Class Tuning Underway -- February 2

Thank you !

The Frost DK in particular is crazy, they’re already S tier because of their aoe stun.

We WISH it was a raid buff. WF Totem only hits your party :frowning:

More please. :rofl:

How about un-gutting Legacy of the Frost Witch legendary. So that we can do meaningful ST dps?

Or, ya know… make our #1 most used ability (Storm Strike) scale with out mastery?

Thank you for making changes. However, this needs to be done a bit more often to be meaningful.

BWAHAHAHAHA -laughs in El resitas-


We’ve decided to additionally change:

  • Warlock
    • Destruction
      • All damage abilities increased by 5%.

And this is now added to the OP here.

We’ve… decided?

Are you just buffing on a whim?


You couldn’t tell that from all the other meaningless buffs?

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You tell that to millions of Fire Boi

Damage buff its always good.

But i think Warlock Damage is already “ok”, the main problem its the mobility and survivability.

Same with Frost DK. They need more defensives buffs first, i think.


I’m sorry they want to play a thematically weaker spec. Purple pride


like theres 24 dps specs right it makes sense that obviously theres going to be better classes. theres only 6 healers. mistweavers have been complaining FOREVER to do SOMETHING. theres no way that you can see how theres virtually no mistweavers in any content and think hmm… nothing wrong here! literally more holy priests than mistweavers in m+ like ??? the game is being ruined for mistweavers cuz we get denied from every piece of content. ill just pet battle or something to pass the time at least i wont get denied from that


AAAaaaaahhhh-mazing. So Blizzard is still standing behind their desire to have no one playing Demonology? What a crock…


Because it’s just clowns running things over at Blizzard now. Clearly.


this won’t make people play survival, just revert it to ranged and admit you were wrong


how are yall gonna do all that specific tuning for mission table companions then when it comes down to some actual spec tuning it’s just like SLAP here’s a 3% damage increase. a bunch of comedians over there at blizzard.


The fact these changes are met with nothing but laughter from the player base shows how out of touch Blizzard has become.

Those 5% buffs ain’t gonna change anything, chief. Most classes and covenants are going to require atleast a complete rework to become functional. So why not just throw the towel and admit this expansion was a huge failed experiment?

Maybe you guys can start rebuilding from there…


Warlocks need major work on all their specs. They just don’t play very well regardless of where they end up in the parses. For example, there’s a ton of ramp-up for Demonology and the overall toolkit is very thin. Not to mention the feel is terrible with swarms of AI-run minions that keep you in combat well after its over and which attack things that you don’t even have targeted.


Seriously % number changes? That’s it?



Warlock problems run way deeper than that.

Destruction will never work well as long as Blizzard insist on balancing the spec toward full use of Havoc, which causes the spec to be garbage outside of intense 2 target cleave fights.

Now the funny thing is, even when the spec is supposed to be at its strongest during heavy cleave fights, it still get outshined by affliction.

And that one is just one problem from one of the specs, let’s not even start talking about how demonology only works when you use a PvP trinket that increases your health due to Tyrant shenenigans.