Class Tuning Underway -- February 2

5% for sv hunter? Our problems are solved lol

OP specs receiving buffs makes me crazy


unfortunately, blizzard is to incompetent to nerf pally/disc/shaman

Honestly pally is the top raiding class by a long shot. Pally heals the most and does the most DPS at same time. How is that allowed to stay?

Oh I am well aware. Needs structural change.

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Raise awareness about Holy Priests and healing tuning:

The meta keeps adjusting, and all the specs are moving forward, but Holy Priest is drifting away with a solid 10-25% less healing overall on every boss.

Also lackluster Healing / Mana in PvP

(please check warcraft logs mythic statistics)

A lot of players love Holy priest but we feel it’s hard to get invited in pretty much all types of content playing the spec. The covenant choice is different than Discipline so we are kind of locked-in since the beginning of the expansion.

there’s no real reason right now to bring holy priest, resto druid or mist weaver monks.

It’s sad that blizzard hasn’t addressed these classes. Disc/shaman/pally needs a strong nerf also.

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Arms warrior buffed? LOL

The most op pvp spec…

Oh yay I’m glad they added this! Now I hope for Arcane! Fingers crossed! :heart_eyes:

(They didn’t have Destro on here originally, so I asked, and it’s very nice that it’s added now!)

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Read more thoroughly.

you’re talking about raid. MM aoe burst is miles above everyone that is not a fire mage and needs to be nerfed. i do not care about raid balancing. it’s a boring, stale, outdated game mode.

How bout no

And how about they give it the attention it needed when they bought out the new xpac and funnelled all the effort into marks

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They added that later, but sure.

  • Warlock
    • Destruction
      • All damage abilities increased by 5%.

hm… so many non monks in this thread commenting about mw. :expressionless:


Agreed. I also wish wild spirits was different. I hate laying that down just to have the boss move right out of it. Then I am just stuck there.

Arcane when? Announce Arcane


How about increasing baseline running speed by 10% for all Warlocks. We are like hobbling grandmas.

What about Demonology?

Buff the demon pets Buff everything. Shorten those casts. Fix the Big demon so we can call them without killing an ally.


Give dots some power so they work in pvp.

Buff PVP for Warlocks! Buff the Pets.

One melee and we are dead in 3 seconds.

Make Fear, Howl etc. actually castable when locked, stunned, silenced and will actually work in PVP.


A what? What is a “demo?”


This has been answered for almost 10 years now ,its just players not getting it.

Here is a rough example : Say they have a metric that X mob needs to die in 3 minutes.
Class A kills it in 3 minutes
Class B in 1 minutes
Class C in 2 minutes.

According to them all classes have met the requirement of doing the content and they stop balancing .Guess what players do ? They pick Class B and whine about Buffs for Class A and C every expansion every patch e.t.c.

Here is an honest question do you think the buffs that Blizzard has given above is to meet players expectation or their expected metrics ?? :rofl:

Looks at all the DHs around him Are we a joke to you? Because I think its not very funny. At all. Very out of place April Fools Joke.


where is the tuning?
why isn’t there any tuning?

tuning announced.


…it’s almost as if these responses were predictable. :joy: