100% certain you are missing the mark by not including some kind of mistweaver change.
the spec in pve is being hard carried in representation by Sun King logs and is underperforming in other areas in the game. please address this.
100% certain you are missing the mark by not including some kind of mistweaver change.
the spec in pve is being hard carried in representation by Sun King logs and is underperforming in other areas in the game. please address this.
Super lazy. Havoc is fine AoE, just needs a big, big single target buff. Lol they are phoning it in with these lazy buffs.
Is there any chance you can help us on the methodology you use when doing this kind of stuff what does “underperforming classes” mean… people actually playing the class consistently lagging too far behind when accounting for power scailing or is it number of people unsubscribing out of frustration?
How did you quantify that either 3% or 5% was “close enough”?
even in lfr sun king is luls. XD
To be fair if the community would of unified in one resounding voice how bad covenants were and the massive difficulties they would have in balancing (which only detracts from the gameplay not adds like they envisioned) we could have avoided all this… wait we did that didn’t we?
Yeah, its kind of weird going back to old patch notes and seeing them adjust specific abilities in very particular ways with the old dev team and then new Dev team is just… yo lets just 3% all the things guys, thats fun and interesting… Its not even fun to read. It just lacks any aspect of care or interest in the game.
The new take on Classes is about as interesting as gearing has been since the new Dev team took over. Generic % increases that increase all the things in different, yet so similar ways that most classes can just go ILVL and be done with it. Fantastic stuff!
Just take my Prot Paladin since the new dev team took over. Its literally % dmg reductions to everything. Consecration 10% dmg reduction, Arden Defender 20% reduction, Guardian of the Ancient Kings 50% reduction. Everythings a percentage actually so its all relative. You get stronger, but its all so relative that it feels just… bland. Like you aren’t really making progress in some way.
Idk, its boring. Ive felt like this since WoD and no matter how hard I want to get into the game that same feeling of relative, bland power progression just hits you square in the face and I slowly stop caring.
What, you don’t enjoy the fact that if you’re unlucky and get offense, you waste 45 minutes? Or that 15 people leave the game on offense within the first minute, before the battleground even starts? Do you enjoy getting 99% offense like I have since SL (23 offense, 1 defense, dead serious).
Wintergrasp is blizzard laughing their asses off at us. If it was revealed that only 1 person is working at Blizz right now, part time, it would be 100% believable.
flip a coin 100 times. then do it again.
i got ToS 13 times in a row on my pally when i was leveling him, in bfa. left after the 1st boss. not likely, but possible.
She was wearing a bra with no shirt?
- All damage abilities increased by 3%.
- All damage abilities increased by 3%.
Warrior fury have no BURST…and just 3%+?
What are u guys doing blizzard…Learn to balance this game,17 years and u guys never learn.
Shaman enhanc +3%?
They can heal,they have massive burst and get same 3%+ like fury?
Who’s play with fury on pvp today?
Need to put some classes BACK TO PVP AGAIN.
Learn to balance it!
Hey, we are pretty much free kills too. Wanna hang out?
First time in a while someone added a gif that actually made me laugh.
Yeah,it said class tuning but it’s more like a spec tuning instead.
Read it again. It shows destruction 5% buff.
ARMS DOES NOT NEED THIS WTF, legit please give them this buff but reduce it by 5% in pvp.
I already get condemned for 8k like come on. They’re the most brain dead face roll free rating class right now
Sub Rogue should have been included in these buffs, it’s performing just as badly as these buffed specs in PvE.
Lazy balance team
Thanks ! Keep us informed
demon hunters arent as bad as people think they are, ive watched them kill people in literally 1 global, unavoidable damage, which in some ways is more broken than convoke and fire mage. If anything they dont need a buff at all, and also im a frost dk who raids and i do just a sliver lower dps than unholies and i use obliteration spec not even breath build, its a great time to be a frost dk idk wut u mean
MW buffs when? Also you guys must be content with the tank kite meta in M+. Nerf the damage some of this trash does so tanks don’t have to kite nonstop on fortified weeks. I bet tanks also like tuning passes.