I mean, it’s interesting to see flat damage buffs and no one getting nerfs.
Please address damage buff concerns in pvp. More damage and not less seems to be the wrong direction lol.
I mean, it’s interesting to see flat damage buffs and no one getting nerfs.
Please address damage buff concerns in pvp. More damage and not less seems to be the wrong direction lol.
Token 5% magic damage buff class will be taken to raid still unless there’s a vengeance
Guys, I know most of these buffs suck and all, but realize WoW MDI and AWC are still going on. There won’t be any major class tuning until these events are over. The blanket buffs are just temporary…hopefully. Until then, Blizzard just handed everyone a straw and told us to “suck it up” until they can actually provide us with detailed class/spec tuning fixes later down the road. I’d imagine we’ll expect it by Patch 9.1 just as AWC and MDI are on cooldown period until the summer.
Fury Warrior has had a total of 16% DPS buff since prepatch. I mean that really tells you that you guys nerfed them way too hard lol.
Really confused not seeing Demonology yet receive anything, is this an oversight?, I understand internally you may know what’s going on, perhaps this could be communicated in the Warlocks Class Forums.
Good joke skeleton!
Still no Mistweaver changes. Feels bad man.
Cool, now can we nerf warrior pvp damage by 3%? it’s the best spec in the game, let’s not buff it for no reason in PVP.
Oh wow, was not expecting this one. I appreciate it.
Incredibly minor increases to damage percentages don’t make un-fun specs suddenly fun to play.
Improving playflow is almost infinitely more time-consuming than turning knobs, though.
Measured expectations and all that…
Let the one-shotting commence , are we going back to wrath pvp, that was the best.
The measure of my expectations is that all classes are viable to play in a PvE environment without the lower end of the spectrum being basically non-existent due to either overwhelming weakness, or bizarre/clunky toolkits. I expect community feedback of what is/isn’t fun, and what is/isn’t performing adequately to be reviewed, and adjusted accordingly.
If that is unfair of me, then so be it. I’m unfair.
Not remotely unfair, no, but the bounds of fairness have little correlation with those of likelihood, sadly.
Tbf, I do hope they do at least start looking through the longest, most curated, and most constructive threads requesting, deliberating on, and requesting anew highly specific changes or points of attention. Granted, those are very few and far between on the OF these days, as most of that constructive and detailed community work has moved elsewhere over the last 8 or so years.
Blanket buffs are just a lazy way out. Some classes need some serious reworks for them to be useful.
This was known in the beta and you ignored it. oh and 5% for bm? lol so you just put them back before SL’s prepatch. Kill command hits for 8-900 @ 210 item level, what’s 5% gonna do to that? Cobra shot (a filler) hits harder than kill command, which is stupid.
Things really need to be looked into besides just blanket buffs to spells which isn’t gonna help the cause.
Thank you! Now if you could address them only getting pole arms and staves would be great.
Well at least druids have a fur coat, since they were (once again) left out in the cold when it comes to damage abilities increases.
Druids don’t need any damage increases lol.
So can I play fury yet? No? Ok
I just dont think 3% for arks nd fury is enough, but here’s hopong. Thanks forbthe continued effort tonfix warriors blizzard!! ^^