need so much work and we get a 3% buff? 10% at least is needed. hell just buff our ST please! Do something besides this ffs.
This tells me nothing has changed since BFA.
Really happy with my decision not to buy Shadowlands.
I wonder if warriors require proper itemization>ilvl, as I have seen warriors in my M+ cash out 5-6k single target.
That I agree. As a tank myself, I keep seeing and hearing how no one takes warrior tanks. And I actually was going to main as warrior in SL at some point. That sucks. Prots do need a significant buff.
Another 4 passes like this and you’ll see assassination in the middle of the raid log pack!
Maybe they should have started tuning back in beta?
Too little, too late.
Arcane Mages need a buff and starting with Arcane Missiles is a great way to improve the spec. How about a 10% buff.
Survival getting a 5% increase good job Blizz you realized hunters have a 3rd spec. Now when are they actually going to get changed like other classes?
Why are we buffing enhancement and not elemental … Like …yes let’s make enhancement even further up the charts and leave ele in the dust
I think you guys forgot this:
Demon Hunter
- Vengeance
- All damage abilities decreased by 10%.
- Infernal Strike number of charges reduced to 1, cooldown increased to 1 minute
- Demon Spikes recharge increased to 40 seconds
- Elysian Decree (Kyrian) now has a 2 minutes cooldown
- Vengeance
Thank you Blizzard! Now people can’t say that your only paying attention to unimportant things.
And thank you to the forum mods, who have to put up with the toxicity of GD.
DH needs more than a 3% buff. DH needs closer to 6-8% buff.
Also Immolation Aura should be Chaos Damage so our mastery buffs it. Mastery is our worst stat by a huge percentage.
Meta should be a 3 minute cooldown. Balancing the class around a 4 minute cooldown is never going to work.
Yeah, I agree but Blizzard had ignored this spec for so long that I would literally be okay with just buff damage lol, as right now, I would love to see the latent potion legendary get buff and be as strong as it was in BfA.
Hi. Mistweaver monk here.
I know I’m unsubscribed, but I’m sure other people are still playing this spec. Can you remind someone on the dev team that we exist too? We sure have a lot of mana issues and absolutely nothing to bring to the table to make up for them.
I feel this. MW definitely needs attention. Every time I see updates and nothing for MW I die a little inside.
You are absolutely right, sir. Demo is really fun, but the design is severely flawed and has been since the beginning of Legion. Stacked AoE (melee is better), talented and stacked cleave or there is not cleave (melee is still better at this), ramp up time, really unforgiving rotation as you say that can swing wildly depending on mechanics/movement/mistakes, etc. Yes, a enough of a damage buff can overcome the issues, but I would rather see the toolkit rethought.
Demo, Destro, and pets for warlocks (17 year old warlock pets need an update to the current game) need a reimagining. Warlock’s neutral game, utility, outside of raid and sometimes pvp need a fresh approach. Utility for newer modes like Mythic+ is outdated/subpar in many cases.
ignoring PvP i see.
3% is all Havoc gets? At this rate it will be next expansion before Havoc will be brought up to where it needs to be, the NERF to our LEECH needs to be reverted, and our damage going up 3% is only giving us an extra 30 damage per 1000 done so 1030. This isnt going to be anywhere near close to a fix. We need our damage brought up way more, this was only an effort to shut us up for a week or 2 but will fix nothing. Bliz needs to realize the longer they take the longer players that paid money for this expansion will not be able to play their main in PVP or Raids, no one wants to invite Havoc, no one
All deeps touches eh? Still waiting that tank patch, sure it will be 3% more verse or something silly like that - woo!
Really buff destruction but leave demonology alone, why. That spec need some love.
They really need to stop doing these across the board buffs. The issue with Fury isn’t damage from the skills. I feel like enrage uptime needs to be increased slightly and the fact that we don’t have Cold Steel Hot Blood anymore from BFA. Which made up about 14% of our damage. 3% isn’t going to do anything. It also wouldn’t hurt to have an actual GOOD legendary.