Class Tuning Underway -- February 2

BM and SV Hunter need more than just 5% damage increase…


What? You don’t like adding traps and flares to your regular rotation?!

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Based on PvP balance being some of the worst I’ve seen in over a decade, I am starting to wonder if the developers legitimately forgot PvP even exists at this point.


There changes need to all be PvE ONLY. Blizzard, please make them not effective in instanced PvP. Warriors, for example, already do way too much damage in PvP; they need a nerf and certainly not a buff.


3% for enhance is laughable come on blizz.

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I realize it’s probably mathematically a nerf, but can Ferals get their old Berserk back so that it feels good to press again?

This is just so infuriating for Demonology. Once you get past Hungering there aren’t even enough parses to even know how bad it is, yet it’s ignored. Why do they hate demo so much?

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Please, SV hunter needs more than 5% buff


Does Blizz have a buffing budget? Does it have to go before a Panel? Are their Lobbyists?


Is it a freakin Christmas miracle? Blizzard updating the game? Communicating with us?!?

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I never left. I still pull decent numbers for the content I consume. I’m sure non-LFR raiders and Mythic + players have a completely different take on it.
5% is gonna be enough to feel the difference without being totally OP I think.

SV hunter literally being the lowest DPS spec… I think it needs more than 5%. At least 8-13%. I mean, at least they did something to SV since the beta…


Bliz. This is a start. Buff havok dh cds… 4 mins on meta really?


Okay but… healers and tanks exist, too?


Arms warrior needs a straight up rework. The BfA design does not work in the absence of BfA’s auxiliary functions.

Why no tank changes, though? Protection warrior is really bad right now.

Only seems to care about dps… cool

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This are the laziest changes ever, are you guys tuning tanks ? What about healers ?


Those changes are the lowest of the low bars for sure. And they can’t even get that right…

Almost sure that in a couple of days, you Blizz won’t see Mistweavers playing anymore.


Out of curiosity, what is Enhance currently being balanced around?

Based on playability and versatility Enhance Shaman are currently mostly using Doom Winds/Venthyr builds but Night Fae/Witch Doctors Bones is vastly better for single target.

So are they currently being balanced based on the lower potential damage of Venthyr builds or the higher potential damage of Night Fae Enhance?

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