A little early for April Fools…
Keep in mind, that in PVP various classes are ridiculously OP. Much stronger, relatively than a 64 elite. Some of them are even invisible. They make Torghast bosses look like nothing. They have Insta-kill.
And others are sitting ducks, turned into shaking puppets for 3 seconds.
some specs haven’t gotten any tuning at all.
Agreed. I can’t stand trying to fit in/upkeep that buff.
For everyone with their pitchforks out, its very rare to see tuning done this frequently, we just had a patch last week.
Of course there are many more specs for them to tune but hopefully they have heard the criticism about not doing small incremental tuning and this is the start of a new chapter for blizzard.
that’s the way tuning works.
gotta start somewhere.
Good point. Maybe the only time the pendulum didn’t swing like an axe. Way better than some of their past tunings.
3% for Havoc? Thats it? How about you change that number to 10% and revert the defensive nerfs you did at the start of the xpac. And also how about you guys fix my mainhand weapon, I have opened a ticket for it a month ago, still no fix. The spelling is still “Gladaitor” and I still can’t transmog it.
Great, my green-fire-mage brothers get a bone. Now how about buff’n Demo out of it’s pit?
what a joke…
Not all, but they have listened =D
So did we miss Arcane? How is it that all classes mentioned outperform arcane, but are still getting buffs ahead of arcane?
Someone else pointed out earlier, but you look at all the changes they made to Mission table followers for the 2 Covenants that were lacking, and they are substantial changes.
Then you look at what they’re doing for actual class balance/tuning purposes, and it’s flat low number aura buffs. Just turning a knob.
That’s just sad.
I dont wanna shoot a gift horse in the mouth, but these changes are a bit tone deaf on the actual situation some classes face. Hopefully the next major patches have some actual ability tuning.
SLAP in the FACE
Hi. Thank you for attempting to do tuning. Please be advised that 3% buffs are not what is required to bring the bottom dps up to par and I humbly ask you to re consider increasing this to something meaningful.
As an example, I took a look at havoc DH vs windwalker monk and compared the single target damage difference on mythic hungering destroyer. I used parses from WCL with same times and same rank of parses. There are obviously other factors involved here and the math isnt perfect its just a point to put a dot on the map to start to see where were kind of at. Keep in mind this would only put havoc at or near the top of melee dps, this would not make them the ultimate #1 single target pumper (Shadow priest would still smoke you as well as some ranged classes)
I added it up and you would need approximately 10% damage increase from all abilities or if you only buffed our ST ability chaos strike/annihilation that damage output would have to increase by 27%.
Again, yes there is a lot of factors involved its complicated but its just a quick look into the damage differential were missing and the gap that would need to be closed.
I also do not currently think flat damage increases are the solution to the classes performing at the bottom right now. The class design simply doesnt match up with the timings and situations that other classes have kit for. I understand there is a special hidden place on the internet where this is discussed, hopefully this is being done but it doesnt look good when you get a 3% buff after 2 months of seeing your previous round of buffs didnt do much.
A good example of this kit issue is a mage. When you give them their 2 minute cooldowns every 1 minute, and give them uncapped aoe while capping most classes at 5, this means every single team in the MDI will run them in every comp and every map and only dont run more than one because you wont let them.
This makes my Frost Death Knight happy.
I too would like my spec to be utterly broken.
Seriously, Destro is needing some help but demo needs some buffs.
Not even in damage, just make all summoned minions attack on /petattack, stop attacking on /petpassive, and snap them to the owner when taking portals.
Many other things needed, but that fixes the basement issues at least.
Small frequent buffs and nerfs are great to see!