Class Tuning Underway -- February 2

some need buffs in pvp . big changes


You can tune me anytime

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That’s Repulsive

Those who need buffs need something that’s not a flat 3% dmg buff. But things like enhance and frost dk and arm warrior do not need more damage in pvp. They need a lot less…That’s why I’m saying these changes should be separate from PvP altogether.

I agree certain classes are already ridiculous in pvp and not buffed for pvp

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who knows i use venthyr cause i like just another fail by blizz that the difference in covenants is so bad and not being adressed.

5% for Destruction is good, but I don’t think it’s good enough.

You could increase the damage output substantially, but that will only put a band-aid over the fundamental flaws in the kit… it’s too slow and clunky. The reason it was so strong at the end of BfA was because of haste stacking, and increased infernal windows, which sped up the spec, and that was completely removed going into SL. So, now we’re seeing the flaws representing the spec instead of its strengths. No spec or class should ever be immediately identified by it’s flaws, that’s a pretty good indicator that there’s something very wrong.

Destruction needs to have better utility/dps outside of Infernal windows, and it needs a better (or more) filler spells besides Incinerate (such as Fel Flame?). When SL hit, Destruction went back to being a 3 minute DPS spec, and on top of that there were a mountain of nerfs thrown at Warlocks, and predictably here we are.

Again, 5% is nice, but it doesn’t solve the real issues with the class.


PVE Ret Paladin with Will Poulter stare…“You guys got buffs?”

so you want them to do nothing?

…because i can assure you, no matter what they do, there will be people who are unhappy.
it’s how people around here operate.
they’re not happy unless they’re miserable… so they should be absolutely stoked to be angry.
(it’s sad that this sentence actually makes sense) :joy:

The most clueless changes I have ever seen tbh.


I mean that basically fits for all of those changes except for maybe Warrior (and Frost Mage but that’s different). They aren’t enough to change the current meta at all, they simply make people who play those specs less punished.

DKs are still better off being UH, Rogues better being anything other than Assassination, Hunters better being anything other than Survival and so forth.

In my opinion sv hunter needs a rework in some talents and a massive single target buff.


I’m not worried about a Meta change, and I’m not really worried about Destro performing incredibly well. What I am worried about are fundamental flaws in Destro’s kit which make the spec un-fun outside of Infernal windows, and how the class is just too slow (as are all Warlock specs realistically).

We’re talking about two different things.

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I just want my specs to be kind of consistent so I can choose the spec I want to play, and not be forced into a spec I don’t like.

While I like my class to be top of the charts, that’s not necessary for me to enjoy the game. If the specs aren’t competitive with one-another though, that’s a problem.


fury needs more than 3%

Still no Arcane Buffs - why has this spec been untouched since launch? It’s my favorite spec in the game and it’s always so sad to be so far behind fire. Two buffs for Frost mages in a row! But Arcane is untouched?? I hate not being able to mythic raid / being forced to play fire.

Yeah. Pretty much this.

Each of these specs needed about twice what they got, but the biggest issue is how lazy this was. You can’t just buff all damage abilities. You need to look at the specs and adjust the abilities independently. That’s “class design.” This was somebody looking at a spreadsheet and turning a big knob.

I welcome the buffs, but we have been waiting months for this, and this is all they had time for? Really? After months?

This should have been the first thing they did 4-5 weeks ago. They should be turning small dials now.

I’ve said it many times before, but this feels like a staffing issue. They just don’t have enough people to properly adjust this game. This is a big game. They should double or triple their class design staff. They can afford it.


Poor mistweavers are literally forgotten spec just like survival


Its just insane how lost they are with their own designs and how useless this “tuning” is.


Cool, now everyone gets to die even faster. Excellent. Why not just buff everyone’s damage 10,000% in instanced pvp? 0.001s TTK would be just as fun as the current sub 2 second TTK.

Buffing everyone to be able to global someone through DR is ridiculous. Tone down the damage output already. Hate the way the game is now. I’m so sick of being globaled.

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